4 Reasons Why I Don't Use Birth Control

1. Medical Expenses

Why I Don't Use Birth Control

I think birth control is a waste of money. I also think that pregnancy and STDs are as preventable as obesity, Type II diabetes, and stroke. Sure, you may depend on drugs to avoid the bad stuff in life, but sometimes it's just easier to avoid the kinds of behaviors that lead you into the bad stuff in life.

2. I Am Not A Test Subject Or Experiment

4 Reasons Why I Don't Use Birth Control

I am aware that some women have bad experiences with using certain types of using birth control and look for the birth control that is right for them. Not me. I believe that being exposed to the toxins and potentially harmful chemical reactions of the universe is a part of life, but intentionally doing so by testing out different types of hormonal birth control may have unforeseen consequences down the road.

3. Birth Control Is Not Necessary For Healthy Living

4 Reasons Why I Don't Use Birth Control

I believe in the power of a nutritious diet. A nutritious, balanced diet should cure and prevent most ailments. I would rather depend on the Food Pyramid instead of pharmaceutical drugs for the rest of my life.

Birth control is a needless drug. Humans have survived millennia without hormonal contraceptives. Instead, physical barriers, behavioral adjustments, and cultural patterns can really limit human population quite efficiently.

4. I Am Single

4 Reasons Why I Don't Use Birth Control

Perhaps, the most important reason is that I am single. As a single person, I just don't need birth control at all. I also don't engage in risky sexual behaviors or go to seedy places for a hook-up. I condemn the practice of non-committal sex and the wild party lifestyle. I reject the belief that sex is a need. A person can be stranded on a desert island and can still live on the island, if he has food and water. He may get extremely lonely, but he can still live. If another person is added onto the desert island, then the two stranded persons may start stimulating each other sexually as part of social interaction. But is sex necessary to live? No. It's just required to maintain one's relationships.

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What Girls & Guys Said

20 22
  • Why I use Birth Control (IUD)
    1 - I don't wanna get pregnant
    2 - I need it as treatment for PCOS
    3 - It takes away my period
    4 - Clears up my acne
    5 - Boobs are fuller
    We also survived without plumbing, electricity, medicine, nice housing, structure, etc etc. Have fun with that babe

  • Just sounds like a bitter opinion from someone not getting any action in the sheets.

    • lol.

  • Alright. Just curious then, what's your take on natural family planning, i. e. timing your menstrual cycle so that you don't get pregnant during sex? It doesn't require drugs and is above 95% effective from what I remember.

    • I believe that the condom is a more effective birth control method. It is non-hormonal, as it goes outside of you. Natural family planning is also acceptable, but only for married couples. Unmarried couples should abstain from sex altogether.

    • True that a condom is more effective, but I don't know how I'd feel with one on. Thanks for the reply!

    • There are very thin, durable condoms. That should give you a reason to use a condom instead of relying on a female hormonal contraceptive. As a matter of fact, only condoms can prevent pregnancy and disease. Birth control pills and other hormonal contraceptives can't. So, a condom really is superior.

  • Why I use birth control:
    1) On the NHS, it's completely free, I've swapped pills, always have the option of IUDs, patches, anything. On demand. Which is fair as I pay more than enough tax to cover these costs like 50 times.
    2) The hormones in my bc are very low and do not change my moods, regulate my period and make my skin great. I am confident that the takeaway I eat every week is healthier than the pill I take.
    3) Birth control is necessary for my healthy living as I am sexually active and do not want a child. Labour and pregnancy right now, without the support, will cause me stress, depression, pain. Did you know 1 in 4 women who have natural labour suffer from incontinence.
    4) I am not single. So I have sex, and it's safe and healthy and happy, and I'm not gonna stop- until we breakup.

    • If you write a reverse Take, then you could get promoted or featured. ;)

  • I thought the only reason you would use birth control is if you're in a long term relationship or you're married and you don't want to get pregnant? Assuming you don't have a medical condition that can be alleviated by taking birth control.
    Of course you don't need to spend money on pills that you don't need.

  • I expected something like trapping a man into fatherhood.
    But okay, that isn't the case here.
    There is no point in birth control if you don't have sex at all - like me. But what if you engage in sexual activity anytime? Would you get on birth controls? Or are you asexual?

  • Tl;DR
    Because I'm waiting until marriage.

  • those chemicals are harmful af

  • Yes, birth control without sex is pretty silly.

  • Hormone pill is harmful, violates the natural hormone balance, cause cancer, reduced libido... should be avoided.

  • Yeah i like this. I really love it when girls are ovulating it turns me on.

  • more bukakkes less Birth control pills

  • Obviously if you're a virgin you don't need birth control. It's sad how ignorant people are about these matters.

    Also, when you do eventually get married and have sex, you're going to be one of those idiots that hardly uses any preventative methods yet still calls their pregnancy an "accident".

    If a woman is using birth control FAITHFULLY (not "forgetting" or missing ANY days) AND her husband is using condemns, the chances of pregnancy are practically mute. You can't be lenient with protection if you're serious about not having children.

  • Great take! Same plus I am waiting until marriage.:)

  • Some of us use it for health reasons other than preventing pregnancy. Long story short, I have a condition for which I was prescribed it to help promote my uterine health and future fertility later. So, try not to be quick to judge those of us who use BC for actual health reasons.

  • hey titties, don't be so bitter. =)

  • I'm not a fan of birth control either, but my main reason is that I have a SUPER duper healthy diet and take lots of care of my body, and the idea of stuffing a bunch of hormones down my throat isn't exactly my cup of tea.
    I do LOVE sex tho, and I put an IUD since I started dating.

  • this is obviously satire

  • Well that wasn't really persuasive as it makes the op just sound like they hate medicines and into all that homeopathic stuff. But at the end of the day it's given for a reason...

  • This wasn't persuasive at all. I much prefer birth controls and would recommend everyone to get them or try.