Girls, do you get bitchy and angered right before your period and on?

I'm supposed to get my period this week and I've been so bitchy and just angered lately no patience for people, my blood pressure goes up and I just wanna punch someone in the face. Is this normal? how can I avoid it and find inner peace?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I don't normally get it but I do occasionally. This week has been one of those times. I have been really bitchy, got frustrated with this program I was working on, and my boyfriend tried to help me. I hope he didn't take my frustration personally :P I did apologize. I know what you mean though, sometimes you just feel on edge and you can't control it sometimes.

    Usually birth control helps, try drinking tea, drinking lots of water, taking time to just de-stress will hopefully help calm you down if you feel you are kind of in a mood before or during your period. See if your doctor can help recommend somethings as well :)

  • This is pretty much normal, but it differ from girl to girl though! Some girls doesn't change her behavior before and on her period, while some turn into bitches that'll rip your head off by just showing your face, haha. When I'm on my period I get really easy mad and sad, but I'm really good at keeping my anger and irritation inside, but sometime I just can't. It's normal, so don't worry about it! Everyone lose their patience when on their period, so you ain't the only! :)

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What Girls & Guys Said

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  • Personally, no.

  • Yes it sure does have various effects on us with bitchy being right at the top of the list.

  • PMS. It's normal. Talk to an ob gyn if it's really bad, maybe? I thiiiink birth control might help those things a bit, but I'm not really sure, I don't really have a problem with it.

  • lol, YES (and I'm not even an angry person!). that or I just want to cry about everything. terrible.

  • Periods werent really a problem with me, I never became a werewolf and started cursing out everyone that was within a 3 and a half mile radius within me...

    Its really the unexpected bleeding that pisses me off, My boyfriend was going down on me...and then BAM! The period begun! He thought I squirted in his mouth...i didn't have the heart to tell him it was blood...