Hello G@G community,
We all might be aware of different types of sexual assault. Let's Discuss the solutions for different types of sexual assaults.
Sexual assault is any kind of sexual activity committed against a woman's will. Whether the rapist uses force or threats of force is irrelevant.

Sexual assault comes in many different forms and is often referred to as a continuum. This is due to the fact that some incidences will overlap, and the survivor will experience multiple different types of assault at the same time. Others may experience sexual assault as an isolated, singular event.
It becomes our duty to discuss and help the people who had experienced assault.

Objectives of This Take
To help people who had experienced sexual assault.
To share knowledge with people because I strongly believe that power is gained by sharing knowledge not hoarding it.
To change the opinion of people on this site about my country. 🙃
I am going to share different types of sexual assault in few parts.
Acquaintance Rape :

Acquaintance rape is rape committed by a person who the survivor personally knows.
Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.
This is also often referred to as “#date #rape,” especially when the two parties have agreed to a romantic relationship, but the survivor has not consented to sexual intercourse.
Acquaintance rape is often misunderstood; people think that because the two parties know each other, it isn’t “real rape.” This is incorrect—rape is a felony crime, regardless of the relationship between the people involved. A clear, consenting needs "yes" to be communicated in order for sexual contact to be legal.
Cat Calls :

Cat calls are verbal advances that include whistling, shouting, and/or saying sexually explicit or implicit phrases or propositions that are unwanted by the survivor.
Cat Calling has received a lot of media attention in the last few years—women, in particular, are fed up with being verbally harassed on the street.
Many perpetrators of this type of sexual harassment believe it is a form of flattery, but survivors do not perceive it this way at all. Instead, it feels to them like an objectifying, unwanted advance.
Date Rape :
Date rape is similar to acquaintance rape; in both cases the survivor knows the perpetrator but has not consented to sexual intercourse. The term “date” often leads people to believe that one must be dating the rapist for a sexual assault to count as “date rape,”
“Date rape drug” is a slang term for a drug that is used to aid a perpetrator in sexually assaulting someone. The drugs often have no taste, smell, or color, and can be poured or dissolved into drinks or food.
Examples of popular date rape drugs include, but are not limited to, Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB), Ketamine, Rohypnol (roofies), and alcohol. They can cause survivors to feel paralyzed, or keep them from seeing well or speaking up.
An easy way to protect oneself from date rape drugs in public places is to monitor personal beverages. It is also a good idea to refuse any unknown drinks that are offered by strangers.
Exhibitionism :

Exhibitionism is a paraphilia in which a person derives sexual arousal from the act or fantasy of exposing their genitals to non-consenting strangers.
In the vast majority of cases, the perpetrators of exhibitionist acts are men and the survivors are women.
One common form of exhibitionism is “flashing.” A typical “flasher” will set themselves up in a public place where there are many people. They will conceal their genitals with a trench coat, newspaper, book, or other object.
When they see a suitable person to flash, they will enter the person’s line of vision and expose their genitals to the victim. At this point, the flasher revels in the reaction of the survivor, perhaps fantasizing about a sexual relationship with the victim as well. The flasher may masturbate at the scene to the point of ejaculation, or he may later masturbate to the memory of the event.
Thanks G@G community for providing me platform to share the knowledge.
Please share your thoughts, experience and suggestions.
Part 2 ? 🤔🤔
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