Any girls ENJOY fast cummers?

Feels like this is a strange question, but it's a strange situation. I recently hooked up with a new girl and came in less than 30 seconds. Of course she laughed and made fun of me a little, but later she also told me she thought it was really hot. Was she just trying to be nice, or do some women really get off on super quickies?
Guys cumming fast: HOT!!
Vote A
Guys cumming fast: DISAPPOINTING!!
Vote B
Guys cumming fast: FUNNY!!
Vote C
Guys cumming fast: INFURIATING!!
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I think its hot. I take it as a compliment, and like I'm just too hot for you to handle. Especially if you can tell the guy is really trying hard not to cum. It's cute when they get that "dear in the headlights" look of "oh shit, No, please penis, don't come yet" when they feel themselves pushed past the point of no return.



    • YEAH!! Cool, thanks. Haha, and yeah, I've certainly pulled that face many many many times. :) I had a girlfriend who LOVED playing with me when I'd get to that point. She'd tell me not to come and then speed up, knowing I wouldn't be able to handle it. :)

  • When it happens all the time, it's not so hot. But when it happens occassionally, it is kind of a turn on, because then the girl thinks it's because you were really worked up about her. So, I can't really pick any of your answers, because sometimes it's hot, but if it happens all the time it is definately not hot.

    • Yeah, exactly. :]

    • Yup. Makes us feel like hott stuff. Just don't make a habit out of it. And hurry up and get turned on so we can go for round two. lol

  • She was trying to be nice.. I dated someone who was a fast cummer we got though it because I really like him but I was really mean about it...

    • Yeah, I've had the mean response as well.

Most Helpful Guy

  • My experience from the women who have been gracefull enough to sleep with me, Is they don't give a dam when it happens as long as it happens after them.

    I think she was being nice, and was probably flattered that you were than tunred on,

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  • well I'm guessing she took as a compliment that you were so turned on

    • This.

  • Like others have said, it's hot if it's because you were extremely turned on. If you just don't know how to control yourself, it's def not hot.

  • like every now and then but if it happens every single time then I can get a little angry haha but I get over it

  • like if I was giving you head and you came fast then I'd enjoy it! but during's usually better to last longer than 30 seconds lol

    • So you enjoy fast cumming during bjs? I've always tried to last as long as I could, because I worry the woman will think I'm quick. Maybe I should just let loose! :)

    • You should! I think it's hot when I can please a guy and the idea that you can't help but come or as you put it.. let loose.. in my mouth, hehe :o)

    • God bless you. teehee :)

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  • I personally don't like it, I mean I like it when a guy takes care of the girl before he cums.