Blue balls and erections?

Hi, I'm very curious about how men function down there. My question is, how long can a man have an erection before he gets blue balls? Do blue balls always happen when he doesn't ejaculate? Also, can men fall asleep while hard, and if so, is it something that can happen easily? All answers appreciated, thank you! :)
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I think it differs from man to man, as you can see, some even say 'blue balls is a myth' as they've never experienced it. For me it can start somewhere after 45 minutes of continuous edging... And it should be really edging, 'just' an erection will not do it... I think you can compare edging with grinding re. intensity. Just an erection, either man-made or in your sleep will not give blue balls in general.

    Once the edging stops the dull pain will go away, but it can take some hours before it's completely normal again. Ejaculating helps greatly lower the recovery time.

    • Thank you! Haha it's just that I'm in an LDR (never met him before) and my boyfriend says he often gets blue balls from me getting him excited too much when we talk.

    • Very well possible if he’s playing with himself during your chats :)

    • Yeah he does that haha, that explains a lot

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  • Guy's don't get blue balls from any old erection. If they did, most guys would get blue balls several times a day. You get blue balls when you are hyper aroused and on the verge of cumming but don't ejaculate. Usually, a guy will need to be in that state of arousal for an extended period of time or repeatedly hitting that state without cumming before blue balls set in. The quickest cure is to ejaculate which receives most of the discomfort very quickly although complete relief usually takes some time (an hour or so).

    • Very detailed, thank you! :)

    • Glad to help.

    • Thanks for MHGuy!

Most Helpful Girl

  • First of all, men don't get blueballs just from having an erection for a long time and not ejaculating. They (might) get it from being very very aroused for a long time with no release. From my experience, it doesn't occur if a man had already came that day.
    A man can get blueballs after two hours of being hard (and actively aroused), or after half an hour. There's no precise limit.
    I think men can fall asleep while they're hard, and I know for a fact that they can get hard while being asleep.

    • Haha thank you so much for your lengthy response! :)

    • You're welcome. I have a lot of information about that particular topic and that's the only platform where I can feel free to share it!

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  • It's possible to stay hard a long time. As long as I'm turned on, erection. Blue balls is an expression about being backed up from not cumming. It can be overcome with masterbation. Falling asleep hard is difficult but waking up that way is easy. Are you doing a study?

    • So pretty much as long as there is enough visual/physical/auditory stimulation, a man can stay hard for hours? And no haha I'm just curious

    • Yes, pretty much. Where are you from by the way

  • What are blue balls. I love that imagine?

    • Haha I don't think you'd like the feeling of it

    • i have had blue balls. The Army doctor used to tell us we had to jack off often. Guys who were trying to be true to their wives and girlfriends would complain lot of pain under their balls. Too excited with no relief.

    • Oh poor men. Yeah I guess jacking off is the way if you can't have sex.

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  • Falling asleep with a boner isn't fun nor comfortable if you want to know more add me and we can talk

  • Usually it's simply "I've been hard for a really really long time but haven't fucked a girl" and it just doesn't feel good after a while.

  • Blue balls only occur after several times of coming close to ejaculation and then not happening. It takes a while not just one night.
    Yes a guy can fall asleep with a hardon. And depending on how tired he is yes it can happen easily

    • Very helpful, thank you

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