6 Reasons Why Circumcision Should Not be Legal in the United States

Before I start let me add a disclaimer: The only time where circumcision is warranted is if there is a life threatening risk (which 99% of males do not go through) or if they consent to it. Of course, this applies to almost anything in terms of morality.

6 Reasons Why Circumcision Should Not be Legal in the United States

1. 80% of the male population is uncut, and male animals do not get cut, what makes human males so defective?

Have we really been brainwashed to the point where we think foreskin is a genetic error that should be ''corrected'' when it has made its way through millions of years of evolution, adaption and natural selection on every male species? Circumcision is a 800 million dollar money machine annually. How do they make so much money? Well first, the surgeries, then they SELL IT to skin care companies. yeah, you read that right.

2. Circumcision does not prevent HIV

6 Reasons Why Circumcision Should Not be Legal in the United States

First of all, the studies that were taken to somehow claim it helped with HIV had actually came from poor impoverished countries in Africa. If you do not wear a condom and you have interactions with someone who has STDs then most likely you will get infected with or without circumcision 90% of the time.. Instead of mutilating people against their will, it's important to teach them about sex education. In fact, the root cause of people catching STDs is due to unprotected sex and lack of education, not uncut males. This isn't even an argument to begin with.

3. A baby does not have a religion

6 Reasons Why Circumcision Should Not be Legal in the United States

Some people argue and say ''it's right for religious reasons'' and sure, it is right when it deals with consenting people who are at the age of consent, but an infant does NOT have religion nor is he even capable of fending for himself. A child is basically an emulation what if the child grows up the be an atheist? oh well?

4. 98% of uncut male infants do not catch infections

6 Reasons Why Circumcision Should Not be Legal in the United States

You heard that right. Some people use the argument ''well its cleaner'' really? so cutting someones groin, and exposing a layer of a babies skin with a nasty wound is, ''cleaner''? is that why you constantly have to rub some kind of anti bacterial product on the wound, so it won't get infected? Seems kind of backwards... besides that, the majority of male infants do not get infected, and girls are 6 times more likely to catch utis due to a shorter urethra, does that mean that we have an excuse to circumcise girls too? if I cut your pinky toe off will it be cleaner since there is less to worry about and easier to clean your foot?

5. I want him to look like his father/it looks better

6 Reasons Why Circumcision Should Not be Legal in the United States

This without a doubt, is one of the most SICKEST and sorry excuse I have heard. You are shoving your opinions on an infants aesthetics by comparing his father and other cut groins. You clearly do not care about the pain your own child is going through but only concerned about what he looks like sexually which is disgraceful. How would you feel if your parents chopped your ears and lobbed off some of your genitals at birth because it looked better?

6. the morality sense of circumcision

6 Reasons Why Circumcision Should Not be Legal in the United States

This right here is the main point that people tend to skip over when they make excuses about why it's ok. What gives you the right to do such an act against the privilege of another being to have his body intact? Is it because you are protected by law? Is it because you truly do not care about the pain you put your child through because you feel as if your views have the right to be enforced on others bodies? Do you understand what your baby was going through? How would you feel if you got strapped down and mutilated because your parents wanted you to '' look better''? Are you aware that about 117 babies die annually from this unnecessary procedure? The botched surgeries of people who have to live their life with scars, erectile dysfunction, calcified glans and decrease in sexual pleasure and confidence?

People from the west, I urge you to consider the morality of what you are doing, it is something that is not often taught in schools, and a lot of us grow up without learning how to reason from right and wrong. It's a big problem in society these days.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • Yep! Fantastic take!

    I agree with everything!
    Besides there is a reason why mother nature designed our genitals as they are. For men the foreskin is meant to provide a protective fleshy helmet, which also keeps the glans moist.

    Saying circumcision lessens the chance of catching STI - in my opinion - sounds to me like not wearing your helmet in a construction area makes you less likely to die in an accident coming from above.

    I say circumcision should be an illegal crime UNTIL an individual reaches the age of consent. Then at least the individual has made this choice for itself. I would never want to be circumcised.

    I love having my foreskin.

    • My oldest is intact. The Looks I would get from family and friends when they found out that we were not getting my son circumcised, the looked at me like I was a poor uneducated 19 year old girl who had no clue what I was doing yet In had done my research and was able to spit the facts at them.

    • @Redheadedmomma you have done that boy a favor! He will decide for himself what is better for him ☺

    • His urologist when he was a year old said the same thing, his foreskin attaches different tly than normal so if he would have been circumcised in the hospital they would have mutilated him! I'm also glad that my husband ( who is circ) agreed not to have it done after he did his research too.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • I believe that it should be a matter of choice for a man who is of-age. I will accept that a pubertal aged boy might be able to make this decision for religious purposes. But I do not believe any infant or child's genitals should be operated on for anything other than medical necessity.

    We seem to "get it" in Western countries when it comes to female genital mutilation. But doctor's routinely do elective plastic surgery on the genitals of intersex or ambiguous genital infants. And we just think male genital mutilation is like nothing, no big deal.

    It's something that has bothered me since I first read about it as a young college student, and I have always promoted a legal ban on it since.

    • Though circumcision doesn't prevent HIV infections, circumcisions does cut the chances of HIV being contracted, as well as decreases some other diseases. Circumcision at a young age is less problematic than when older, when the penis is larger. It should be the parents right to decide what is best for their child, not the state.

    • Great take on this. I wish way more women agreed. Thanks.

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15 29
  • i've only been with one guy (my now-husband) who is uncut~ now, every time i see a circumcized dick in porn, it looks weird and unnatural... because circumcision *is* weird and unnatural.

    • Of course, everyone is welcome to their opinion about how circumcision, or non-circumcision looks. But not everyone is welcome to their own facts. Fact is, circumcision helps prevent the contraction of the HIV virus, and circumcision also helps prevent urinary tract infections, which are more prevalent in infant males than infant girls. And, he American Academy of Pediatrics says the benefits of male infant circumcision outweighs the risks.

  • I'm happy that I'm circumcised, but I don't have any boys and can't have any going forward, so...

  • I don't support it, highly unnecessary.

  • I believe that everyone should be allowed to have an opinion, but I do get very annoyed when they take their opinion and try to think everyone else should follow suit. All six of your points are complete bullshit. Circumcision mostly is for hygiene purposes and also when a baby is born it does have a religion; that of his parents! My husband who is a native of a Pacific Island and I from US had our son circumcised at birth and have no regrets.

    • NO everyone should not be allowed to have their opinion when it crosses the line and in this sense, causing bodily harm to other people and yes, people have died from it. is that also BS to you? also I am sure you have no regrets because you clearly lack any kind of compassion and mutual understanding. All 6 of my points are crap yet you can't refute them and the last point which concerns the moral compass of it is irrefutable. without double standard its considered sexual assault but you think its ok because the law protects you. The real problem here is that you fail to use cognitive thinking and put 2 and 2 together. Also, no a infant does not have religion. he did not CHOOSE anything which is HIS choice when he gets older. also, its not ''cleaner'' THATS BS. You literally make no sense

    • You obviously have your head so far up your ass and think your opinion and your opinion only are what counts. Probably why you use that chicken shit anonymous for a name.

    • you are clearly self projecting and its hilarious. I have my head up my butt saying the person who just calls BS with no reasoning and says ''I have no regrets'' I told you I have no problems with opinion after all freedom of speech BUT I have a problem with peoples opinions causing BODILY HARM to others and you can't realize where that line is drawn sadly. I wonder, are you also ok with female circumcision? or are you all for double standards?

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  • But... the thing is it's not supposed to BE about the US... it's supposed to be about the religion... It's part of religious freedom.

    • I think religious freedom comes with some limitations, including not allowing genital mutilation. Second, I find the religious obsession with baby genitals sort of suspicious, with all due respect of course.

    • Does that mean you accept religious base genital mutilation when it is done to girls or do you make special rules depending on the religion and the freedoms it can have?

    • @xslope So... I don't even have to ask you... to know you know nothing about circumcision differences of boys and girls. Guys who hacven't had it done as children do it often for hygienic purposes, while if a woman was to do that that would be mutilation... because it doesn't serve a purpose, it mostly is done only in primitive circles where more often than not baby girls die from bleeding because of it... It's used for girls in infancy and at age 15 so they wouldn't feel sexual urges... so men could rape them and they wouldn't feel the need to have sex with anyone... If you did your research, I'm betting you wouldn't feel ashamed of yourself right now...

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