Girls, do you like to watch guys strip?

If you are about to get naughty, would you like to lay on the bed and watch the guy take off his clothes? Is it neutral for you? Like its not gross, but not a huge turn on? If you like it, how should he do it? Should he be funny, serious, funny and sexy...?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I love to watch my guy strip! It is such a huge turn on for me. Strippers aren't only for guys...The way he should do it (at least for me) is to be all of the above. He should do it slow and sexy, exaggerating all of hin motions. He should wear clothes that take a while to take a tie, and a button up shirt. Make every button count. She should be serious, but include a little humor, if he was too serious during the strip I would think that he was wayy to into himself. What would really turn me on is if he wore something sexy for undies. If you normally wear plain boxer or briefs, wear a thong...or silky shiny boxers. It would shock your audience and provide a little bit more of a surprise factor. He should always keep me guessing. Also, he should engage with me while he is stipping, slip his tie around my neck and pull me in while he dances in front of me...throw his clothes at me...Hope that helps!

    • I want to strip for you on cam.. please send mail to

  • It is something I fantasize about. Would love to watch a hot man strip for me. As long as he is not expecting something in return, (unless I want it of course.) I don't think that is something my husband would ever do for me. That is why so many women like to watch male strippers. We get to be in control, we have the power, and there they are showing it all to us and we are not put in an awkward position. We give them our money, and they do a show. The end.

  • im not a fan of male strippping, unless its like my boyfriend or husband or my man whom I love and wanna do nasty things with...

    if its like at a club or a stranger, it'd feel awkward for feel like a hoe

    plus I feel more turned on when I see a guy fully dressed may be with his collar popped outor a V-neck with his sexy chest showing...mystery is what turns me on rather than fully exposng nudity

    • So, who's the better stripper: your boyfriend, your husband, or the man whom you love and wanna do nasty things with? :)

    • Hah! nice try...i meant those as examples, in situations IF, keyword: IF I had ONE OF THOSE...not all at once ;]

  • If the guy is amazingly hot and makes eye contact like the entire time its really really hot. It would actually be hotter if the guy was my boyfriend because then I wouldn't feel like a whore for letting some random hot guy strip for me, but yea its hot if the guy is really good-looking. If the guy is a little heavier or not that great looking its not really a turn on.

Most Helpful Guy

  • I've been blackmailed into stripping for a girl once (who was not my gf) She seemed to enjoy it whether it be the humilation of it or just the fun of seeing someone naked i dont know but she definitely had an evil devilish smile on her face...

    I kinda liked it though... so jokes on her!

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3 1
  • Ooh, ooh. Can I keep the "buisiness" socks on?

  • hell yea

  • Yeah

  • I've never really had a guy do that for me, but I have a new boyfriend who is a cop so I might ask him to strip out of uniform that could be fun I guess.. I mean most girls love guys in uniform