5 Things To Know About Periods

Now don’t panic. Some girls have them late or early in their teens. It can be scary or can be a glorified exciting moment. However for me personally I remember having my period and freaking out because no one ever told me what a period was. I literally was sitting on the toilet thinking I was dying while my cousin ran down stairs telling the family and all I can hear is them happy and cheering about it. It’s important for young female teens or females in general about what a period is. These are my 5 things to know about periods.

5 Things To Know About Periods:

1. How Do You Tell Anyone About Your Period

5 Things To Know About Periods

Now it can be tough to ask your parents, talk to a teacher or anyone about your period. Some parents or some people might feel uncomfortable discussing this topic. Just know that when discussing about your period that it’s okay to open up, it’s okay to be vulnerable for a few minutes and that every girl goes through this (you’re not alone). For me I sadly learned the hard way because well I felt like I was dying while my family was having a celebration about it. No one ever told me and when it happened my mother then decided to talk to me about periods which overwhelmed me a bit. Sometimes going to a guidance counsellor helps a lot (usually a female) or even seeing your doctor helps as well and going to a doctor they can give you more advice on how to talk to your parents or give you advice on what happens during a cycle etc.

2. How Does a Tampon Work

5 Things To Know About Periods

I never understood what a tampon was until High School. I had to wear them because I was into sports, constantly active and I really didn’t want to feel like I was wearing a diaper 24/7. A tampon is inserted into the vagina. It’s made of soft material with a string at the bottom. It will take time to get use to wearing a tampon, however remember that after a few hours (for me I usually wait 4 hours) to change it. Also some applicators can be either be plastic or cardboard (personally I use tampons pearl because it’s plastic and it doesn’t hurt as much). Also if you are absolutely unsure check out the tampon box you purchased, it should have instructions.

3. Can I Go Swimming

5 Things To Know About Periods

Actually you can and the perk of swimming is that once you’re in the water your period stops for a certain period of time. My best suggestion is that when you do swim to not wear a pad (too bulky and it will come off) wear a tampon instead. Make sure once you are done swimming to change into a new pad or tampon (in case of germs etc.).

4. What Happens If You Have No Pads/Tampons Handy

5 Things To Know About Periods

Well you have options.

· Borrow from a friend

· Buy some in the restroom dispenser

· Visit the school nurse if you’re at school

· Call home or call your mom/dad

· If you are desperate and don’t want your clothes to get stained, get a bunch of tissue and place them on your underwear. This won’t last long so make sure to quickly get a pad or tampon fast.

If you feel nervous/ scared to tell the school nurse, teacher or adult I find it writing it down is easy. For me I remember I needed a tampon once and I was shy to ask a teacher so when she was in her office alone I slowly placed a piece of paper beside her and basically wrote “I am having my time of the month, please help” which right away she did and also was there to give me advice since I didn’t have a lot of knowledge on a period or how to use a tampon.

5. What If I Have Leakage

5 Things To Know About Periods

Oh no! This happens, but have no fear you will be fine. If you aren’t home and need to get changed, quickly take any sweater or jacket you have and tie it around your waist. Once you do that get a tampon or pad fast so it doesn’t make a mess on your jeans more. Make sure you get changed quickly when you have a chance. You’ll need to rinse out your pants/ underwear with cold water. Sometimes, the stain will come out and sometimes it won’t. For extra protection on heavy days usually wearing a pad and tampon at the same time helps a lot. Also don’t wear bright coloured underwear or pants when you are on your period in case this happens.

Alright so I hope that this helps. If you know what else can help other females out with their periods please comment below. If you’d like for me to make a post about something else please message me. Thank you and god bless :) <3

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Most Helpful Girl

  • I went through the "thought I was dying" moment when I got my period too. I was 9 and my mom was single and rarely home because she was working a lot. It was during the home so I was home alone a lot, then one day I went to the bathroom and there was blood in my underwear, I FREAKED. I didn't know who to tell because I only had brothers, even if I'd had sisters I don't think i'd tell them. I thought something must have been wrong with me and I was slowly dying with some disease. For some reason i'd thought when you got your period it had to hurt in your vagina really badly. Like it felt like you were cut or something (because blood is coming out, duh). So because I didn't feel hurt down there, I figured it was something different. I knew what periods were, but not that well because I was still only 9. Finally after days of locking myself in my room crying and wondering what age I'd make it to, I decided to call my mom's work. I told her what happened and how I thought I might be dying and she explained to me that I'd gotten my period and to go get a pad from her bathroom. I was ecstatic that, no, I was not dying and that I was on my way to womanhood. I went into my 11 year old brother's room and told him "GUESS WHAT!!! I THOUGHT I WAS DYING FOR DAYS BECAUSE MY VAGINA WAS BLEEDING BUT IT TURNS OUT I JUST GO MY PERIOD!!! I'M GOING TO GO PUT THIS PAD ON! I'M NOT DYING!" To which he replied, "well i'm glad you aren't dying, but ew. did I need to know that?"

    Sorry, that was really long, but I'm glad another girl recognizes the support a young girl needs when starting her period and it brought back this hilarious time. All my friends think it's so funny that I thought I was dying.

    • *it was during the summer

Most Helpful Guy

  • "I sadly learned the hard way because well I felt like I was dying while my family was having a celebration about it."

    You and me both (except for the period, I had different events), horrible experiences indeed *hug*

    Cheers for the take! I enjoy science and facts and no mysteries. Good to know, good to know!

    It would also help a lot if a girl would like a guy to do (to back off?) in the event of an appearing period - the honest way.

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  • Hydrogen peroxide became my best friend in the early days of menstruation.
    Great MyTake.

    I remember forgetting to take pain meds to school a lot during those early days. In college, I always have a fast action encase things try to get out of hand.

    And oh the terror of thinking your period is coming on. I would have these freak outs during lectures or assemblies that my period was on. Thank heaven, it was never true. Fingers crossed it is never true.

    • Oh I know how you feel! I would take a small leave from classes just to check if I was having my period and it was never the case lol

    • Lol, looks like I wasn't the inky one. #periodparanoia

    • Only*!!! I don't think you're inky!

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  • The first and last images are totally me right now. You'd think these things would get easier after all the years we've dealt with them. Nope, they don't. They don't at all.

    Good myTake!

  • I feel the pain before and during the period. I could feel my boobs swelling, my back cracking, and my head aching.. The worse part is in the stomach.. You become emotional, horny and moody at the same time. (Watch out guys!) and fyi, compressing your tummy with hot water in a bottle glass would help relieving the pain somehow. Try it :)

  • I want to be left alone during that time. Especially the first 2-3 days. Hand me a couple of chocolates and a bunch of rented movies and
    Stay. Away.

  • when I got my first period, I thought I was dying and woke up my parents to tell them that I love them and my sisters were celebrating lol

    • Oh that's the worst is when you feel like you're about to die and everyone is partying about it lol

  • I remember freaking out about my first orgasm because no one told me about it, I thought something had ruptured or broken :-/

    • Haha wow... Parents need to inform their teens more about these things.

    • Didn't it feel good though?

    • @26ukdude

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  • Oh my god that last image... It's literally me right now 😭😫

  • My girl Hannah was a bit like you she told me that she did not really understand very well originally and needed a bit of help on the matter but her older sister sat down with Hannah and explained everything again and hugged her and said "Hannah every girl goes through it but don't worry you will be ok besides your becoming a young woman" I think that's an awesome big sis.

  • It's a very nice take.
    Poor you that you felt you were dying and your family was celebrating.
    For guys its not that scary, cause first we get boner for 20-30 seconds. It was funny for me when I started getting control there, I was able to make it jump up and it automatically went down, like Controlling a finger.
    I remember first time I came, it freaked me out a bit I felt like I was playing much, I ruptured my balls and now internal material is flowing out, I didn't talked about it to you parents, but in 2-3 days my friends during a group chat, I was just listening got me one clue that there was nothing wrong, I was safe, when they said, ' White cum' is the result of ejaculations, so I waited for a month before I tried it again, then slowly as hormones kicked in I felt things and my friends, educated me on the rest.

    • Haha that made me laugh hard thank you :)

    • I am glad, you had a laugh, I always was curious until 13 that what happens to girls around age of 11, first they are fun, playing games, running, taking part in sports and then suddenly one day, they. Stop even looking at others they form groups, they don't talk to boys the same way. Some of then acted so weird I thought they were dying of cancer or something. They look depressed and sad, I used to think something was wrong in their lives, I wanted to approach a group of girls are just ask them why are they acting like that, good thing I never did. Next thing I noticed was, they were slowly becoming similar to the adult women's I met in my life... I was so curious I waited an year as we were allowed in 9th standard into library, I went for high school biology book to read how males function where I found how females function too, I spent a week in understanding the stuff, a couple of times the librarian madam gave me this weird look. So I now knew what was wrong!

    • But still today I wanna have a long talk with a girl, how period feels, like a person to person talk to make things clear and understand woman's better. I never had such a talk with women, I know it's lady to lady stuff, but most guys aren't clear about how women's function, how periods make them emotional, not even until there marriage, My father 49 still does not knows that period makes women emotional and horny, and that is why my mom gets dramatic each month, and fights. My father thinks she hates, her and wants to fight. Most of the guys fail to understand at this spot, that how to deal with women on periods. That is why I really wanna have a long talk on it so I understand everything.

  • I wish I was told how painful a period could be. My mum told me she also had crazy painful cramps in her earlier years. I underestimated it and would be crying for ages. Now I pop two ibuprofen the moment I eat breakfast to avoid that. But good thing my mum taught me how to get rid of stains.

  • I like the last image hehe

  • Thanks for posting this , one of the main reasons I'm on GaG , is to gain info from you lovely younger peeps , this helps me be a better father to those little people in my picture. My little lady is currently 9 y/o... all this will be on me within 2-3 years , I'm gearing up to buy her tampons / sanny towels already.

    • And chocolate. Don't forget the chocolate. :]

    • @fondue She's actually making herself a hot chocolate right now. Is this practice? lol

    • Lol! She's getting into the habit already.

  • Having sex or orgasms during your period could ease cramps and end a period sooner.

    • Really? I never knew that at all.

    • Yes and to guys like me period sex simply feels amazing

    • Yeah for my boyfriend he feels the same way. However we have rules when it comes to period sex.

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  • can't imagine what i'd be like to have blood dripping out of my dick once a month

    • Scary image lol

    • thats how i feel about periods

  • 6- Hand her a board of chocolate if you want to win her? Not sure if works with all females but i would appreciate any response from ladies especially.

  • My grandmother told me she had hers when she was about 11 or 12 I think. She was swimming in the river, and when she got back to the shore she noticed she was bleeding. She was scared because she thought a fish had bitten her and told her mom. Of course, being the 1960's, they blamed her, somehow.

  • Okay, I read a similar type of Mytake a year ago on here and the mytake owner described how she suffered as she didn't have prior knowledge about periods.

    One thing I don't understand - why doesn't your mom tell you about periods beforehand? The other Mytake owner had the same case. Nobody told her about it.

    I think moms should tell their daughters about it beforehand so that they wouldn't panic as you did.

    I assume my sister was aware about periods because my mom told her before she had her first one.

    • I wasn't told because I wasn't a teen during the time (12). I guess she felt like I wasn't ready yet to know. Also like she is very conservative so my mother doesn't really say much about sex or periods. I was coming from a family trip to Montreal and it felt like I had to pee really REALLY badly and it turned out I was on my period. Was very embarrassing and also I was in a complete panic since I had no idea what was going on. I agree how mothers should be more informing. If I ever am blessed with a daughter I would make sure to tell her everything my mother wasn't comfortable telling me. However now my mother and I are very open about things (I also think it's because I am older).

    • Yes, conservative parents are a bit pain in the ass. Also it's not your fault becuz you were too young. I guess now a days girls of your age would have more knowledge about these things..

    • But of course they would know. More girls get their periods at age 10/11 and to me it's unheard of and not normal but things happen.

  • I hate when u can feel yourself bleed. It's the grossest thing in the world!!!

    • This is gonna sound weird but I don't mind the feeling. I hate that it means I've bled into my clothes but it doesn't feel horrible to me.

    • @BaileyisDarcy It's just a weird feeling when you can feel it. Personally I know when I have it because when I feel it, I kinda laugh because I can catch it quickly before anything scary happens.

    • @BaileyisDarcy it's worst when you laugh or sneeze lol

  • Reading all this makes me glad I'm a guy.

  • thats a very sad drawing. are the pains preparing women for the pains of birth?

    • Every female is different. Mine is for 4 days but on the day of my period it does feel like I am dying a slow death. Usually I want to curl into a ball and never move lol. I would assume its for preparing women for the pains of birth but some girls need medication because the pain is too much.

    • i've heard that healthy diet and some botanical supplements can very much improve the pain thing. decrease the pain i mean.

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