There's so many questions about "Is being a virgin at age __ bad?" Virginity is a relative term, some believe in it, some don't. Some believe it comes with conditions. No one exactly knows the 'correct' term of virginity.
If you're like me, and you believe being a virgin is where it is penis into vagina (or the ass), then you should know a few things. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin at whatever age, whether you're 16, 21, 25 or even 34. You don't even need to be religious to stay a virgin until you get married, fall in love, what have you. You should be proud you're a virgin, for some losing it was amazing, for others...not so much.
There are many virgins (obviously), and some may even be way older than you! On Oct 5, 2010, Britian celebrated their oldest virgins birthday, which was 107 years old. They all find sex to be unimportant, or just don't care for it at all. Virginity is only something you can decide to have or 'get rid of.' If it was something forcibly taken from you, i.e. rape or something like it, or even if you regret it, you can be a "born again virgin."
Being a virgin at whatever age you are does not and should not matter to anyone except you. I, for example, am 16 and a virgin, never done anything except make out with a few guys, (3 to be exact, I was dating 2 of the 3, and not at the same time.) I am not going to wait till marriage but I am going to wait until I am with someone I love and trust. Everyone has their own veiws on virginity.
You can't let other people make you feel insuperior or weird for being a virgin. You gotta do what you want, as long as it doesn't endanger you or someone else. Just be you. :)
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