Do guys still want sex even if they are sick?

like with a cold or something? and do they still want it from their girlfriends if the girl is the one that is sick? isn't it kind of a turn off?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Not me! It seems to me that a guy should be able to control his sexual urges enough so that he doesn't have to be having sex all the time, sick or not sick but especially when sick or his girlfriend is sick. When you use the word sick I take it you mean SICK! lol! When I'm sick I'm kind of tired out and I'm not too full of energy and I don't think I"d be a very good lover either. If my girlfriend was sick that'd be entirely up to her, and since I'd be feeling okay if she wanted to have sex then I would. But yes, that would be a kind of turn off and that's why I rather not have sex when I'm sick because I'd assume it'd be a turn off to her. I mean like, picture coughing in her face while having sex or needing to wipe my nose if I'm eating her out. or she starts sneezing. lol! Naww sex can wait. I'm never that desperate and I wouldn't want my girlfriend to be either. .

  • Well, being sick at the moment I don't really want to have sex. If I was just congested it wouldn't be too bad but I've pretty much got it all right now. I don't think my stomach contents could handle all the sloshing around.

    Sorry if that was too much information.

    • Haha ya I'm sick right now too so I know the feeling

Most Helpful Girls

  • I think it's sexy when a guy wants to have sex with a girl when she's not "at her best!" When my boyfriend is sick, it doesn't bother me to jump in bed with him, cuddle a bit and let him know I still want him. even when he doesn't look all that well. And besides, sex releases those "feel good" enzymes which helps make you feel better when you're sick! I would want to think that the answer is yes, a guy would still want to have sex with his girlfriend even if she had a runny nose or small cough!

  • As insane as it sounds, if a dude gets turned on, he will have an erection, and he will wanna have sex- trust me, I've had this happen as a single man or in a relationship. The sex don't last for too long, and it grosses girls out anyways- they don't want our germy mess (lol)

  • well when one of us [either my boyfriend or i] gets sick, that doenst stop us from kissing, cuddling and sex. we just kinda expectt that the other will get sick. being sick isn't something that will keep us away from each other :]

    • Thats cute =]

  • I want sex when I'm sick and my man too. I would make out but he can still get it with out being in eachothers faces

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1 5
  • Depends.

    Sometimes an orgasm when I'm a little sick feels amazing, and different from usual. Don't know why.

    But if I'm more seriously sick, I don't usually have the desire or energy.

  • My ex wanted me to eat her out when I was sick. I could barely breathe and had to stop and blow my nose so it didn't run while I was down there. I'm such a sucker when it comes to pleasing my partner :(

    • Haha ew. that sounds gross

  • Something about oozing with snot makes me feel unsexy. Maybe some guys can get over that. Not me. The cold medicine doesn't help anything either.

  • I love this kind of sex espc when one of us sick or cold .

    • Might I ask why?

    • More Funn if both of us like to do so .lol

  • I'm totally the opposite, control yourself I'm ill, I felt insulted that he wanted to have sex with me while I was ill, I found it gross and uncaring, I'm ill and tired and all you're doing is touching me up and looking for where to stick your bits, if I wasn't ill I would have given him the talk of his life. I clearly want to sleep, I have no energy and your treatment is sex -.- FML. I found it inconsiderate to how I felt at the time. Such acts are enough to make me hate someone.

    • I totally agree with you. If someone is sick let them recover and then u can have sex