Can I get an STD if I shake someone's hand and jerk off afterwards?

I'm a super hypochondriac and I always wash my hands before masturbating but yesterday I didn't Willi get an STD
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Most Helpful Girls

  • It's not 100% impossible, but it's VERY very very unlikely. Even if they did have some contaminated bodily fluids on their hand that passed to yours, it would likely be too small a quantity to infect you. But it's never a bad idea to wash your hands prior to masturbating. I usually try to.

  • No. It's only transmitted through bodily fluids from sex.

    • but I shaked someone's hand what if that person was from masturbating

    • Still a no.

    • are you sure?

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Most Helpful Guy

  • dude that's not how STI's work you need to at the very least swap saliva to get an STI your not gonna get it from some weird second hand cum germs your fine

    • okay I also have a second question for you

    • if I accidentally step on a razor will keep get an std

    • if there is blood on it potentially but it's unlikely the actual viruses that cause STI's have very specific conditions that need to be met to pass on and survive. here's my advice don't step on razors

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  • No mate.