Guys, He Can't Keep Up With My Sex Drive?

My boyfriend and I are very different. I've remained pretty physically active my whole life, and he's a gamer. I like to eat healthy (and a lot); he eats maybe 1000 calories a day of whatever and is thin as a rail. I'm a people person; he's more introverted. Surprisingly, we get along really well. But we argue about one thing: how much sex we have. Before, I blamed his lowered sex drive on porn and asked him to stop. However, he quit watching, and he says that last time I wore him out (the other night I made him orgasm 3 times). So I realized something: I don't think he can physically keep up with me. Like, he literally does not have the physical stamina to have sex every day. Can this be fixed? I will stay with him regardless, but it'd be nice if we could exercise together and have sex more... but is that something that I can really ask of him? Or is this totally insulting? Please be respectful in the comments. I love him very much, and bashers will be blocked.
+1 y
Thanks for your opinions, guys. And I think I figured it out. I'm not going to directly ask him to exercise just so we can have sex more... but he has been asking more lately. I asked him if he enjoyed sex, and he said "I do, I just didn't realize I could like it more." Apparently he likes to be ridden... But his physical health is a concern to me for multiple reasons, disregarding sex... We'll see how it goes. Thanks :)
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Well, you have to remember men and women are wired differently. It's tiring for men to ejaculate, personally, I don't think it's sustainable at all to ejaculate 3 times a day. You might like to consider sex without ejaculation: There's plenty of tantric and suchlike books, the Tao of love and sex is one, I think, by Jolan Chang.

    The other thing is, quality (and intimacy) over quantity? There's more to the day than just fucking and orgasming. Not that sex isn't great. But are you actively getting closer through sex, rather than just fucking and trying to orgasm as much as possible? If not, something is not quite right. You probably complement and aggravate each other a lot, because you're possibly too (?) eager, he's not eager enough. A book or a walk may help you :P Not trying to shame you for being sexual, mind. Sometimes some moderation can be helpful, is what I'm saying.

    His lifestyle is definitely part of this though. I mean, gaming, going to bed late and getting up late, porn, weed, excessive sugar, lack of drive, etc, all symptoms of excess yin and comes with a certain laziness and physical weakening. How do you get someone to change their lifestyle? Short answer, is you probably can't. They have to see for themselves that these things are necessary.

    • Thanks for your honest opinion. Yeah... we talked last night, and what I really do crave is intimacy... He is pretty guarded... We've both been through a lot... that's why we get along. We get the other person. So I guess I sub the sexual intimacy for the emotional...

    • maybe he could give you more oral? Would you be satisfied if you got a few orgasms through oral before sex? Don't worry about these kind of 'intimacy pains', they're a nice chance for you to work things out and become closer :) Communication and honesty is key! Nothing can be rushed, but with the right intent, you will get there!

  • Turn the genders and imagine how pissed off many girls would be if a guy says his girlfriend can't keep up and he wants to do something about it.

    Frankly speaking you can't. You just need to find a middle way that is satisfying for the two of you rather than "he has to keep up with me" - which is a very selfish notion and mindset to have.

    • I guess it wouldn't bother me so much... if he didn't masturbate by himself. We've gotten in arguments where he's accused me of being sexually lazy, and I've accused him of only wanting to satisfy himself...

    • Then your sex-life is the least of your worries, but first you should figure out how to express each other and criticise each other constructively - aka both working to improve the relationship.

    • We have a good relationship, though. This is literally the ONLY thing we argue about.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • Don't be shocked because opposites attract the MOST when it comes to things like you being an extrovert while he is an introvert. However, when it comes to the eating habits I agree that it would bother me let's say if I had a guy who is picky or eats junk food... You can't change him, you can influence him though or inspire him and if he wants, he'll change his health habits.

    Anyway, when it comes to sex I totally get you. I am the exact same way... I have a very high sex drive. I used to get butt hurt when my guy didn't wanna have sex at least twice in one night. But I learned to understand, males and females are wired differently. Most of the time my guy would have sex at least twice, but when he is "too tired" I understand and I don't push him. Girls can usually have a lot more sex a day, but for a guy it's tiring.. it can also be a matter if he lasts long or not? Because if he lasts longer like over half an hour at least, then it should be more satisfying to you than if sex lasted a short amount of time which makes you want it a lot more..

  • sex drives aren't something that u can change. u can make urself have more sex, but it might not be enjoable for either of u.
    maybe if he was physically active and ate better it would change. maybe suggest it to him and c how he reacts. i dont think he'll feel insulted. maybe he doesn't realize its something that bothers u.

  • It may not be stamina, it could also be a lower sex drive than your own. Does he express interest in wanting to go again but is just not able to?

    My partner has a lower drive than I do so I masturbate regularly. We have sex nearly everyday but I'll still go alone another 1-2 times

    • He used to masturbate 1-2 times a day... I really think it's stamina.

    • Maybe ask him if you can start exercising together and build up to a level of cardio he's comfortable with

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  • Sounds like he needs to take better care of himself. Get him to eat right, exercise and use one of those penis health cremes every day. Using a creme like this ensures that the penis is getting the vitamins and nutrients it needs to be healthy, strong and youthful. They are very helpful. Good luck to you.

  • Try to get him outside a bit more and to workout wit you. If he went 3x in one session that is not too bad for most guys. How old is he? Would you consider getting some sex toys and having him use them on you if he gets worn out. How many times a week do you two have sex?

    • He suggested sex toys... I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.

  • Wow, you really seem like a loving person, you have a serious trouble with your partner, and you try to find a solution.

    There are men stuck with women who barely want to have sex, and yet this guy has a healthy, probably beautiful and sex crazy girlfriend, and he is not appreciating it, plus you care about his health and his social life and social behaviors.

    • You assume that every male has a high sex drive. You're wrong.

    • @93stepsawayfromhome Wrong, you are the one asuming things. There is a difference between saying all men have a high sex drive, and most men have higher sex drive than women. To put it in perspective, let me use numbers, lets pretend high sex drive is 10, low sex drive is 1. If my sex drive is 5 and my girlfriend's sex drive is 3, i have a higher sex drive than her, but my sex drive isn't really high either, i just happen to have a higher sex drive.

    • "this guy has a healthy, probably beautiful and sex crazy girlfriend, and he is not appreciating it"

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  • How would physical stamina be the issue? Most guys do not want to have 3 orgasms in a night, especially consistently.

    • Lol it only happened 3x in a row once... this is not the regular at all. I only said that so people would know that it's not because I don't satisfy him and post shit like "maybe he doesn't find you sexually appealing".

    • I understand. Yeah he probably just wants sex less than you. I do think attraction can affect that desire, but he probably just wants it less often than you. How often do you want sex?

    • Like, every other day. Lol

  • Next time, don't make him cum 3 times. It's not normal for a male to have multiple orgasms per session. 3 orgasms is not "once a day" - for a guy, that's like having sex 3 times a day.

    We are only supposed to cum once, so if that were the case, I'm sure he could have sex once a day.

    • So can I ask about that, then? I'm a female, so I guess orgasms are different? When I have 3 orgasms in one session, I want more? Like, I obsessively want more when he makes me climax multiple times. I thought he'd feel the same? I guess I was wrong?

    • Yeah. Way off. For a guy, after one orgasm, it's not only unpleasant to continue, but it hurts like hell. For most guys, cumming 3 times in 24 hours is physically IMPOSSIBLE - i wonder how he even did it.

    • Yeah, I'll have to ask him. He hasn't complained about any pain. I asked him how many times he came, and he said he thought he did 3-4? Anyway, we don't go that hard all the time... just last time. It was a new position. I'll keep that in mind, though...

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