You all must have heard about 'that time of the month’ talks women have when they get all cranky, moody and basically an emotional casserole. It can get difficult at times and you might misunderstand her behaviour for something else. So before you pull you hair out, here's a list of things you should remember, do or avoid while your girl is menstruating.
1. Remember it is a normal, natural phenomenon of life not a disease.
2. Exercise helps to alleviate pain. Motivate her to exercise from the second or third day of the period.
3. Limit her caffeine intake.
4. If menstruation is too heavy and painful, please ask for medical help.
5. She doesn't mean all the mean things she says, it’s just her hormones talking.
6. Never point out her junk food eating habits when she is chomping on potato chips or gulping down a tub full of ice cream. It's her time, please let her be, you can take her for a run later.
7. Be patient.
8. If menstruation is very irregular, scanty and associated with obesity, it may be indication of some underlying disease.
9. Bloating is common during periods.
10. Hot water bottle and heat pads are a great comfort to relieve pains as they increase blood circulation and lead to flush of cramp hormone prostaglandin.
11. Always remember, normal amount of blood is few spoons to half a cup. More than this is considered heavy bleeding.
12. If she skipped her period and is sexually active, she can be pregnant!
13. Use protection, during periods although its rare but you can get pregnant.
14. Psychiatric medicine can cause abnormally prolonged periods.
15. During menstrual periods women crave for sex.
16. Don't force her to be social when she is menstruating. You might put her in an awkward position and piss her off too.
17. Smoking is bad for her and can lead to premature ovarian failure.
18. Get in touch with your doctor if
• Regularity of menstruation changes.
• Excessive bleeding and clots.
• Vomiting, dizziness, excessive mood swings.
• Scanty irregular periods with acne, unwanted hair and obesity.
• If you missed period and suddenly painful menstruation starts (ectopic pregnancy or abortion).
• If pain persists through out periods and after it.
• Bleeding between periods or after sexual intercourse.
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