Are male and female orgasms equal?

in your opinion, are they?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • No, all the science says that a female's orgasm is more intense and pleasurable than the male orgasm. The female orgasm is more intense starting and lasts a longtime, and if sex continues after a girl has her first orgasm for that encounter then she will probably get more orgasms. I think I remember reading that a female orgasm 10 times stronger than a male orgasm. Females get the more pleasurable orgasms but overall males have an easier time reaching orgasm. Females can also orgasm multiple times but men can usually only orgasm once or twice in a single sex session.

    • Well, I didn't know about these differences, if they are true. 10 times stronger is quite a lot.

    • Here's a quote from the one article "If theta waves are taken as a criterion, the entire brain emits theta waves when women reach an orgasm that are close to 10 times stronger than when men climax."

    • I mean female orgasms are strong, but didn't know such difference that's crazy.

  • My best orgasm may have 8 squirts/contractions. The body spasm and the first 3 or 4 squirts are pretty exciting, but the whole event from knowing i'm going to cum to the last drops may last about 15 seconds. My best girl cums only from oral. Sometimes she has a single crunching "surge" which may last 20-30 seconds. But sometimes she has a "rolling orgasm". She will get several strong surges with pauses in between them. One of these may last up to 2 minutes and each surge is as strong a what I get There is no doubt hers are far better than mine.

Most Helpful Girls

  • not at all. men can't have 3 types of orgasm as we can. imagine at once

  • I would know for sure seeing as I haven't experienced both.

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 18
  • The way they feel? I'd guess yes.
    We'll never really know though will we?

  • Yes... No... maybe? Hell, who knows? Neither sex can compare. Think about it, you’d need to have bothe genitals in order to compare...🤔 or switch bodies but I’m pretty sure that’s only possible in movies.

  • Depends on how good she is. I guess the opposite is also true.

  • No, ot at all. Just look at the different MRIs, very different.

  • I have no clue 😂