10 Amazingly Helpful Benefits of Semen

10 amazing Benefits of semen.


1. Semen is a natural anti-depressant

10 Amazingly Helpful Benefits of Semen

Sperm naturally elevates your mood and can even reduce suicidal thoughts.

Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/all-about-sex/201101/attention-ladies-semen-is-antidepressant

Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn2457-semen-acts-as-an-anti-depressant/

2. It can help you sleep
10 Amazingly Helpful Benefits of Semen

Man juice contains melatonin, A sleep-inducing agent.

3. Natural anxiety reducer
10 Amazingly Helpful Benefits of Semen

It also boasts anti-anxiety hormones like oxytocin, serotonin, and progesterone. So it really is happy juice :)

4. Increases energy
10 Amazingly Helpful Benefits of Semen

5. Improves Memory
10 Amazingly Helpful Benefits of Semen

But, Only if you swallow!

6. Improves mental alertness
10 Amazingly Helpful Benefits of Semen

Again, Only if you swallow :o

7. Good for the skin and slows down the aging process.

* Sperm Facial Treatment By Tracy Kiss

10 Amazingly Helpful Benefits of Semen

10 Amazingly Helpful Benefits of Semen

It's chock full of zinc goodness.......

Source: https://www.medicaldaily.com/extraordinary-things-you-can-do-sperm-242190

So, Rub it in!

8. Prevents morning sickness
10 Amazingly Helpful Benefits of Semen

But, Only if it's the same semen that knocked you up in the first place..........

9. Semen Increases Sex Drive
10 Amazingly Helpful Benefits of Semen

It's full of testosterone, Which increases the libido in both males and females.

*Can be absorbed through the vaginal walls or by swallowing

10. Semen Can Increase Lifespan
10 Amazingly Helpful Benefits of Semen

It contains spermidine, Which has been found to increase lifespan.

*Grapefruits are also an excellent source of spermidine

Jizz (seminal plasma) contains all kinds of health benefits




-opiod peptides


- serotonin








-Lactic acid







-Vitamin B 12

-Prostate specific antigen

-Proteolytic enzymes

-Ascorbic Acid/Vitamin C

A bunch more i'm not listing

So, The ballsack is just a magical bag of goodness for the ladies!

Another prime example of how Men just give, And they give.............

10 Amazingly Helpful Benefits of Semen

Super Special thanks to

- Kimberly Resnick Anderson @SEXTALKKIMBERLY

-Tracy Kiss

- selfhacked.com

2 11

Most Helpful Guy

  • I find it amusing how apeveryone is like "if it's so great then try it yourself!" But if a man actually ate their own semen everyone would think he is strange and perverted. Be careful what you wish for or you'll be kissing cum lips instead of clean and dry ones.

    • Yeah, This take is bringing out the viciousness in women. And there are ways to absorb your own orgasm for the benefits, The most popular being tantric.

    • I don't know why girls are getting so uppity about this. You didn't say "SWALLOW MY CUM WHORES!" You only pointed out that there can be health benefits.

    • The thought of it disgusts a lot of Women. And, according to research their disgust level actually goes up when aroused.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • "Improves Memory"

    ... so, if you ever forget an anniversary, does this mean yr girl should make you swallow a few of yr own loads? Lick it ALL up boyo! 😉
    She's only doing it to help you...

    • That made me giggle

    • I have swallow mine, I have a good memory

    • Lol on this comment!

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19 29
  • Basically semen is a part of reproductive mechanism and in biology it is said half cell. The other half cell is egg in female body, and when these two combines - a new life began. It is full of vital forces and power-packed with hormones and genetic matter. All these benefits can be attributed to it. Blowjob and sex without condom or other protective like barrier creams (except BC pills) is pleasing, increasing intimacy between two and just making happy to both - but much more to women.

  • It should never be wasted. Someone should be eating it or saving it for later as a popsicle. Waste not want not.

    • I like how you think

    • it should never be. if i jack off, i freeze it for my girl. she knows it’s not to be waisted.

  • Nice try. It's true that semen contains some nutrients, but there's nothing in there that you won't get from simply eating a balanced diet and taking a multivitamin. Plus, the amount of nutrients actually present in the tablespoon or so of semen you produce in one go is going to be pretty negligible. Any real benefits you think you're seeing are probably a placebo affect (otherwise, someone is swallowing an enormous amount of semen). There's nothing wrong with swallowing if it's what you enjoy, but penises do not in fact produce some magical health potion. Sorry.

    • Nice try, Yourself. 'But you are just making things up :/

    • Haha

    • You know I'm not making it up.

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  • I'm a cum lover and think most of this has some merit, but some of it is just plain funny. #1, #3, #4, #6 and #9 (I hope I got those right) ring true for me. The rest doesn't. But your sex humor is good. Now to get serious. I swallow every morning and have been doing so for about 17 years now, so I have a lot of experience. I consider myself to be very lucky in that regard. I'll bet not very many women my age get to swallow cum as often as I do. Anyway, I get a high after swallowing, but I know it's just a mental thing. I get so pumped up with excitement and enthusiasm while I'm waiting for him to cum into my mouth. I'm sure that's what puts all sorts of endorphins and such into my brain, not the cum. That tablespoon or so of cum just goes down into my tummy and that's that.

    • I hope to marry a cum lover 😊

    • @TheSpartan Cool, then that's what you should do. There's lots and lots of us out there. Don't marry a girl who is sexually incompatible with your needs, that's for sure. While chatting with guys online I've heard so many sob stories it's depressing. I get tired of hearing them. My own husband is so easy to sexually satisfy and it's such a pleasure to do so that it's almost unfair. I have no understanding of why some women just don't get it.

    • You suck your man's cock every morning? If for whatever reason he is no longer around let me know! :)

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  • In my late 20s I dated a woman who wanted me to cum on her hair. Then she would rub it in. She claimed the male cum has a lot of protein and makes her hair shine.

    She did have beautiful hair. I sometimes wondered how many guys she had unloading on the top of her head every week...