Good idea or bad idea? Sex with escorts.

Me and my man have been together for five years now and are very close. We have always fantasized about having a threesome with another girl but haven't found anyone. Do you think it would be a good idea to hire an escort to fulfill this fantasy?
Yes, do it. It will spice things up.
Vote A
No, don't do it. It will destroy your relationship.
Vote B
Have a threesome but don't use an escort.
Vote C
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I feel this question was specifically targeted for me. Good! First of all, I commend you on having a very warm and successful love relationship, not many of those going on especially for over 5 years! The fact that your man is willing to go thru with this happily is notable. Good for you!

    Now on to the topic. I have hired escorts for the better part of 10 years now. All this time, NO STDs! NONE! Believe me, I get tested regularly. You can do many different things with escorts if you can find one who is willing to do what you desire. Most of them will do their best to give good service, after all, you are paying them quite a lot of money and have a reputation to uphold for more customers. It is true that there are no regulations on escorts other than it is somewhat illegal for sex, but rarely is this enforced by cops. Easier to arrest street strollers. Escorts are there for you, just have to do some shopping around.

    As you said earlier, you have not found any women willing to do this, this is why the adult industry exists. Can't just approach women and ask if they will join in one a threesome or whatever. There are many very beautiful and courteous escorts of your choice out there depending on your location. I swear by escorts for men who are not the "yes types" or for women looking for another woman. Granted, you do have to look out for con artists who will rip you off, but MOST escorts are genuine and pleasurable. Only once have I booted an escort out because she was a smoker who only offered a nude dance(called a Watch-n-Whack). Best solution is to head out to the brothels of Nevada where it is legal, regulated and a sure thing.

    Ignore all this crap about this ruining your relationship fo the simple fact that both you and your man have consented to this willingly, all other possible factors constant. You are grownups after all.

    Good luck and have fun with this! Make me a jealous fool! (^_^)

  • Scrimz has it right. If you have a close relationship, why bring in another person to jeopardize it. And most cities don't have any types of regulations for escorts, so they probably aren't screened for STD's or other things. Not an all around good idea.

    • Disagree completely. For a 5 year relationship, need to find ways to spice up the love. If they both agree to this, why gun it down? For morals? Too late for that. Can't just pick up women anymore as they have mentioned.

Most Helpful Girl

  • Don't do it please. Its can ruin a relationship I know you are scared he may be being bored or will cheat. But you just have to believe he won't.

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  • No don't do a threesome and don't do an escort. Both are no no's for married couples.

    • They did not mention if they are married. They agree to do this willingly, so why not?

    • If they aren't married. They shouldn't be having sex. Nuff said. This society is getting f-ed up because of it.

    • I respect your decision to not have sex until marriage. Good on you. I know most young guys would jump at the chance to have sex. However I think it is completely unnecessary to judge someone just because they have sex before marriage. I have never stolen a thing in my life, I don't drink/smoke/do drugs. I do not discriminate. I work in a charity that helps the homeless and i am a careworker in my spare time. I'm not asking for praise, just showin you that sex should not be so heavily condemned.