Guys when you are penetrating a woman can you usually feel the cervix if you are considered average?

Average meaning anywhere from 4-6 inches in length.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I'm slightly above your range but depending on the position I can. In doggy I can because of the angle as it makes the vagina shorter in a sense. In something like cowgirl where it's all stretched out then no I can't.

    • So you can’t always feel the cervix?

    • No, not every thrust, but most in doggy, but to be honest I'm too distracted to care normally, more focused on how great it feels, why are you wondering? Self conscious about it?

    • I feel like I have a short cervix that’s why I am wondering

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  • Honestly I've not really noticed but my ex wife always said I was using her cervix like a punching bag.

    • Yeah that’s how mine is hurts after rough sex

    • Perfectly normal. Just make sure to take a day or two of when that happens.

    • Yeh even guys who are smaller I can feel them hitting my cervix maybe it’s just my anatomy

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What Guys Said

  • I'm over average from your survey and I can honestly say that I don't ever recall feeling a cervix

    • My cervix usually hurts after sex even when the guy is Average

    • I don't know, have you had a gynecological exam

    • Is your vagina shallower than average

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  • sometimes I can hit it and some girls I can't..

  • Where is the "sometimes" option that should be here?

  • I have felt it many times. Then again, I have no friggin' idea how long 6 inch is.

  • pussy is more deeper.