We hear more and more people today say they think about having an abortion. Most of these people are unfortunately young teen girls. How it came down to that? Well the oversexualisation in the media especially movies had a great impact here, among some other things like the example of the "grown ups", the lack of moral teaching in school etc. Anyway, we come to the important point which is the abortion.
(anti-)Feminists, "liberals" and other usually atheistic representatives usually say that "its your body", "your property", you can do whatever you want etc. They encourage abortion and it they say its a "necessary" action in certain cases, and it's always left in the pregnant woman's discretion.
Well unfortunately for them the true is far from the truth. A human fetus is a full fledged psychosomatic being not of any less value than a child or a fully grown human. Just because it can't talk to protest, it can't fight back to defend his self and cannot look its "mother" (if such a woman can be called mother) in the eyes and tell her "mommy why you try to kill me"?
The grown woman, as a merciless giant, as a self proclaimed God decides the fate of this human, no matter the vast gap of potential for self protection between them. Isn't that the worst form of power abuse? Practiced by the very mother aagainst her own very child?
But now all the self righteous, "openminded", "enlightened" individuals will come and claim, what about "these special occasions.. "?
*if the woman was a victim of rape
*if the woman is endangered by her pregancy etc.
As we mentioned above a fetus is a full fledged psychosomatic being. It's brain might still be developing but it's soul whose organ is the brain, was there from the very first nanosecond of its conception. Thats why babies have perception of their surrounding environment and their mother's emotional state from a very early age.
And exactly here is where i want to make a crucial point. All these negative emotions and thoughts of murder that dominate this mother's thoughts, all pass down to the embryo, and there is a high chance it will be affected its whole life by them! by the fact it's mother was thinking to murder it! The upbringing of a child begins in its very fetal years of development. its organs might have not developed completely yet but all the thoughts, emotions and stress of the mother are communed by the baby. So to all the mothers that think about that, you should know you inflict all those emotional disturbances to your own child.
When the horrific slaughtering process called abortion happens the infant has been observed to leave some kind of swan cry. a final last baby breath of despair, the so called silent scream. A silent scream towards its mother and this cruel world that decided its not worh to keep living and it doesn't deserve a place in it.
What about the special occasions, these "exceptions" mentioned above?
i'll give you a small example. A christian friend of mine went through a very difficult pregnancy and the final months the doctors made themselves clear. If she didn't abort the child it was a certainty that she wouldn't survive the birth. she asked them "can my child live? even if i dont make it. Will my baby survive?". They answered yes, there is a high chance the baby will live but it will be problematic and lead an unfortunate life. but YOU will die lady. don't you want to save your self? and she answered. "i PREFER to die than kill my own child", and progressed with the birth, taking all responsibility about her potential health hazard and badly predisposed child. Do you know what happened? not only she SURVIVED her so called fatal birth, the kid grew up to be a healthy and utterly smart and kind little fellow. doctors ARE NOT Gods, and a faith and love like that of this woman can overcome all the odds and bring more beauty to this world. the beauty that is children.
"do not hinder their approaching, let the little children come to me, cause the kingdom of heavens belongs to pure and humble hearts like these"
What Girls & Guys Said
1 1Dear Sir:
I was very moved by your take, particularly because it was written by a man. I do feel the compassion you have for the unborn, but I have also seen the plight of those who are born into abject poverty and ignorance.
I have heard all of the arguments for adoption/not abortion, etc. But the reality is that most of the women who should give up their baby do not do so. Instead, they expose the fetus to drugs and alcohol in the womb and to abuse and neglect throughout their childhood. They grow up without respect or direction and end up in the judicial system. Those who defy this statistic are the rare exception not the rule.
In a very flawed society, I suppose that abortion is a necessary evil. Still, my eyes teared when I read your take. If you were trying for an emotional, visceral response, you got it from me.
James Smith
bla bla feminists.. bla bla God.. bla bla slaughter..
Nothing new here.