Girls Bikinis getting skimpier, why do you still hate on speedo types for guys?

Girls Bikinis getting skimpier, why do you still hate on speedo types for guys??
Speedo type for any guys
Vote A
Speedo for guys that can pull it off?
Vote B
Stick to baggy shorts!
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I hate swimming in trunks, it's just not comfortable. I'd prefer to swim nude, but since that's not allowed everywhere, speedo's are the next best choice. No wet fabric awkwardly clinging to your legs, they dont add drag or catch air while getting into the water, and there's no uncomfortable mesh liner digging into your skin. I own two speedos and wear them when appropriate.

  • Stick to baggy shorts. Skimpier doesn't mean sexier when it comes to guys. No one wants to see a guy's junk... that's why it disappears when you have sex xD There's nothing remotely attractive about speedoes. It's not a matter of skimpier is sexier (at least not for guys), you really just can't compare the two.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Maybe because girls in general are not all that interested in looking at a mans dick stuffed skin tight in the speedo, where guys drool all over themselves looking at those tiny bikini's hoping to get a peek at a slipped out pussy lip or more.

  • For both bikinis & speedo, if you've the body for it, go for it!

    • So yes for the picture or no go?

  • its not about how skimpy they are I just think they are ugly asf

    • What's ugly?

    • the way that they are they are just ugly its like a guy is wearing girl underwear its not attractive literally I was at the breach last summer and me and my little bother (he is 5) saw a guy in a speedo he looked at my mom and said " but mom I thought you said we can't wear underwear to the beach"

    • Point taken lol. Now say you are on you are on your honeymoon in Jamaica, and your new husband pulls out barely there bikini? Would you expect him to not follow suit? Or to continue with baggy shorts?

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What Girls & Guys Said

15 9
  • Its not the amount of skin, speedos just look bad on even the hottest men.

    Baggy trunks or surfing suits just compliment the male physique better

  • Because I'm American and hating on Speedos is the American way. I've got no clue why.

    I'm not generally a fan of skimpy bikinis either though.

  • The guy in the pic has a nice body but guys I see in speedos usually don't. I like something left to the imagination myself as do most women. We aren't visually stimulated by that kind of stuff.

  • Speedos are dope

    • Well first reply and that's refreshing!!

    • by the way, that's me, a selfie

    • Good for you man :) 👍

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  • Wear what you like, dudes! I don't mind. ^_^