Best birth control option with least amount of side effects?

Which is better the Patch,the pills or just condoms and which has the least side effects? (I should ask my doctor I know but I don't want to atm) i know that Condoms are 98% effective But sometimes you forget em. so which other option has the least amount of side effects? Mini-Pills are 87-99.7% effective and regular Pills are 92-99.7% effective birth control patch 92% effective or so I think lol Also I'm just getting info to prepare myself if I ever wanna have sex so I know all the options to safely go through with it,Better safe then sorry . :P
Vote A
Mini Pill
Vote B
Regular Pill
Vote C
Vote D
Other (explain if you choose this)
Vote E
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Most Helpful Girls

  • It totally depends on your situation. Has he had sex before? Having sex is a big thing not only because of possible pregnancy but also because of STDs. Do you know for sure that you will both be exclusive? If not, go with condoms. Don't put yourself in a bad situation, my mom died of AIDS, it is real and it can happen to you.

    Otherwise I'd say go with regular old birth control pills. Condoms scare me a little and ruin the experience because I'm freaked out that it's going to break or fall off or something and that I'll end up preggers. I know lots of people use them, but they're not for me and my situation. It was both of our first times and I was tested up the wazzu when I was born (because of my mom. I was really lucky!) and he got tested right before we had sex, just to be completely sure.

    PLUS- I've been taking them for a while now and I used to have bad acne and migraines and now both of those things have lessened greatly. Also, I used to get the worst cramps and those have lightened up a bit too.

    Also, I can't feel him as well with condoms. BUT- if there is a risk- any risk, go with condoms.

    Good luck and three cheers for being prepared!

  • ive been on NuvaRing. (google it). you leave it in the vagina and you can take it out and wach it daily. you don't even feel it and you can wear it during sex or with out, and you only take it out the week you have your periods. it is so convenient and its awesome because it regulates your hormones too so you don't have crazy PMS mood swings.

  • Sometimes you can FORGET condoms? Well then, plain and simple, you don't have sex. =/ And if you're that forgetful, you don't want to rely on yourself to take pills either.

    Condoms don't have side effects if you aren't allergic to them. So probably them. But I'm on the pill and have no side effects.

Most Helpful Guys

  • well condoms really are the best they are 99.9 percent effective but with using condoms guy has to make sure he is using the right size. A lot of guys buy bigger condoms then what they should because they think it makes them look more attractive or bigger or whatever. Well condoms are only most effective when the guy is using the right size and you will be able to tell because if its to big it won't stay on very long. Pills and the patch are still good but they also raise hormones in some females making it easier to get pregnant so I would definitely always have some condoms on you just in case. Hope I was of some help/

    • Making it EASIER to get pregnant?! The hormones make it so that an egg does NOT mature, is NOT released, the lining of the womb does NOT become thick enough to allow an egg to grow in it. May I ask how that even slightly makes it more likely for a woman to get pregnant?

  • You should definitely use at least a condom your first time. A condom and birth control together means you won't have to worry about anything.

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4 1
  • Contraceptive injection is good because you don't have to worry about remembering to take it and the injection lasts 3 months.

    It's all dependent on who you are having sex with though because you may want to consider condoms as STD protection too.

    • That has so many side effects tho, she was asking which one has the least amount.

  • Regular pills work good for me. I have been on the pill for nine years and so far so good, had to switch a couple of times to get the right one, but not a big deal. Might as well use both till your in a serious relationship any way.

  • Essure, never have to worry again.

  • A pill is the second best thing you can out in your mouth to stop getting pregnant.

    But seriously stick with condoms until you both get tested and your sure you are the only one then go on the pill

  • i take the pill and the side effects aren't only bad :D my skin and hair got sooo nice after I started to take it and now I get my period regular. I didn't realized and negative side effects so far though