Conforming to Society; and Circumcision.

advanced apology - superheated rant wave.

they say we should conform to society, that it's safer.. how is it really? society is an outdated concept full of deception and false information, it offers false security in numbers but it is living a lie with so many regrets when you finally see the lies, they have outdated values like circumcision which has been an outdated system since the beginning of modern physical/sexual hygiene, a barbaric savage pseudo-medical science with its history as far back as the bronze age 2000+ years ago, touted as a practice for religious reasons it was originally intended to help reduce infections due to severe lack of hygiene and medicine, and since an infection always translated to death back in those days it was necessary, but now.. we have modern medicine.. modern hygiene..

yet people still believe in the lie, parents who lie to their children while they get mutilated while pretending that its ok, from religious lies to promises that their dick will grow or that their crush would like them for it or that their dick will feel better for themselves or for the girl, or lies of growing taller and more masculine.. i have never heard so much bullshit come out of my parents accursed mouths in all my life.. and i believed them because i loved my parents and believed that they would never lie to me.. i was so wrong.. they didn't care in the slightest, they just wanted me to “conform” to their god damned societal values. by getting my foreskin chopped off. i hate my parents with an unforgiving fury that i hope to bring to their death bed, i’ll make them suffer like i’ve suffered..

the sad thing is that.. i knew it deep inside when i was 13 i knew that it was a bad decision, i had a feeling deep in my gut, a feeling that i couldnt swallow that this wasn't right.. that god didn't create me with a foreskin just to have it chopped off.. and now 13 years later i find i was right all along, i remember masturbating when i was 12 was such an ecstatic and overwhelmingly pleasuring experience but after i got circumcised i could barely feel anything and i cried so hard afterwards, i remember right after surgery i was so angry and full of despair that i cursed both the doctor and my parents and swore i'd kill them all one day especially the doctor whom i pointed at with bloodlust eyes while crying my eyes out in the corridor half naked bleeding, the foreskin is an extremely important part of the penis after all, and all the god damned lies that the doctor and my parents said were unforgivable.. if i see the doctor ever again i will kill him and he knows it.

The foreskin or prepuce is made up of two layers of tissue, the outer layer which carries all of the nerves and blood vessels, and the inner layer which is known as the mucosal layer, this has over 8000 nerve endings in it that are protected by the mucus produced by the mucosal layer, and is comparable to the clitoris in terms of sensitivity and arousal due to the number of nerve endings the clit also has (around 8000), but the mucosal layer has a second purpose, the protection and maintenance of the sensitive glans, which with uncircumcised guys have a sensitive smooth layer known as the mucosa, which enhance sexual pleasure and protect the glans nerve endings, without the foreskin the penis will initially lose upwards of 60% of its sexual sensitivity with it increasing over the years until it is 90 to 100% desensitized because the glans mucosa dies and turns into dry rough skin killing thousands of nerve endings with it (the glans has over 12000 nerve endings), which is one major reason why men nowadays prefer to pleasure the woman as much as possible, because he’d find it somewhat difficult to ejaculate on physical stimulation alone and often have to resort to other stimuli or holding their breath to reach climax, in total an estimated 20000 nerves are irrepairably damaged and die on the aftermath of circumcision while another 12000 die from the years that follow from the glans drying into a prune, on top of that the smegma that doctors and parents alike say is bad is actually good, its simply dead skin discarded by the penis in a very clean way along with friendly bacteria and mucus to form smegma which needs to be cleaned regularly, but this also helps with lubrication and protection as it acts as a nest for helpful bacteria against hostile bacteria, on top of which the foreskin that doctors say increases risk of hiv’s actually decreases the risk significantly if left intact because the foreskin itself acts as a physical barrier as well as the mucus it produces which not only lubricate and protect the nerves but also push out hiv’s and hostile bacteria much like how the vagina does it, the prepuce has a lot in common with the glands of the cervix and the vaginal walls/rugae, so the foreskin as quite a lot of use after all, as i f***ing thought and i was 13 when i thought that! .. fml.

the only downsides it ever had was its requirement to cleanliness which women deal with on the daily so men should be able to as well, and then the natural attachment of the foreskin to the neck of the glans which on some boys tear apart naturally much like a girls hymen would tear during her first time, that is a natural condition that can be accelerated or left to its natural process.. which if i remember correctly never hurt anywhere near as much a circumcision and is nowhere near as psychologically traumatizing.

For the parents reading this thinking it was a good idea for you to circumcise your son even if you didn't force him and just manipulated him, if it has already happened then i won't feel any sympathy for you savages, mutilating your son is an unforgivable act that cannot be reversed, you just permanently destroyed your sons sex organ and pretend its fine - delusional maniacs, and your son will likely distance themselves from you and hate you for the rest of their lives, not just for making them get permanently mutilated but for lying to their face while still calling yourself a damned parent.. you should be ashamed, its their choice and their body, not yours.

For the parents reading this thinking it was a good idea for you to circumcise your son but has yet to do it, i hope for your sons sake you never make that choice, you have absolutely no right even as parents to lop off your sons damned foreskin, thats for your son to decide and for you to shut the f*** up instead of trying to manipulate him, that is if you still want your son to love you and stay close to you, and not want to kill you in the foreseeable future.

to my parents who might be reading this; know that i will never ever forgive you and will be glad to see you go to hell. shameless deceitful cold hearted savage bastards deserve nothing less.

"A Savage Practice in a Modern Age"
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