Girls, after oral sex, do you spit or swallow?

After oral sex, do you spit or swallow? And since my question is not long enough, I will ask it twice. After oral sex, do you spit or swallow?
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It depends.
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Yuck, oral sex is gross!
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Most Helpful Girls

  • It depends.

    Sometimes I swallow, sometimes he comes somewhere else, like on my breasts or my face. I would never spit in the sense of like, spitting it into a kleenex---if he's coming in my mouth anyway, I don't see the point in spitting it in a kleenex, but I have done what I call a "sexy p*rnstar spit" for partners who like that sort of thing (i.e. to let it come out of my mouth and drip down my face and onto my breasts). I've snowballed partners who are into doing that. Or sometimes I'll give a blowjob and before he comes, we'll switch to having intercourse.

  • Swallow. I wouldn't be going down on a guy in the first place if I wasn't prepared to take what he gives me. Like if I thought it would be gross to swallow for a certain guy, I'd sooner just avoid oral altogether, because if it's too 'gross' to swallow, it's too gross to have in my mouth at all.

    • For me, its not about spit or swallow. It's just the amazing feeling of being in the mouth. Finishing off by hand is not as intense or as good a feeling.

  • Love to swallow to make my boyfriend feels very special...but I also love to get a mess of his come all over my body and on my p*** as well. Then, wipe with my finger and lick them clean...That's really hot. My boyfriend can always give me enough come to play and swallow. :)

Most Helpful Guys

  • I've never encountered a spitter. Do they exist? I've met girls who don't give head, girls who give head but won't let you finish anywhere near their mouth, and swallowers.

    I would like my partner to pretend to hate it and spit it out as a little dom/sub game once in a while.

  • If any of you girls think it is disrespectful to not swallow, your wrong, I could'nt give a crap if my Girlfriend did or not, I would hate it done to me so I don't expect her too at all, I guess its called having respect

    • Best Answer

    • exactly. It's yours now, do with it what you want ;)

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  • no, after oral sex I expect him to flip me over, f*** me properly and come inside me - anything else is a waste of sperm in my view.

    • wtf this is a horrible response

    • and?

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  • swallow. if it taste bad...suck it up lol makes him happy too!

    id look like a fool if I was running around finding for something to spit in or if spit on him lol

  • I don't find it to be offensive and enjoy the swallowing part

  • I swallow because I see no reason not to and I know that he likes it more.

  • half on the face and half in the mouth :) swallow the rest