Do guys like clit piercing!

My fiancé is overseas and coming home soon I wanna surprise him with a clit piercing! So it being a surprise I don't wanna ask him if he would like it... Suggestions? Opinions?
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To make thing alittle more clear, it's a VCH piercing so the hood above the clit! So no sensitivity will be lost!
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Thanks everyone for all your comments! :-). I'll ask him tomorrow
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Okay so for my update! I texted him the other day, asked what he would think if I did it! He was extremely surprised lol... So he's totally into it! And he's pretty much in heaven just thinking about! Glad this turned out a success!
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Don't do it. Like someone else said, you could lose the ability to come with a clit piercing. Totally not worth it. There are a million other ways to surprise him without compromising your sexual well being! Good luck ;)

    • gspot more important anyways.

    • Lol gtfo Xia90. Gspot is more important than the clit? What planet are you from and do they have women?

    • im a nurse, idiot.

    • Show All
  • I would never do that! that just seems gross in my opinion.I don't think you should since he doesn't even know about it.

Most Helpful Guys

  • I'm not a big fan of clit piercings. Get your nipples pierced instead if they already aren't. Small ones are really sexy. Big studs and balls are tacky, though...

  • That's not really a great idea for a surprise. I'd surprise him with something else and ask about the piercing.

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 6
  • Most guys don't like that at all.

  • my exhusband didn't like them, he said he didn't know what to do with them, I like them tho

  • This is a terrible surprise since its a good chance he won't like it. Its better to do something else and at least ask him about the piercing before you do something you both might regret.

  • I hear that if they pierce it wrong, you can lose all the sensitivity. Personally, I wouldn't take the risk if I were you.

    Plus, as a guy, I wouldn't mind it if she already had one, but would not suggest she gets one if not.

  • Not me.

    Piercings don't do anything for me.

    I've never seen the point or the attraction.

    • belly button piercing is hot

    • Whatever blows your skirt up. Not my thing.