Do black guys have bigger d***'s?

Well I've been with more black guys then white ones and yeah their d***s have ben bigger than the one white guy I was with..but yeah. So is it just coincidental or are they really bigga?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • The research team of Masters and Johnson came up with different data. M&J tested penis length by race. They say that white men have the longest average peni at 6.4 inches, black men came in second at 6.2 inches, hispanic men in third place with 6 inches even and Asian men in last with 5.6 inches.

    A 2006 study conducted for the British Journal of Urology found that a man's penis, no matter his race, averages out to be 5.07 inches long. This same study found that homosexual men have slightly longer and wider members than heterosexual men. Don't worry my fellow straight males. The differences were only about .2 inches of length and .2 inches of girth. A negligable amount unless you are some sort of size queen.

    I could go on citing studies by condom companies, medical societies and independent researchers, but from what I have seen there is not a lot of agreement. Depending on who you ask and what their motives are, you get different answers.

    J. Philippe Rushton, a professor at the University of Western Ontario, says that men of African decent have the longest peni on average (between 6.25 inches and 8 inches.) Masters and Johnson say that Caucasian men are the biggest. Rushton has been linked to racist organizations while Masters and Johnson have not. I am more inclined to believe M&J. If there is some sort of corrilation between race and penis size, I don't think it is significant.

    Either way, I think it's more important to find someone who has great qualities that aren't penile. I conducted a random survey and asked 15 women whether it was more important if a guy has a large penis or if he can use what he has. Fourteen of the fifteen women surveyed said that being able to use what they had was more important. One even went so far as to say that, in certain situations, too much size was undesireable. So if you're not the a twelve inch long nine inch wide tree stump of a man don't worry, few men are and few women want that.

    The largest penis size currently held is through a white man living in England Jonah Falcom who comes in at 13.5 inches with a girth of almost 7


    • Size Perception of what males think they are in relation to other races

      link (graph)

      The figure to the left summarizes the results of question 44, in which men were asked to rate members of their own ethnic group with respect to size. Of particular interest was the response of East Asian subjects. Among East Asians residing in the East, 31% felt that they were generally of modest size, compared to 56% of those living in the West.

    • This is probably due to the fact that Western countries tend to be more racially diverse, allowing for greater interaction and hence comparison with men of different ethnic backgrounds. It is also interesting to note that the vast majority of Black subjects stated that they tended to believe they were well endowed; an opinion which was not borne out by the results of this study.

  • I think the only way you can be sure is to whore yourself out to as many white guys and black guys as possible so you can get a better sample size, and then put all their measurements in a Microsoft Excel sheet. For an added bonus you should wear a white lab coat while you do your experiments, just to make it official.

    • I think your 100% right. That is clearly the only way and I might as well have some fun while I'm doing it, right?

Most Helpful Girls

  • the first guy I was with was mostly white but mixed with black and indian. he was 7 inches

    i dated another white guy (no sex) and he was only 4 inches

    i do think there is a difference because you always hear people saying that the avg d*** size is 4-5 inches but I have never been with a black guy that small. I'd say the avg black guy is like 6-7 inches. there are some big white boys and some small black boys but overall I think black men are bigger. sorry!

    • I agree.

    • did you find bigger d*** more/less/equally pleasurable?

    • Usually more..

    • Show All
  • I think that the dark color makes them look bigger. But they're not definitely all huge, the smallest d*** I ever saw was on a Black guy and was the size of a pinky! But I think that black ones look better, and I definitely noticed that black guys usually have big balls.

    • Ditto.

  • Not always the case. I have been with a couple of both and one Native American that I am with now. Not all the black guys were bigger.

    • Not men are created equal. lol

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3 6
  • No, average sizes are roughly the same for each race. Some studies show however, that African men have a larger variation in their size while typically White men are more consistent.

  • No. That's just a stereotype brought up by the p*rn industry. Medical studies have found no evidence to support that penis size is related to race. I'm black myself and have an average sized penis. From what I have read on this site, most girls don't really care about penis size. The average size is just right.

  • Black penises seem to be wider but that's just me maybe... I don't know about longer

  • studies show no link between skin color and erect penis size

  • Medical studies show no difference between races.

    • i got a thumbs down too I guess science is wrong?

    • I guess lol!