Do guys think it's a turn off for girls to watch porn?

Ummm I'm a girl that likes to watch. I mean I don't watch it daily but I watch it every once in a while. But I've heard that some guys think it's weird for girls to watch porn. Is this true? I don't want guys to think I'm weird or too horny or something. I just like to watch it and get pointers.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I think it's awesome! The fact that you want to get pointers from it is very cool. Too many women I know look down on it, saying its unrealistic. Which it is in some cases.

    I wish that our culture had something like Karma Sutra, that teaches men how to please women, and that teaches women how to please men. I'm not sure how it would be implemented though. But keep on watching it, and when possible, watch it with your significant other.

    It's definitely a turn on for me!

  • That is absolutely not weird. My last girlfriend watched porn and was very sexual and at least in our relationship it was a unique common ground. It was a turn on too, I think it would be hard to find a guy that wouldn't be turned on for.

    • Alex you are so embarrassing!

Most Helpful Girls

  • Honestly, if a guy thinks it's weird it's his frikin problem! I'm sure HE watches porn. I watch porn, everybody watches porn practically. Most guys think it's hot when you say you watch porn. Chances are if he's thinks it's weird, he's not very sexually adventurous or sexually boring.

  • Why not watch it daily? I do, and I turned out fine. I know pleeeeenty of dudes that don't get "offended" or "turned off" by it, but just join in.

  • HELL NO. my ex. loved it. it turned him on soo much. kinda funny.

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 3
  • Nah. Nothing weird at all. And it's fun. Find a guy that's cool with it, because guys that think its weird, are probably pretty insecure themselves.

  • NO you are not weird. It's hot that a girl watches porn, for whatever reason. It shows that you have an open mind!

    One night instead of bringing a regular DVD home to watch with him bring a porn DVD. That will "enhance" your evening.

  • i don't think its weird at all and what ever guy that thinks its weird is crazy. I like a woman who watches porn. its very hot

  • i know this question is for guys.but I'm a girl that likes to watch

    and ii don't think anythings wrong with it.its totally natural

    and + you get lots of pointers and learn more :]].sooo if a guy

    says there's something wrong with it.theres something

    wrong with him :]].lol

    • Yep, and its educational! lol!