Do guys masturbate when they think about their girlfriend?

If they realllllly like a girl, would they every masturbate to the thought of her?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Some guys might masturbate to the thought of their girlfriend but not often. Even if a guy is extremely into a girl he might prefer to masturbate to something a little different. This is why most guys masturbate to p*rn. It's not the fact that they don't love their gfs or wives, it's the fact that it's a different person.

    If a guy is only taking it as far as watching p*rn to masturbate and not thinking of their significant other, there's nothing to worry about. We are visual creatures and need a little motivation sometimes. Now if the girlfriend or wife want to create her own home movies to provide to him for motivation, that's a different story, lol.

  • Sure. I still masturbate when I think of my wife, and I always did while we were dating, too.

    But I also masturbate when I think of other women. Female friends, women I met somewhere, whatever. I never think of celebrities or p*rn stars or anything like that.

Most Helpful Girl

  • im not sure if they do, I'm sure they do sometimes. but I'm sure not all the time. I'm sure each guy has there own things lol

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What Girls & Guys Said

0 9
  • Occasionally.

    Mostly not.

  • Girlfriend...No never

    Girl maybe =)

  • They jerked off thinking about her well before the time they were dating.

    Also all of her non-fat friends.

    Maybe a few of the fat ones too.

    • *High five

    • this seems like best answer to me ;)

  • Like, hate, neutral feeling... if she makes your d*** go hard she's on the team, enters 'the wank-bank'

  • What's the point of still jacking off and having a girlfriend? What a girlfriend is supposed to be for?