Dancing - how to make your butt vibrate like the girl in the video?


Does anyone know how to make their butt vibrate like this girl?


I can do the booty bounces and the hip rolls but I don't understand how she vibrates like at 0:15? Is she just clenching and unclenching her glutes or something?

Thanks for your help,
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Most Helpful Girls

  • A girl does that in Step up 2 too. I think it's just practice and flexing your butt. You know how you can make your legs shake all weird when you're sitting a certain way? That's what its like. It's a lot in the legs too but it's very hard to explain.

  • stand on your toes and I guess kinda bounce from side to side using your legs if that makes any sence at all what so ever.. just experiment I guess becuase I don't know how to explain really

  • That might have been the most disturbing think I've ever seen butttt I think she's just clenching her glutes O.o I've been wondering how to do that too

Most Helpful Guys

  • As a fan of booty shake, I think girls do it with their feet, like jumping, I don't know..

    Look at this vid and watch closely how the girl moves her legs at 0:50 to 0:54

    • Hi LonelyEmperor, I can do the shake, I just can't do the vibrate like the girl in my video does. It's this weird vibrating- I don't see it to that often.

  • Wow, that just looks awkward, especially the look on her face. Anyways, it looks like she's just moving her hips a little bit, but very fast, almost a spasm.

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  • get your legs shaking and don't let it slow down or stop itll eventually make its way up to your butt. don't really care for it myself but w/e floats your boat

  • Awesome video.

  • She's not the hotest girl in the world, but damn could she work a c0ck!

  • Dont try it she's a professional, you might get wipe lash

  • No, but I do know how to make you're brain vibrate. Go read a book.

    • Is that how you became so smart?

    • Nah, I was born that way.