Grinding with girls at parties?

So I go to parties a lot and when I'm grinding on a girl or if she's twerking on me, if she's good I tend to get an erection. I wanted to know how you girls feel about that whether or not you think its gross or if you like it or don't mind at all.
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  • If I grind on a guy, what else do I expect but him to get erected? If I don't want to feel a guy's boner, I don't grind on him. Simple as that. Any girl who grinds and then is weirded out by feeling the guy is hard, is a hypocrit IMO.

    Personally I'd be wondering what's going wrong if the guy I'm grinding does not get hard, haha.

  • What is twerking?

    • ahahah twerking is kind of like grinding except the girl is bent over in front of the guy and her butt moves a lot more. aha I'm from southern California and maybe its just something we do down here. umm. look it up on YouTube for a better understanding. I'm not good with describing it

    • Twerking is shaking your ass like you're having an epileptic seizure, totally devoid of rhythm or sensuality.. It's the lamest dance craze since the macarena.

    • i'd disagree with dandeus. most girls go along with the rhythm of the music, and possibly he hasn't been twerked on before.

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What Girls & Guys Said

7 1
  • It's expected for a guy to get an erection.

    A lot of girls look hot when their all dressed up and plus they are dancing in a sexual way.

    No body is going to be shocked that you are erected.

    It's far from gross!

  • Ok I don't twerk but if that happens its cool :o)

  • we only get annoyed when ugly guys try to grind on us. it is even creepier if they have an erection to begin with

  • I would honestly laugh it off.

  • *grabs*