Yes a girl can like any guy... Women sometimes are crushed when they find out the guy they are interested in swings the other way. That is not uncommon. Not all gay guys are feminine as people usually assume. There are very masculine gay men too. And their are some in between too. A gay guy making a straight girl feel sexual doesn't mean he is reciprocation of the feeling she feels... Just as a lesbian girl can be hot in every sense and she can turn men on physically or even tease them but just because they are turned on doesn't affect her status as being a lesbian.
0 0 0 0A straight girl can DEFINITELY be attracted to a gay male. There are thousands of women currently married to gay men- some know, others don't. I actually dated (and fell in love with) a gay man for 2 years. My friend's mom was married to a gay man 7 years before he came out. A lot of gay men have sex with women because they are still confused themselves or they are covering up their true sexual identities. But anyway, gay guys are still males and therefore females will often still be sexually drawn to them.
1 1 1 1Can he give off a sexual vibe to a woman?
You bet!
Yes any male can potentially sexually attract any woman.
A man being gay has nothing to do with your sexual orientation. He's a man, you're a woman, therefore, you being attracted to him makes you obviously straight. Him being gay has no effect on your sexual desire for him, although, since he is gay, he would not have any sexual desire for you. Like I said, this has nothing to do with your own sexual orientation.
1 1 2 1
Most Helpful Guy
Through our studies and the new concept of Sexual Fluidity in Females there is no such thing as a "straight" woman. Sexual Fluidity also suggests that attraction is based on a large range of previously ignored factors including just how well one gets along with another. So in turn anyone can make a "straight" girl feel sexually attracted. Or anything actually. It just has to have some form of strong emotional scintillation.
0 1 4 0If a man is gay he can flirt just as if he were not. The body language question has nothing to do with sexuality or even sex in the least. All you're experiencing is your own bias on the matter seeing as the "vibe" is something you're basing entirely on comparative observations.
You know what's Gaydar? Gaydorade. Because both are fake.
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2 0I doubt it.
0 0 0 0You know what they say...all the good guys are either taken or gay. :p
2 1 1 1tell me about it -_____-
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