These are the reasons why you should always keep hair down there:
1) Men like real women. And everybody knows that women have hair down there, and little girls don´t. If a man feels horny by watching a completely shaved woman who looks like a child down there... believe me, there is something wrong here (a pervert?). It´s against human nature.
Of course, men don´t like hairy legs or hairy armpits in women. You are a woman, not a man. So keep them hairless. You just have to keep your bush and if your hair is well covered by your pants or bikini, everything´s fine. Believe me.
2) If you have never shaved your pubic hair, you will see it is soft and beautiful. Once you start shaving, end of the story. You become a slave of shaving. Stubble and so on. Not sexy. And the famous "brazilian style" is more expensive than simply shaving your legs and between them, If you have your bush, don´t shave it. Just trim between the bikini line.
3) The first idea that comes to our minds when we find out that the woman has hair down there is "she is more innocent, she seems to be a decent girl". These shaved women are usually associated to p*rno stars, for instance. And then, the man believes that this woman likes to show her private areas to almost everyone. That´s the first idea. Hair down there is associated to "purity" for us.
4) When having sex in face to face positions, pubic hair (from both) reduces friction. It´s very unpleasant for us to feel this friction when the completely shaved woman moves. Most women don´t exactly know this functional feature of pubic hair.
5) Additionally, pubic hair will help you to prevent infections. This is another functional feature. It´s like the hair we all have inside the nose. Without hair, your vulva is totally exposed.
Finally some comments:
Most shaved women argue that they feel fresh and cleaner. Let´s clarify this point: Men like clean women. No doubt. So, no matter if you have hair or not, your hygiene is extremely important in any case. A shaved women who has poor hygiene will smell bad down there, and if you are unshaved, even worse. So, being shaved does not solve the problem. It´s the hygiene, grooming.
Good luck!1 0 0 0I think you'll find that most guys really don't care as long as it's trimmed. It's really shouldn't be any of their business how you have it anyway because it's how you perfer . like how you wanna be, plus I'd say that pretty personal down there. Let them like you or love you for how you are. That's no different than if you like yourself with your hair back most of the time with a ribbon or like certain types or styles of clothes. That's what makes you "you" and not someone else. That's your very own uniqueness. Personally, I'd rather she's shaved but I know it's a chore to keep that up so I'll take whatever I can get. lol!
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Most Helpful Girls
I clean shave just because it seems more hygienic to me and my man prefers it. Most of the guys I dated preferred that, too, especially when going down because no worries of stray hairs! I suggest if you keep it, trim it up regularly.don't think a man would be crazy about digging thru an afro to find his treasure!
0 0 0 0i think most guys don't really care as long as its trimmed. personally, I don't like hair so I shave leavin a little tuff.i feel like being completely bald looks like a 12 year
0 0 0 0Most dudes don't care. they ain't there to look at bush. As for me, I do like it a lil; hairy there. Makes it kinda more fun
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2 9Maybe it's just because I like to be a little bit "counter culture", but I find a super hairy one to be the sexiest. So many women are into the shaving and trimming, it's cool to see a bushy, hairy jungle down there instead for a change.
I kind of find it a tease, anyway, when there's enough hair so a little bit can't help but peek out the sides of panties or a bikini. Sort of a sneak peak of what else is down there. :)0 0 0 0Yea, I'm surprised some guys don't mind. I'm clean shaven, it feels nicer that way, I guess.
1 0 0 0I love a woman with a hairy bush! To bad more women wouldn't worry about trimming and shaving down there!
1 0 0 0I don't care. Those who do care, don't care much. If he doesn't mention it, then it doesn't matter.
1 0 0 0It doesn't really bother me either way.
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