I'm not scared of gay people I know what I'm scared of. But more so I hate them.
Hear me out I used to hate them OK guys used to geez. As I was writing this I can already feel the vulture ready to swoop in.
Anyway when I was young I always only saw guy/girl. All right like all the Disney movie Cinderella beauty and the beast the lion king alldin Hercules etc. So I knew from the age of four I like girls. Not like like them but I like them you know. So that was normal for me to see. Now when I was about the age of 8 there was a trannt on the aide walk and I didn't notice her but my dad did and he pulled me away saying stay over her cause of her. Now I did that was the first time I was like what going on. Then after that I seen movie making fun gay moments . so I knew that being gay was wrong.
Then other kids at school they be like eww u gay to people so I'm like it not just only me and my family it the neiborhood too. So that were I get my hate from so to speak. Then all the media and home training I watched and taught didn't match up with gayness. Like my father taught me how to be a man. And cartoon character always wanted the girl. So til I was about 2,years ago my opinion changed. I worked with gay people a gay man hired me and one of them I consider a 36point bar in the sims world I was like there nothing wrong with them to make me hate them.
Now that being said I do find that it is disgusting..til this day I turn away a gay parts in the movie and in real life its nasty. It in natural but what ever floats ur boat. I think we give lesbians like the girly kinda of lesbians a pass because its a sexual fantasy for mostly guys and girls.
Thing I don't like about the gay guys is the try to talk like females and it's disgusting to me. Just to hear the sound and yuck. Like if ur going to be gay still be a man talk in ur normal.voice . not all gay guys talk like this but the ones that do I generally do hate lol. It the sound more than the gayness. My gay friend don't know I think it nasty or what ever cause I hide it and I respect there life. But it is nasty to me .
So what I'm trying say I don't think gays are bad but that's the closest a homophobo is going to get to understanding.
I made this because I do get angry when people pick on people for expressing the. Self let life be . you know .
Now tranny on the other hand I actually.hate
Becuase I its a.cheep cop out to a person not getting there way. Like when they say I felt like a woman no no no. Thata some fucked up shit in the head. Well when I was about 5or 6 I wanted to be white. Becuae all the t.v I watched there were only white people
Batman superman wolverine spiderman u so felt like dang I wanna be a white person. Now I'm like fuck it I am what am I'm.proude of my family play the hand u were dealt in there are times when I see a white guy and wish I was him he doesn't even have to handsome just average. but I catch myself because that a unhealthy way of thinking. To point were I'll mimic white culture. So yeah I think every one should just stay in there skin. Love ur self u know . I don't like girls who get fake tits and ass cause there nothing wrong with you.
I got off topic a bit there's probably some crammer mistakes in there but whateves freeastyling.
Random cana pic enjoy
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