I've been dumped once right after having sex, I didn't realize my boyfriend liked another girl, and his excuse for having sex before breaking up with me was "I wanted to make sure there wasn't anything still there between us" he was SUCH a jerk, I still hate him for that to this day, and I'm pretty good friends with the majority of my ex's except him, just shows how much guys can be pigs sometimes.
and don't get my wrong guys your not all bad, but some are0 0 0 0I agree with you. he was a total jerk!! he's exactly as you said at the end. from what I hear, there are quite a few guys like that! if you're friends with most of your ex's, that says so much good about you they hadn't dumped you. .
It happened to me. As he was getting dressed, he tells me he can’t do this anymore and wants to break up. I was literally still wiping his cum off me. Definitely an asshole move.
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I'd say they get dumped kind of often. well girls that is. I dumped a girl because she was too easy and even though she was cute and our sex was good, I wouldn't have wanted her for a girlfriend. I was hardly into sex but I could tell she was and having all this experience isn't the greatest quality for a girl.
1 0 0 0So if the girl puts out too quickly and is slutty, she will get dumped? What if she's not?
Then she won't as far as having anything to do with that. I know there's a kind of double standard but for girls it's better that they say NO much more often and do the other things that are just as much fun. Guys test girls way too often to see how far they can go. Guys probably get dumped because they were too aggressive and satisfied themselves but not the girl, and they probably treated her like a slut that she wasn't! Maybe having sex way too early in a relationship is another reason.
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