Guys, Here Are 18 Things To Remember When Your Girl Is On Her Period!

You all must have heard about 'that time of the month’ talks women have when they get all cranky, moody and basically an emotional casserole. It can get difficult at times and you might misunderstand her behaviour for something else. So before you pull you hair out, here's a list of things you should remember, do or avoid while your girl is menstruating.

Guys, Here Are 18 Things To Remember When Your Girl Is On Her Period!

1. Remember it is a normal, natural phenomenon of life not a disease.

2. Exercise helps to alleviate pain. Motivate her to exercise from the second or third day of the period.

3. Limit her caffeine intake.

Guys, Here Are 18 Things To Remember When Your Girl Is On Her Period!

4. If menstruation is too heavy and painful, please ask for medical help.

5. She doesn't mean all the mean things she says, it’s just her hormones talking.

Guys, Here Are 18 Things To Remember When Your Girl Is On Her Period!

6. Never point out her junk food eating habits when she is chomping on potato chips or gulping down a tub full of ice cream. It's her time, please let her be, you can take her for a run later.

7. Be patient.

8. If menstruation is very irregular, scanty and associated with obesity, it may be indication of some underlying disease.

Guys, Here Are 18 Things To Remember When Your Girl Is On Her Period!

9. Bloating is common during periods.

10. Hot water bottle and heat pads are a great comfort to relieve pains as they increase blood circulation and lead to flush of cramp hormone prostaglandin.

11. Always remember, normal amount of blood is few spoons to half a cup. More than this is considered heavy bleeding.

Guys, Here Are 18 Things To Remember When Your Girl Is On Her Period!

12. If she skipped her period and is sexually active, she can be pregnant!

13. Use protection, during periods although its rare but you can get pregnant.

14. Psychiatric medicine can cause abnormally prolonged periods.

Guys, Here Are 18 Things To Remember When Your Girl Is On Her Period!

15. During menstrual periods women crave for sex.

16. Don't force her to be social when she is menstruating. You might put her in an awkward position and piss her off too.

17. Smoking is bad for her and can lead to premature ovarian failure.

Guys, Here Are 18 Things To Remember When Your Girl Is On Her Period!

18. Get in touch with your doctor if

• Regularity of menstruation changes.

• Excessive bleeding and clots.

• Vomiting, dizziness, excessive mood swings.

• Scanty irregular periods with acne, unwanted hair and obesity.

• If you missed period and suddenly painful menstruation starts (ectopic pregnancy or abortion).

• If pain persists through out periods and after it.

• Bleeding between periods or after sexual intercourse.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • Nice mytake. As a guy who has always been very distant from women and girls its new thing to learn about them.
    I never knew this much about women and peiords.
    by the way #15 is for real?

    • I don't, but some women do. XD I would surely avoid having sex when I am havin' my period. #15_Varies_From_Girl_To_Girl ! XD

    • I wasn't talking about personally you, in general.. Is it true for girls in general? I heard Women don't want sex in general and hate sex during periods. I guess period sex is the safest without risk of pregnancy

    • by the way, are periods really that bad? I mean I don't know, as a man what I see women I just see nice beautiful people with nice aura and personality. I never thought of periods being taxing on women. I actually wish I was a woman... Well, it has its perks and blessings... The most important​one being looking beautiful, Smooth skinned body and being treated nicely and socially by society.

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  • I have mixed feelings about these tips. Some are good, some are a little controlling. My boyfriend is my boyfriend, not my parent, my doctor, or my personal trainer. The last thing I want is to be curled up on the couch with a hot water bottle, and have him come in and order me to exercise because of something he read online. That would not go over well, lol. But advising patience and emotional sensitivity is good advice. Periods are not an excuse for mean, rude, or abusive behavior, but being extra sensitive or a little grumpy on your period is very normal.

  • i'm on it right now and am in so much pain that i can barely move (thanks, hashimoto's). even if my leg wasn't broken, anyone who tried to make me exercise in that state would get punched in the throat.

    (i danced for 10 years and taught aerobics in my early 20s. and i will tell you that exercise does not help me: it makes the pain worse, and i'd be sore and crying by the end of whatever i was doing.)

    also, "oh, you must be on your period" is never acceptable. it's you being sexist/dismissive of whatever i'm going through and will only make me angry.

    • I can understand why you would find that offensive. im cool as long as ladies dont use that as an excuse to be nasty.

    • nah, i don't have mood swings or any of that other stuff. will probably steal my husband's french fries (since i have brutal cravings for salty food) but, other than that and the pain that feels like i'm dying, i don't have any other symptoms. if she's mean to you at that time of the month, she's gonna be mean to you at other times too and you should get rid of her.

    • yeah thats what Im thinking also I have no problem with a girl stealing my food if she craved it.

  • If a guy tried #2 with my bff she would bite their arm off haha. Seriously. Nobody limits her caffeine intake. Nobody.

    • Whoops I meant #3

  • Yeah from my experience with women, never suggest nr 2. lol. Although personally I never have, but pretty sure I would piss them off with that one.

    And nr 17, not much you can do about. If the girl is a smoker than naturally she will smoke regardless of her period or not, and most smokers in general is pretty tired of people telling them to quit smoking, so that might piss her off too.

    Oh, and on nr 5. She most likely mean everything she says cause for once she can be as honest as she like and then just blame the period if someone gets too offended. So either it benefits her from this honesty and if it dosent, can just blame her period yes. But naturally, is not an excuse though. Even if it sucks.

    • Wtf really? 2 is awesome. Probably because its hard to get moving and they think it will make things worse. It won't. I have dysmenorrhea, which is cramps so bad they needed to make up a medical term for it haha (no not funny. Freaking painful) and exercise is one of the only things that actually helps.

    • @Nyx_85 Everytime I exercise while I have my period (like a proper workout) it makes things SO much more painful & I tend to bleed more. I mean light exercise (slow walk) doesn't normally effect things but yeah, I'm really glad it works for you, but not for everyone.

    • @yoshi_wanna_ask I generally don't do a full workout during my period. But just going for a walk and moving around. Maybe running up and down the stairs.

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  • That's a nice Take... xx