Do your tits follow coriolis effect?

Do your tits follow coriolis effect?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • The Coriolis effect is about moving under effect of Earth rotation.
    I don't get what virginity has to do with it.
    If it happens to breasts, I guess nuns would have it too.

    • True. I just didn't want to add a "see results" option.

  • Was i the only one who read it: "Do your tits follow clitoris effect?"

    • Hmm... turns out you aren't the only one.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I've never tried to do any helicopter action with my boobs but I always appreciate a science question 😂

    • can't you sway them?

    • Not really but I'm pretty muscular as well. Thanks for MHO!

  • Virgin

    • But you go to the gym right? Try skipping ropes and tell us 😋

    • You first, sir. I want hear all about your moobs juggling.

    • Show All

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What Girls & Guys Said

6 1
  • Lol if they do move, usually it's both in the same direction.

  • I'm a girl without moobs. lol

    • Sorry for not including that option 😅

    • no biggy but I'm the girl that chose the "guy without moobs" option bc its the closest one I can relate to :^) yay

  • No, they kinda just bounce up and down.

  • Never had partner exert that force on me

    • Well, someday you will. Who can give us better readings than a scientist!

  • Everybody got a party tit, she goes her own way, Dat your party tit.