Dry Hump

Dry hump / sex ... is it against God? is it a sin? well its not intercourse.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • By most mainstream religions, i.e. the three Abrahamic faiths, anything before marriage seems to be against the rules. Not much is said in any of the three texts specifically, but it's definitely taught that lust is bad, as are sexual acts before marriage.

    But also look at it this way. All the books and the teachings that people of religion follow are written by men who have motives for what they have put into the text. We now know for a fact that marriage, in the way we think of it, did not exist in the time that the Old Testament was written. Much of that was added in by later revision. In fact, the Bible you read today is nothing like it was when it was written, as it was majorly overhauled at least twice in history, once around 400ACE by Constantine and again by King James. Then, you have issues with translation, which are common and why Islam requires Arabic, as the real Quran cannot be read in any other language to prevent such errors. I might upset some people with that, but that's how it is, and many professors of religion do teach this.

    So I'll tell you what I do. Look for the answer inside yourself. Do you think that whatever God you follow would be against it? Do you think he would scorn the act? Do you think he would understand your decision? Morality and religion should always be about your personal spirituality-what you feel you should do and what you think goes against your personal beliefs. That's where your answer lay.

  • 1 Corinthians 6:4 18-20

    "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; You were bought a price. Therefore honor God with your body."

    Hey this says nothing about dry humping, and I don't think anywhere in the bible it says "do not dry hump" but let me ask you this, Are you a follower of Christ? If so, if you were standing before God would he be honored by you dry humping? If you married, he would probably tell you to keep going. Never mind God has a sense of humor so he might say "It would work better if you took off you clothes" lol :) Hey its good to think before you leap, congrats man!

    Not to say that stumbling is right, but it happens even David, the "man after Gods own heart" had quite a bit of sexual impurity. But then again, Joseph ran fast from a horny women and look how God rewarded him -- He ruled over Egypt, how cool is that?

  • no I don't believe its against god at all its just sharing your feelings with someone who you care for. and neither is intercourse were all humans and even though you are suppose to wait till your married with some religions I believe that if you think the time is right with the person who your with than you should be able to share it but you only get to lose it once.

Most Helpful Guys

  • Im afraid it is considered a sin my friend. It is something that I felt I needed to resort to also, until I did some spiritual research telling me different. The bible says that intimate acts before marriage is forbidden. I'm sure that being sexually involved that way has caused you to lust for your partner in terms of intercourse so if that's the case then you know what to do (no dry sex!). Sex was first intended for reproductive reasons and then pleasure second. I feel your pain man but by the laws God has put in place its forbidden. Bet you can't wait to be married.

    • Hahaha oh the sarcasm

    • First of all...i don't believe in dry humping because the two of you will get so freakin horny you eventually end up having sex. at least...that's how it always goed with me.

  • God has much bigger things to think about than who you are rubbing up against. It is probably against the rules of many mainstream religions, but those rules were made up by men, not God. Have fun. :)

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  • Yes, it causes lustful thoughts which is a sin. It keeps you from finding future wife.

  • I have no clue. I would think that somehow, it could be found as some sort of sin.but I haven't been to seminary so don't get me to lying.

  • Well I'm really religious, I would necessarily say its against God but I do think its a sin.