Getting called "Flat chested".....

girls has a guy ever said this to you? I'm so offended but I know I shouldn't be really... we were watching the Avengers the other day and I made a comment about not understanding why Gweneth was voted the most beautiful woman, and my boyfriend basically said that I should find her attractive b.c she looked like me, skinny, flat chested with a narrow face... :/
+1 y
He said I didn't know how to take a compliment b.c he called her sexy before I mentioned not finding her attractive. But how is being called flat chested a compliment? I'm so upset
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Small boobs can still be fantastic.

    Look at p*rn star/director Jenna Haze. She's tall and thin (what I call a "greyhound" - thin/small-boned and sleek), and has fantastic 32A breasts that are mesmerizing. And thankfully, despite being in p*rn for a decade, she hasn't gotten implants or anything.

    Many guys would call her "flat-chested" but they fit her figure and are totally hot.

    Mila Kunis is amazing, and so is Olivia Wilde, and they're both A-cups. Same with Natalie Portman and Mila Jovovich, and yet guys all over the world lust after all of them.

    Yes, there ARE guys who only like big boobs, I get that, but most guys don't care about size all that much, and there are guys who PREFER small boobs. I can't speak for your boyfriend, other than I would imagine that he just phrased his comment poorly and doesn't realize he hurt your feelings.

    Sometimes, guys say thing that sound much better in their head than it sounds when the words actually come out. We usually don't mean to phrase things like that when we do it; it just seems to happen sometimes.

  • I'm sorry that you got called that, but you have to know that chest size is not a big factor that differentiates attractive vs unattractive. I remember numerous girls in my high school who had small chests but beautiful hair, stunning body, and a sweet personality. Those girls were considered as "Attractive" because of those things. A small chest does not instantly make you unattractive. So, just forget about it and don't let it ever bother you.

    • Thank you <3

Most Helpful Girls

  • I think its the word he used. If he had said "because she's petite with a narrow face" it would sound so much better. Well, you're over caring. He does find you attractive, and didn't say that to hurt you. It was actually a compliment. "Small boobs" is like saying "brown eyes". Some guys like brown hair, some dont... Just a characteristic. I don't see what's wrong with having small breasts. Lots of p*rn actresses do. ;)

  • No, my breasts are small but I'm certainly not flat chested...

    Well, at least he was jumping around the bushes about it.

    • A 'foot in mouth' moment. - Brush it off, you can't change it. Go get a breasts implant then? From what I know from guys, it's about proportions. Bigger breasts probably doesn't suit along your body.

  • listen you can still be beautiful chest size has nothing to do with beauty

    • Very well spoken, Mlle. Guys like me aren't even looking at your breasts... I am a butt guy; I am of an entirely different religion. I worship a woman in a completely different way. LOL

    • Another point which never gets mentioned, is that some women look better BECAUSE they have small breasts not DESPITE having small breasts. It just goes with their 'look'

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  • Gwyneth does have a terrible body but uh, her personality is what makes people dislike her. She's pretentious

    • The truth isn't always a compliment

  • Why is that offensive? Smaller boobs are attractive, and in my opinion they're a lot better than big boobs. It would only be a bad thing if big boobs were the unquestioned best. I know many guys who prefer small boobs, so they're by no means the best.

    • I could explain why it can be a compliment, but in doing so I'd probably bother girls with larger busts via description.

  • I really like little boobs, so to me it sounds like a compliment. In most cases though, it's meant to complain abiut not enough boobage in steas of praising the perfect amount.