Am I loose if my boyfriend can fit two fingers inside my vagina?

I'm a virgin.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • You’re only loose if the guy you’re going to have Sex with has a tiny penis. Most guys would be thicker I think. I’m actually more like 4 fingers thick, but that’s unusual. It’s a common question girls have. In fact my ex asked her gyno if her pussy would go back to being tighter after me (because I had stretched her out). He said yes after time. So there you go from a professional

  • Just two? You will be passing a ball through there in a few years! That part of the body is designed to stretch!

Most Helpful Girls

  • Nope. Vaginas don't work that way. Virgins aren't tighter. Women do not stretch out from sex. The whole loose and tight thing isn't even what vaginas really do.

    The Rare Truth About "Tight" and "Loose" Women ↗

    • that's what I thought at first that virgins should be tighter that's why I was conscious 😥

    • I don'r recommend you to listen this woman... She is in some reaaaaally weird shit...

    • @Krumpir No it isn't. I'm a sexual health educator, and I can tell you there is no observable change to a woman's vagina simply because of losing her virginity, or because of having penises sliding in and out of her. It just doesn't work that way. The vagina is a very elastic canal that opens to accomodate childbirth and closes back down to keep germs away from the opening of the sterile uterus. Penises simply do not loosen it, or stretch it out. That is and has always been bullshit.

  • I have no knowledge in this area. Tampon size is probably a better measure to go by.

    • The human vagina is designed the stretch to accommodate childbirth and tighten back down. How many fingers you can fit in is irrelevant - that's a matter of arousal and lubrication, not having a tight or loose vagina. Virgins are not tighter or smaller, because penises and fingers do not "stretch out" the vagina.

    • But does childbirth?

    • Yes and no. Most women do take a few days to go back to normal because there is frequent swelling, and sometimes perineal tearing. Childbirth doesn't seem to have a permanent effect on vaginal elasticity most of the time, but when it does, it's in women older than 35. Some women experience more of a change after menopause. But, there's always Kegel exercises, which everybody should do, to keep the pelvic floor muscles in tone and prevent incontinence.

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  • No you're not loose. The hymen can stretch but too much stretch will tear it.

    • oh okay thanks :)

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What Girls & Guys Said

6 25
  • No that is normal because it stretchs

  • Oh come on. Your vagina can fit a baby

    • 😂😂😂😂😂

  • No that's normal

  • 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

    • 😂😂😂

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