Circumcised penises are so weird looking! Why do people like this?

I was watching porn the other day, and suddenly realised why any male porn turns me off, even though I love dicks... they're all circumcised! All but one guy I've ever slept with were uncircumcised, and it just looks and feels so much better. Like, cut dicks just look like they're missing something, which they are I guess. Mind you, I wouldn't turn a guy down JUST because he's circumcised. That's just bitchy and rude. I just really really prefer uncut dicks. Girls, why are you so insistent that cut is better? It makes a dick look so awkward!
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Asker, it seems to me like you're equating women who are attracted to circumcised penises as pro-circumcising babies. My dad was circumcised, without his consent naturally; and he disliked it, so he gave my brother and I the option of not being so. So I appreciate your concern for baby males. But I don't think you should equate a sexual attraction to circumcised penises as being pro-mutilation, as one can have a circumcision at any point in their life for medical or aesthetic reasons should they choose to do so.

    Naturally, mutilating a baby, regardless of it's potential future will, is wrong. But I don't think the females who are pro-circumcision are directly--mostly--saying that they want babies to be mutilated. I'm uncircumcised, again, so I'm not just taking their side to defend my own junk. I just don't care what they think about my penis and am viewing it objectively as possible.

    You know. It reminds me of Bill Burr.

    Bad paraphrase, since i can't find it on youtube.

    -Wife "We should neuter the dog."
    -Burr "Why? I don't want to cut his balls off."
    -Wife "Well that's what you're supposed to do, right?"
    -Burr "I don't know. How would I know?"
    -Wife "something something something."
    -Burr "Well great. How about we agree that since neither of us know what we're talking about that we *don't* go cutting off parts of the animal."

  • It's a great observation. It's only really an American trait. Some African and a few other religious sects believe its so much more hygienic.
    If you've had generations of a family indoctrinating you that it's better then that's what they do.
    Actually now in modern Weston society there's absolutely no health benefit as the grounds that it were based on were from African tribal figures where sanitation was non existent and there's no birth control available i. e. condoms.
    It's diminishing fast but the American private health sector makes a great deal of money from performing circumcision.
    The latest research actually shows that it has a negative impact on a man's sensitivity of his penis. You can quickly see if you remove the protective sheath from the penises head then it's rubbing against clothes. Starts to do desensitized the head then give the guy issues organising easily.

    • It's definitely a bit backwards. I think keeping men uncircumcised until they're old enough to decide for themselves/need it for medical reasons would be a good idea. Sex is way better for the girl when the guy is uncut, too.

    • Wow ok how do you think that improves your sex life if he has a foreskin

    • Sex is less dry when the guy has a foreskin. It makes movement easier, and makes it easier for me to pleasure him when we're not having sex.

Most Helpful Girls

  • when I was younger I only knew about circumcised penises, I'm not sure how to word this.. The first time I saw an uncircumcised penis I asked the guy "ew why is it going back in your body?" Mind you I was maybe 11 and on omegle with a friend. I've never personally known someone who's shown or told me they were uncircumcised. When you're younger I think every girls thought of a penis is a circumcised one. I prefer circumcised- based on looks only since I've never been with someone uncircumcised, but I definitely would never turn someone down if they were uncircumcised. Thinking of how the extra foreskin does add a lot more sensitivity I do consider keeping my child uncut whenever I end up having one, but I'm not too sure yet. Definitely look up the horror stories about the "banjo string" breaking. That definitely worries me. Hope I helped!

  • They probably look weird to you because you're not used to seeing them. You've been with mostly uncircumcised men. I wouldn't say cut guys are "better" but I think circumcised penises look fine. I don't see anything "weird" about how they look and that's probably because it's what I'm used to. I've never been with or seen a guy in "real life" who was uncircumcised. I've read that circumcision in America is more common than it is in other countries too so if you aren't American, that could also be a factor in your perception of circumcised guys vs. uncircumcised ones.

    • Yeah, this is what I think it is. What weirds me out more than anything is the prevalance of circumcision in the US, when it's known to have no real benefits, and when it can actually cause more problems than it solves. If someone chooses it, it's fine, but I find it disturbing that it's routinely performed on infants. Then again, I find a lot of things about the US disturbing.

  • I used to being with circumcised men, so its what I like. Why don't you just search "uncircumcised porn" then you won't have to watch something you don't like.

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  • I am American. When I was born there was a complication and the issue of my circumcision was set aside.

    I was circumcised sometime around 7 or 8 years old. I was the only uncircumcised male in my family. At that age something happened that I did not understand (at the time) because I was never shown how to properly clean myself.

    I have no direct memory of the circumcision itself, my brain completely scrambled the memory of that day - the memory of that day involves going to the hospital where it was done, but everything after arriving there makes no sense at all.

    Rather than educate me my parents had me circumcised. I think I would have rather been taught better hygiene and allowed to make my own decision later.

    I do not automatically equate male and female circumcision, probably because I grew up in a society where male circumcision is considered "the norm".

    If I were to have and raise a son I think I would educate myself on what I would need to teach him to stay clean, not circumcise him and let him make up his own mind later.

    I am a Christian, but it looks to me like circumcision was intended for Jews and (more or less) optional for Gentiles - preferred, but not having it doesn't keep you out of Heaven.

  • well its not like most guys had a choice to be circumcisted or not so people from nations used to it are gonna like it cuz thats what theyre gonna get. im good with either

  • "Circumcised penises are so weird looking! Why do people like this?" Because in America, we're used to seeing them that way. And I've yet to hear an American-born girl "praise" an uncut dick. And to me, they look weird (I'm sure they say the same thing about us "cut" guys).

    • I think it's very sad that a normal dick is considered weird to such a large number of people.

    • cool but I love the way my dick looks. I dont need all that "meat" covering my head LOL

    • I'm glad that you're happy with your body, but the foreskin is kind of there for a reason. It's not just useless 'meat', as you put it.

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  • In most cases circumcision is done when he's a baby, & he's not in any position to do anything about it.

    There are cultural & religious reasons for it. I just like how it looks better.

    • Culture and religion. Two things that do not justify genital mutilation on infants.

    • Perhaps not, but FGM is WAY worse than circumcision.

    • Why? Because circumcision is socially acceptable? They both mutilate the genitals, remove sexual sensitivity, and are performed for no good reason.

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  • I feel that I circumsized penises are a deal breaker. Yuck!!!