Circumcision- preferred or not?

Circumcision- preferred or not?

I recently saw a rather volatile argument on a friends Facebook page in reguards to circumcision. I don't know the religious aspect of the subject but I do know many people with differences of opinion on the matter. I personally don't have a particular choice. My son is circumcised because my husband insisted on him "looking" the same as his father. I didn't want to have it done because I felt it was unnecessary. My grandfather is not circumcised as most older men are not and informed me that it would be better off for him in the long run. I know that it is said to be healthy for the child to prevent infections and such but I also feel like if the boy is taught how to keep it clean, infections can be prevented. I have also heard that sexually it felt better for both men and women. I was just wondering what everyone else's take is on the matter? Just opinions please no violence or mean comments needed or appreciated. Thank you.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • I am most definitely against circumcision. Regardless of whether it's done on males or females.

    Circumcision used in this context is basically body mutilation. To amputate or to cut off a person's body part without their permission. That's it, that's what mutilation is. I don't care if you come up with your facts about "oh i want to cut my sons dick off because it'll be hygienic" and all that. The thing is, you cut off a valuable body part of his, WITHOUT his permission, and what makes it even worse is that he's subconscious and not mature enough to make a choice.

    Now dealing with all the 'benefits' and disadvantages. Those who say that it's done to prevent diseases, however this only applied to males long ago, before showering and bathing hygienically every day was possible. People lived in the wilderness, in deserts, settlements may be in unhygienic state, people rarely even cleaned themselves. That was why it was necassary then to maybe get rid of all the risks of danger but now in the modern day of age, non of that is necassary (as if it ever was).

    You are able to teach your son how to clean himself and to take care of his body. Circumcising your child will only improve just a fraction of a percentage for risk of disease because they obviously will be taught how to clean.

    The foreskin itself possesses a large bundle of nerve endings which thus make it pleasurable for them during sex. Keep in mind that they also are a protective layer of skin to the glans of the penis which contains even more nerve endings. If you strip off the foreskin, one large bundle of nerve is gone. Now because the surface of the glans is exposed, the nerves will soon be numb due to the fact that they go through continuous friction throughout their daily lives which probably causes them to lose a huuuuuggeee chunk of nerves. Now if you were to have protective sex with condoms, the poor gent has basically got nothing to feel on. 'Might as well rub your knee to orgasm'.

    Circumcision is therefore wrong because:

    It's a mutilation of one's body (which is already illegal)
    Serves no true definite purpose for supposed 'protection'
    Eliminates sexual gratification.

    Ladies, how would YOU feel if maybe your parts were desensitized and you only felt 1/4 of your sexual pleasure? cause that's what the circumsized guys are going through right now and a lot of them aren't even aware of this being a problem.

Most Helpful Girl

  • Circumcision is fucked up. The foreskin is naturally there, people are born with it which means that it is needed, it's supposed to be there. Who the fuck decided that getting rid of it would be a good idea?

    If I ever have a son, there's no way I'm gonna get him mutilated, I don't care what the father may or may not want.

    As for my future partners, obviously it's not gonna be a deal breaker if he's circumcised, more than likely it wasn't his fault, but I'd strongly prefer an uncircumcised dude.

    • If I could I would give you a cookie.

    • Originally, men wanted their son's foreskin off to prevent masturbation during the 19th century (which obviously did not work at all) and through trend of "my son's penis should like mine", circumcision then became popular in america. Modern circumcision may also include reasons for being 'hygienic' and all that bull crap.

    • Or rather give you an uncircumcised cockie as it seems more appropriate for the context:

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  • - No health benefits for normal, healthy boys. Use a damn shower if you don't want infections.
    - Stupid to do it for aesthetic purposes, that literally doesn't matter
    - Also stupid for dads to insist that their sons should look like them. If your husband was missing an arm, would he also insist that your son gets his arms cut off? Literally the dumbest argument.

    The only reasonable argument is to get it done because of some sort of RELEVANT and CURRENT issue, such as the foreskin being way too tight or for some other reason that is legitimate and medical. Also if the guy wants to get his penis circumcised for whatever reason when he's old enough to understand what it's about, then he's free to do as he wishes. It's insanely selfish of parents to force their babies through this unnecessary and brutal procedure, without consent (unless, as I said, it's done for legitimate medical reasons and not for any of the poor reasons I stated in the very beginning of this post). Not only that, but the ones who perform this procedure get an insane amount of $$$ for doing it, so obviously they're going to propagate the shit out of circumcisions because they're getting millions.

  • Medically there is no difference between infection rates of a circumcised penis and an uncircumcised one. Both should be washed the same, and so will have the same rate of infection.

    I have been told that an uncircumcised penis is more sensitive than a circumcised one, as the hood actually protects the tip from rubbing, therefore stopping it from desensitizing. Much like if you keep one eye shut and the other open while looking into a light, the eye that was kept shut would see better in the dark than the one kept open as the eye looking into the light desensitized from the light, letting less in. The circumcised penis is much like the open eye, it feels less sensation.

    There is no explicit benefit to circumcising a boy.

    The origin of circumcision was to keep boys from masturbating, eventually the tradition turned into 'his should look like mine'.
    Imagine if the belief that burning the clitoral hood off a woman to stop her from masturbating had taken off, what people would be saying about that.

    I'm not judging, I just don't agree with the practice.

  • I need more research, but in terms of just me, personally? I prefer circumcised. I've been socialized into it, it's just the norm to me. It wouldn't be a deal-breaker for me, however.

    As for my future child, should I have a son? Need more research, and preferably peer-reviewed research from a proper medical database and not some hocus pocus from some blog or newsletter that skims over actual findings and statistics. And I understand statistics and the terms and what is a significant effect and not, so I don't think I will be too confused with a proper scientific paper in that sense.

  • I'm definitely against circumcision. Any surgery that is done for cosmetic reasons and not for necessary ones is not a surgery I am going to condone on my child, especially not when my child is a baby and has literally no understanding of what is happening to them. Circumcision is not necessarily a bad thing, for many people it's good for their health and some people prefer it purely on an aestheitc level (which I also don't prefer) and if my child decided to get circumcised as an adult, then I'd have no problem with it. But it's not something I'm going to force on my kid when, in my opinion, it's unnecessary mutilation.

  • You said no mean comments, but I really feel it is actually just to be said. Having your son circumcised because his father wanted him to 'look like him', is actually one of the most idiotic things I have ever heard. With regard to everything else. It's not even a debate. It's wholly unnecessary. The only subjective aspect is it apparently looks better aesthetically. Personally I think circumcised cocks even look daft. Trying to watch American porn stars attempt to get some life out of their weird shaped cocks is always amusing.

    I suspect Americans are comparatively 'riddled', funnily enough. A cursory google seems to suggest that might be the case.

    As you can tell, I'm really grumpy today. I hope you can forgive me, and at least accept in some sense this response is righteous.

    • I'm the opposite. An uncircumcised dick looks like the face of an elephant seal ha ha. I battle to watch those in porn. But I actually agree with you, although I am very pro-circumcision, getting it done to look like daddy is not really the best reason to do it.

  • I am very much against routine male infant circumcision. There are rare instances when it's a medically necessary procedure and might in those cases have to be done in childhood. But I don't think the partial amputation of a boy's penis should be anyone's decision but his -- when he's grown older and decide for himself. The hygiene part is a non-issue if he takes regular baths/showers. The foreskin tissue has thousands of nerve endings and helps keep the head of the penis from drying out.

  • Circumcision is nothing short of a cosmetic surgery to make the dick look better to women. It has no proven health benefits, has a chance of killing the child from blood loss, is excruciatingly painful for the baby, and should be viewed like FGM is viewed.

    All circumcision does is removes most of the nerve endings from the penis, calcifies the glans which further numbs the sensation, makes penetration hurt since the dick isn't moist anymore, and kills hundreds of babies every year. Funnily enough, people seem to think intact penises are dirty, forgetting that the smegma count of a vagina is 4x higher than an intact penis, making vaginas dirtier than anything by their own standards.

    • Not all women find a dick attractive whether it's cut or not and not all dicks are strictly for women either.

    • Yes, the thing I wanted you to take home was that it's all women's faults smfh.

    • I completely agree. Spot on.

  • i like it cut... i dont believe in any religion aspects (i am christian but not a believer... dont practice but culturally am one) and i dont like the look of an uncut penis...

    • Why do you like cut?

  • Chances are your husband wanted his son to be the same to not make himself feel inferior by losing part of his bodily function and integrity.

    Furthermore most european health-organisation are strictly against it, because the benefits are questionable while the risks (any surgery has a risk) are beyond that. Not to mention that boys have the very same right to bodily integrity and choosing themselevs as girls - or at least should have.

    I will copy&paste a comment I made earlier on the topic around here.

    1. What about my body my choice? Does that not count for boys?

    2. Phimosis is easily treatable in most cases without surgery.

    3. While the American organisations are pro-circumcision (probably because there is a lobby earning millions from the stem-cells), pretty much all european health organisations claim the risk for such a surgery never outshine the number of still questionable benefits.

    4. The handful of studies about decreased STDs are still questioned as they aren't the most scientific

    5. As much kids die on the procedure (usually by infection) than kids who will later have issues with phimosis. Worth it?

    6. Circumcision is one of the procedures with the biggest numbers of errors and negative aftereffects (skin-bridging, etc)

    7. Underneath the foreskin - just like inside the vagina - there is its own bacterial benefical fauna

    8. "Circumcision also makes it easier to keep the end of the penis clean." - That is utter bullshit. Every intact penis is easily cleanable by simply pulling the foreskin back. And frankly - you dont want to be with a guy who is incapable of properly cleaning himself no matter if cut or uncut.

    9. There is not a single country out there who does female genital mutilation but not male circumcision. male circumcision potentially layers the foundation for female genital mutilation.

    10. It is comparable with removing the clitoral hood. You want your clitoral hood removed because it might be a bit cleaner despite all the risks? No? Then why do you want to justify it done to guys?

    11. Infant circumcision rates are higher than 10% in the following nations: USA, Israel, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, Philippines, Indonesia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Republic of Congo, Eritrea, and Kenya.
    Definitely role-model nations we got there.

    • 12. Infants can't be properly anaesthetised so they will have to endure most of the pain on one of the most sensitive body-parts. See here:

      And to show european sources who aren't biased from benefitting financially due to selling of stem-cells out of the removed foreskin:

  • Yeah the circumcision debate can get heated. I'm circumcised and my bro isn't. I am so happy that I got circumcised and want my kids to be circumcised. My brother has had a few problems. Not major but things that can be avoided. The sex thing, I read the actual study and the results were variable with some saying that sex was better being circumcised.

    • those who say sex was better circumcised are being ridiculously dumb. You have not felt sex with your penis unmutilated. Why are you jumping to conclusions to questions which need experiment and results from both sides?

    • @QooLipBite they did do it from both sides dumbass lol the experiment was conducted with adult males who chose circumcision. Fact is the results were mixed. Some said sex got worse, others said it got better, the majority were meh. The consensus is that sex may be slightly better for some who are not circumcised. It's negligible. Lol and I wonder if you see the irony when you say "jump to conclusions"

    • There have been wayyy more studies conducted, not just the one you read and chose to believe that had different outcomes. It's theoretically a proven fact (it's simply logic) that if you get your foreskin cut off, you lose a wholel bundle of nerve endings. Added to that, because the sensitive part that was protected by the foreskin has lost it's protective layer, the nerves become desensitized due to continuous friction of the exposed surface. Yes. Be happy. Whether or not my first statement was correct or not, my conclusion is still the same, sex is NOT better when you chop off your dick. 😂 I still went through research, analysis and reasoning to come to the same conclusion. 😂

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  • I had it done as baby. My uncle had to have it done at age 21 and he said it was the worst pain he has ever felt. I think everyone knows someone that has had a problem with it, if you ask around. So I dont see why you wouldn't get it done.

    The whole "who feels it better" argument is foolish as sensation is subjective.

  • I was born uncircumcised but had a circumcision at 18 after my foreskin ripped. i prefer being cut

    • that sounds horrible!

    • @Other_Tommy_Wiseau it was a real mood killer at the time with the woman i was fucking

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  • It's absolutely immoral to mutilate a newborn baby's genitals unless it is necessary for the baby's health. I dare anyone who wants to mutilate their baby boy to stand in the room while the procedure is done.

    Y'know, there is studies that also show that FGM reduces STDs, HIV, infections etc, so should we make FGM commonplace too? Of course not, it's disgusting to do that to children who can't even walk, let alone give consent to such a procedure.

    If there is some higher power out there, I, as an atheist, thank them for stopping my mum from getting me circumcised.

  • I think it's an unnecessary process for the most part. But every individual person should at least make the choice himself, at least...

  • I'm angry that the choice was made for me.

  • No.

    See, I don't think anyone should be unable to get circumcised when they know what they're getting into, and why they do it. However, a newly born child cannot consent to that. Therefore the procedure should not be done until the person wants it. You can have it done later, but you can't undo it if you don't want it later.

    Besides that, it's not cleaner at all, it's basically just an old practice to keep boys from masturbating:

    And finally, "My son is circumcised because my husband insisted on him "looking" the same as his father." — really? That is just retarded.

    • ""My son is circumcised because my husband insisted on him "looking" the same as his father." — really? That is just retarded." Indeed. You might as well say 'We blinded our daughter so she would see things like her mother...'

  • That's a really important topic. I wish it was talked about more often and more openly in real life. It's true that arguments often get heated, but that doesn't help in the end. I believe that everyone has to reach their own conclusions about it. The facts are all there. The rest is beliefs.

    • @Tequilarosebud Thank you. Would be cool to talk about it if you like.

    • What is your opinion on this?

    • I believe that it is a decision that should be made by the parents after being properly educated on the FATS of the matter not in somebody's decisions and beliefs. I do believe from the few men I have spoken with that it is more painful to be done as an adult than as a baby. As I said I didn't want to have it done to my son as I felt it was unnecessary but his father as a male wanted it done and seeing as how I am a male and do not have a penis I figured there were reasons that my husband wanted it done other than the fact he wanted it to look the same that maybe I wouldn't or couldn't understand being a female. I don't believe at all that it is mutilating a child by having this done as most men that do have it done have a perfectly happy sex life and really have no problems with being circumcised. I feel like people that get on here making asshole comments are merely unable to understand that people have different opinions and believe that their opinion is the only right one. it's sad

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  • I think circumcision is pretty fucked up, even though I am circumcised. In the right mind, I would never circumcise my own children (If I ever have any). Circumcision is genital mutilation. It was done to stop boys from masturbating, and obviously that didn't work.

  • I am circumscribed and I wish I wasn't. The so called "benefits" are insignificant compared with the negatives. It is just plain wrong to do something so important to a child so young before he has the maturity to understand the implications and make the choice for himself.

    The fact that circumcision is still practiced in mass and there is not more public outcry against it is just another example of how male issues in society take a backseat to female issues.

  • If circumcision is wrong because the baby doesn't have a choice then doesn't that make abortion wrong?

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