After sex what do you do?

My boyfriend and I have been an item for a few months now and I've been curious about this question since I became sexually active (my boyfriends been sexually active for 2 years now with two girls). After sex do all males hate to cuddle or touch? Mine hates it because he says "men need their space after sex". I always imagined cuddling after and so it came as a shock to me! Is this normal and what you all find?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Tell that boy he didn't need his space a minute ago! He can't have his cake and eat it too! Tell him if he wants to blow a load and be by himself after he can jerk off. If he wants to have sex with you he is going to have to fulfill your need to cuddle after. After we have sex my husband holds and kisses on me for at least a couple of minutes. Us women need this time after sex to feel loved and secure and not like a piece of meat! You have to nip this problem in the bud or he will freak out one day when you decide you are no longer going to take it. I can hear it now "How come all the sudden you are acting like this!" Then he will claim you are clingy and obsessive even though all you want is to hug for a minute. Wow I'm almost angry at this guy for you. Good luck and don't just "Oh well" it away.

  • Depends on the guy and the situation. My fiance loves to cuddle after sex and go to sleep (we often have sex at night). If it's in the morning we cuddle for a the afternoon or mid day we are often not as cuddly as it's mid-day. I have been with guys who don't want to even be touched after sex cause they are all sweaty and sticky. I had one ex jump off of me right after sex and go wash himself off. It used to drive me insane. I hated it. All in all it depends on the guy.

  • i've noticed that too. its rare when a guy does want to "cuddle" after you have sex. me personally I dont. you're all sweaty and wet, WFT? why would NE one want to?

Most Helpful Guys

  • first off I actually know some realivent science (yay science answer) their is a physical reaction in males after sex that causes us to be tired and want to sleep, on the other hand somewhat the opposite happens in females, and also sex gives them the desire for closeness and being loved and such, but with me (who is a virgin until marriage) being tired, kinda gives me a desire for closeness and being loved and such, so the best possible compromise is to cuddle and let him fall asleep while cuddling

  • Everyone is right. We are all sweaty but I like it if the girl puts the sheet over my chest & then lays her head down on the sheet. We talk a bit until I drift off to a great sleep.

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What Girls & Guys Said

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  • to be honest, he's being a jerk. nice guys will cuddle, even if it's only because they know you want to.

  • Dude I mess with loves to hold me then fall asleep. Sex is really a bonding experience, that the feeling doesn't go away right after the sex.

  • well I been with mine since november last year and we always have a kisss and a cuddle after but I was with a lad before and he only wanted to turn over and sleep

  • Sleep.

    • Haha... good one ;-)