16 Penis Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!

16 Penis Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!

1. Cigarettes can stunt the penis.

2. The surrounding areas can be sensitive too.

3. Penis means "tail".

16 Penis Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!

4. Only 6% of the world’s population of men needs an extra-large sized condom.

5. Penises get smaller if you smoke.

6. Diet affects the taste of semen.

16 Penis Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!

7. Germany gets the most penis enlargement procedures in the world.

8. The average male orgasm lasts 6 seconds.

9. Every penis in the womb starts as a clitoris.

16 Penis Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!

10. Penises can break.

11. Some penises have multiple heads.

12. The penis shrinks if unused.

16 Penis Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!

13. You can’t tell from a flaccid penis how big it will be when it’s erect.

14. The smallest natural penis recorded is 2 inches.

15. Phallophobia is the fear of a penis.

16. Babies can get erections in the womb.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • Certainly some facts we could never have finished the day without knowing! LOL

  • these pictures are so funny

Most Helpful Guys

  • I'm pretty sure the smallest penis ever recorded is smaller than 2 inches

    • Yup... i thought the same thing dude

  • They should put that about smaller penises in anti-smoking ads.

    • Late at night of course.

    • No, show them aduring the day as well so that way the teens see it, and everyone knows that teen guys are self-conscious about their dick size

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 10
  • Keep in mind that it is an organ and needs vitamins and proteins to function properly. This is where a good penis health creme comes in.. these are loaded with nutrients and deliver them all directly to the penis for maximum benefit. I use one called Man1 Man Oil... it is awesome. Check it out.

  • Thanks for the laugh XD

  • sorry, number 12 is just one of those nonsense things guys say to scare other guys into trying to get laid as soon as possible. it might shrink due to natural aging, but not from "non-use". There is no "use it or lose it" truth.

  • None of these are even factual or not common knowledge

    • Maybe ot all factual... but some of them are true. n most of us know which ones they are... its written in our secret "owners "MANUAL"... hahaha

  • Nice one, funny and educational.