1. Vagina muscles can be trained
2. Most vaginas are between 2-5 inches deep.
3. Squalene, responsible for the vaginas lubricationis also found in shark liver.
4. If the vagina muscles have cramps during sex, the penis may get stuck inside.
5. Vaginas are very flexible.
6. Vaginal tightening is one of the most popular surgeries.
7. Not all women have a g-spot.
8. When a woman is turned on, blood circulation increases and it leads vagina to swell.
9. Vagina means sheath in the hold of knife or sword.
10. Your diet may affect how your vagina smell.
11. The clitoris has more nerve endings than anywhere else on the body.
12. You can have four different kinds of orgasms; clitoral, vaginal, blended, and multiple.
13. It cleans itself.
14. The surrounding area often can be different colors.
15. Your vagina is more acidic than the rest of your body.
16. Very rarely, women are born with two vaginas.
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