Different Types of Sexual Assault (Part -1)

Hello G@G community,

We all might be aware of different types of sexual assault. Let's Discuss the solutions for different types of sexual assaults.

Sexual assault is any kind of sexual activity committed against a woman's will. Whether the rapist uses force or threats of force is irrelevant.

Different Types of Sexual Assault (Part -1)

Sexual assault comes in many different forms and is often referred to as a continuum. This is due to the fact that some incidences will overlap, and the survivor will experience multiple different types of assault at the same time. Others may experience sexual assault as an isolated, singular event.

It becomes our duty to discuss and help the people who had experienced assault.

Different Types of Sexual Assault (Part -1)

Objectives of This Take

To help people who had experienced sexual assault.

To share knowledge with people because I strongly believe that power is gained by sharing knowledge not hoarding it.

To change the opinion of people on this site about my country. 🙃

I am going to share different types of sexual assault in few parts.


Acquaintance Rape :

Different Types of Sexual Assault (Part -1)

Acquaintance rape is rape committed by a person who the survivor personally knows.

Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.

This is also often referred to as “#date #rape,” especially when the two parties have agreed to a romantic relationship, but the survivor has not consented to sexual intercourse.

Acquaintance rape is often misunderstood; people think that because the two parties know each other, it isn’t “real rape.” This is incorrect—rape is a felony crime, regardless of the relationship between the people involved. A clear, consenting needs "yes" to be communicated in order for sexual contact to be legal.

Cat Calls :

Different Types of Sexual Assault (Part -1)

Cat calls are verbal advances that include whistling, shouting, and/or saying sexually explicit or implicit phrases or propositions that are unwanted by the survivor.

Cat Calling has received a lot of media attention in the last few years—women, in particular, are fed up with being verbally harassed on the street.

Many perpetrators of this type of sexual harassment believe it is a form of flattery, but survivors do not perceive it this way at all. Instead, it feels to them like an objectifying, unwanted advance.

Date Rape :

Date rape is similar to acquaintance rape; in both cases the survivor knows the perpetrator but has not consented to sexual intercourse. The term “date” often leads people to believe that one must be dating the rapist for a sexual assault to count as “date rape,”

Different Types of Sexual Assault (Part -1)

“Date rape drug” is a slang term for a drug that is used to aid a perpetrator in sexually assaulting someone. The drugs often have no taste, smell, or color, and can be poured or dissolved into drinks or food.

Examples of popular date rape drugs include, but are not limited to, Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB), Ketamine, Rohypnol (roofies), and alcohol. They can cause survivors to feel paralyzed, or keep them from seeing well or speaking up.

An easy way to protect oneself from date rape drugs in public places is to monitor personal beverages. It is also a good idea to refuse any unknown drinks that are offered by strangers.

Exhibitionism :

Different Types of Sexual Assault (Part -1)

Exhibitionism is a paraphilia in which a person derives sexual arousal from the act or fantasy of exposing their genitals to non-consenting strangers.

In the vast majority of cases, the perpetrators of exhibitionist acts are men and the survivors are women.

One common form of exhibitionism is “flashing.” A typical “flasher” will set themselves up in a public place where there are many people. They will conceal their genitals with a trench coat, newspaper, book, or other object.

When they see a suitable person to flash, they will enter the person’s line of vision and expose their genitals to the victim. At this point, the flasher revels in the reaction of the survivor, perhaps fantasizing about a sexual relationship with the victim as well. The flasher may masturbate at the scene to the point of ejaculation, or he may later masturbate to the memory of the event.

Thanks G@G community for providing me platform to share the knowledge.

Please share your thoughts, experience and suggestions.

Different Types of Sexual Assault (Part -1)

Part 2 ? 🤔🤔

Different Types of Sexual Assault (Part -1)

6 2

Most Helpful Guy

  • Part 2: Nowadays rape.

    A bimbo with feminism instead of brains got drunk, decided to fuck some guy, during the sex she sobers up and starts to feel disgusted about her decision and in order to save her face sorta "I ain't no slut" and get sympathy from the surrounding people (and maybe some shekels) like "yeah, yeah, sweetheart, you ain't no slut, it's a bad-baddie male at fault!" sues the guy for rape, although it's her that initiated it, or wakes up in the morning after sex, sees some guy she fucked last night, again feels like a cheap slut and in order to save her non-existing grace sues the guy for rape.

    • Thanks for sharing your valuable opinion on my take. Victim-blaming attitudes marginalize the victim/survivor and make it harder to come forward and report the abuse. If the survivor knows that you or society blames her for the abuse, s/he will not feel safe or comfortable coming forward and talking to you. Victim-blaming attitudes also reinforce what the abuser has been saying all along; that it is the victim’s fault this is happening. It is NOT the victim’s fault or responsibility to fix the situation; it is the abuser’s choice. By engaging in victim-blaming attitudes, society allows the abuser to perpetrate relationship abuse or sexual assault while avoiding accountability for his/her actions. This statement assumes that the victim is equally to blame for the abuse, when in reality, abuse is a conscious choice made by the abuser. Abusers have a choice in how they react to their partner’s actions.

    • Options besides abuse include: walking away, talking in the moment, respectfully explaining why an action is frustrating, breaking up, etc. Additionally, abuse is not about individual actions that incite the abuser to hurt his partner, but rather about the abuser’s feelings of entitlement to do whatever he wants to his partner. When friends and family remain neutral about the abuse and say that both people need to change, they are colluding with and supporting the abusive partner and making it less likely that the survivor will seek support.

    • One thing is being a victim. Another thing is when a person simply is unable to hold a personal responsibility for his/her own actions and consequences, and proceeds to blame someone else in order to make himself/herself feel better, gain some sympathy and in some cases a profit, but he/she is not a victim at all. A prime example is one specific politician in the US that continues to blame everyone (including us) for her own failures and poor decisions.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • Catcalls are not assault.

    • Thanks for sharing your valuable opinion @Bell44444 . There are many "grey areas". It doesn’t matter what you are wearing or where you are going, catcalling is always offensive. That’s why there is a difference between that word and a simple compliment. As a result, women feel embarrassed, dehumanized, invaded, disempowered, scared and more. The individual definition of sexual assault may vary. 😊

    • Assault is not the same as offense. Catcalls are offensive, you're right. They aren't assault.

    • Yeah, From your point of view you are correct. 😊 But what about when it turns into assault or fear?

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What Girls & Guys Said

6 7
  • Thanks for the insight! Good Take 👍:)

    • Thanks for appreciating my work. You're Welcome. 😊

  • Let's not forget that men can be victims of sexual assault too.

    • Thanks for sharing your valuable opinion on my take. Men and boys who have been sexually assaulted or abused face the same mental and physical effects as other survivors.

      We should remember that males can also be victims of sexual assault.

      #Feminist 😊.

      Future Parts.



    • Thank you for your kind response. Looking forward to your next post. :)

  • I agree, but from my side, there are more politely condition I v seen I can say it always significant of assaults. Yep, I understand there are a different types of it, well I wanna support your task that its true. Thanks for share something good here.

    • Thanks for appreciating my work. Your support matters a lot. 😊👍👍 You should share your opinion on this topic.

  • What do you call it when a guy from a criminal family calls his entire family in front of the survivors house and attack them and cause a riot bringing weapons with them? Happened with me.

    • I can understand your concern. It is called as Aggravated Assault. The category Aggravated Assault—Knife or Cutting Instrument. includes assaults wherein weapons such as knives, razors, hatchets, axes, cleavers, scissors, glass, broken bottles, and ice picks are used as cutting or stabbing objects or their use is threatened.

    • Our security guard and brother got injured. The boy's mother was also there and she argued with my mom using the foulest words ever. My dad was in office but when we called him he came with my uncles and by them some neighbors arrived for help. For the entire time nobody allowed me to get out of my room or even see through the window. I changed my school afterwards.

    • Thanks for sharing your experience. It will encourage many girls like you to share opinion on this topic. It is critical situation for family members and for especially for you. The help from family, friends , neighbors is important factor. You got support from your family. Remember, you are not alone. You have support of your family members. You have support of your uncle and neighbors. You are not alone. They care for you.

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  • What about female teachers sleeping with their MALE students is that not rape?

    Or you mean to tell me men/boys can't be victims of rape or assault?

    • Thanks for asking questions on my take bro. 😊 What about female teachers sleeping with their MALE students is that not rape? In simple terms, it’s all about permission (or agreement). This is something that must be clearly established between two people before any kind of sexual act. If female teachers sleep with male students with consent than it would not be considered as rape. "you mean to tell me men/boys can't be victims of rape or assault" Men and boys who have been sexually assaulted or abused face the same mental and physical effects as other survivors. Definitely they can be victim of Sexual Assault and Rape.

    • In the eyes of the law "sex" with anyone under the age of 16 is not consensual and when it comes to teachers the age of the victim is irrelevant. But of course the double standard means that when the genders are reversed = "he took advantage of this innocent girl (student) he must be punished what a perv". Basically female victim = taken advantage of and abused male victim = lucky consensual sex

    • Age of consent laws vary widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, though most jurisdictions set the age of consent in the range 14 to 18. The laws may also vary by the type of sexual act, the gender of the participants, or other restrictions such as being in a position of trust; some jurisdictions may also make allowances for minors engaged in sexual acts with each other, rather than a single age. Charges resulting from a breach of these laws may range from a misdemeanor such as corruption of a minor, to what is popularly called statutory rape (which is considered equivalent to rape, both in severity and sentencing). There are many "grey areas" in this area of law. Rape of males is still taboo, and has a negative connotation among both heterosexual and homosexual men. Mostly, male victims try to hide and deny their victimization, similar to female victims, unless they have serious physical injuries. Please provide your valuable suggestions on this topic.

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