Are guys ever too tired to have sex?

My boyfriend and I don't have sex every day. Sometimes we'll have sex every day for like 3 days, and then go a few days without it, usually because one of us has caught a cold. When we have sex he enjoys it and he always initiates it, even though I really want to as well. We've only started having sex a few weeks ago, and for one of those weeks I had my period, so it's hard to tell what "pattern" we're getting into. Sometimes he says he is actually too tired to have sex, especially if he needs to wake up early the next morning, and then other times, he is all over me. Is this normal? Is it an indicator of a great problem and do you think he sees sex as an "obligation"? I don't think he does, but I've heard from my friends talking about their boyfriends, that men always want sex, even if they are tired or sick. What's the truth? (By the way, we are both 20, and juniors in college)
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Most Helpful Guys

  • not wanting sex when he's tired is just like no wanting sex when he's got a cold: if you're under the weather then it's more difficult to get in the mood.

    young guys usually don't take much to get them in the mood, but just because he's tired sometimes isn't a big drama.

    finally, the sexual urge in both men & women rises & falls according to hormone levels. women have a very obvious hormone cycle as you know, but changes in a guy's hormone levels (& hence sex drive) can occur due to all sorts of reasons , including time of day, what he's been eating/drinking/smoking, how much exercise he has or hasn't had, and so on.

    i wouldn't get too stressed out about this.

  • Yep.

    When you are in a new relationship, after the first time you have sex you tend to go at it like rabbits.

    A few girlfriends ago I remember doing it 8 times in as many hours. It literally got to the point where I was so sore I couldn't do it anymore.

    Four months later, we would only do it once or twice a week, and often one or the other of us would be too tired to want it.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Yes if ciarse I've gone through that with my man he had to get upo early and the morning for work I was like OMG we aren't making love that's a BAD sign!LOL NO it's human nature people GET tired and don't have energy! it's not a big deal if he's tired trust me...he needs rest for the NEXT time too! plus we did it at like 4am before we got ready for work!

  • do you both have really weak immune systems or hep b? I'm confused as to the reason why you go without sex for a few days is because you catch all these colds. on a lighter note, I date a busy man and being busy myself it is def normal to be too tired for sex, nothing wrong with it at all so don't look into it too deeply,

    • Haha no we don't have any problems healthwise. I was exaggerating about the amount of colds we got. He got a cold once, and that was about it, haha. But because we haven't been having sex for a long time, it made a significant difference in the amount of times we had sex.

    • Haha ok...well don't worry then, you don't want your relationship to be all about sex so a few times a week or even maybe less on busier ones is perfect and should satisfy both of you...or if not its always a plus for a guy if you tell him you want more sex...see how it goesssss have fun

    • I'm totally sexually satisfied, I don't even have a high sex drive! I just wanted to see if it was a sign of something more serious. Anyway, thank you very much!

  • It's a little weird for a guy this young to be getting tired of it this early into a relationship. Could it be that he thinks you don't want it too often?

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  • The rumor that men always want sex is complete crap. Don't believe it.

    Being occasionally too tired for sex is completly normal. Not worth thinking about.

  • actually you must be inaction in the bed and he acts all the times so he become tired and coldness .

  • yeah most mens want sex but not all the times like if he's tired , I mean mens get tired sum tiem or they don't have the desire to have sex .its human nature and its normal .