here's a stock image for you because whats a mytake without stock images right?
Ok so you got a small dick
Okay, your penis is not 20 inches long and as thick as a fist, or whatever unrealistic expectations guys have about their penises nowadays. So lets go over the options you got.
Cardiovascular ability
Your heart and your veins are important for your penis because its your heart that has to pump blood through your body into your penis AND make it stand up against the powers of gravity. And if a girl is suckling on your balls you have to be able to withstand this girl's sucking power too (just kidding).
1. make sure that you work out 3-5 days a week for increased blood flow.
2. go for a run a couple times a week and get that heart pumping.
pelvic floor ability
This is really important if you want a more powerful erection and to further increase the blood flow. It is important that you strengthen the pelvic floor muscles as they can be under fire from many things in life such as constipation which can actually weaken your erections through that.
You can do kegels exercises like girls do. But lets face it you want something more manly.
You can do this with towel raises. This is similar to a bicep curl but with your penis. What you do is put a small towel on your penis, which you bring to full erection before the exercise. Then you proceed to pull the towel as high as possible WITHOUT tightening your abs (with only your dick). As you raise the towel up you breathe in and if you lower it you breathe out.
from doing various exercises in the gym your pelvic floor may already be more powerful, so you can make the towel wet so it weighs more, or you can take a bigger towel to lift it up.
Do you see this striped lines that goes from the pubic bone to the end of the spine? that is the pelvic floor, it supports your prostate gland and bladder and it also adds extra ejaculation control so you can last longer and it adds more power to your ejaculation so you can cum on her face from across the room if you want to do a nice trick shot.
Abdominal strength
Lets face it, the stronger your abs the more powerful your thrusts are. If you can't pound that pussy hard enough you are never gonna satisfy your girl no matter how big your dick is.
Stop mirrin this guy's physique for a second and look where the abs end. They end right on the pubic bone. This means that if you strengthen your abs that you can also somewhat add extra support to your penis.
Protip: Wanna thrust for a long time? work out your lower back muscles as well.
Range of hip movement
Lets face it dude. Your stiff hip movement looks like you are a fucking robot. Its not your hips that need to be stiff but your cock. Your hips need smooth action and need to be somewhat loose if you want to thrust in interesting rhythms. Vibrators nowadays come with all sorts of rhythms and functions so we gotta stay competitive with our hips. We gotta compete with these electric dicks but we can do better than a vibrator but only if we hoola hoop.

Stop playing with your dick and pay attention here for a second. See this girl (Remi Lacroix you want to know) her hip action? Imagine the possibilities if you had this hip control and range of motion. You could be thrusting the girl you are gonna fuck, if you finally get laid because its so difficult nowadays in all kinds of interesting rhythms that she's gonna ask herself where did this guy learn how to fuck sooo good? Yeah thats right, from hoola hooping.
Protip: want to further increase your range of motion? Do some yoga too.
Yeah man the stress hormone breaks down your sex hormones which help your cock stay hard. All of the former does not do anything if you are stressed and you have performance anxiety. Thats why meditation is awesome to increase your lung capacity so you can do some super quick turbo deep breaths to release as much stress as you can before you get into action with this girl.
Protip: Foreplay is not only for the girl, get an emotional connection going and get carried away in the moment. Feel comfortable in your skin before you stick it in (hey, hey that rimes). Your cock will be hard for you and your girl no problem, no need to rush things.
Work off the fat dude
So after months of meditating on pussy while looking at your towel raising and hoola hooping training montage. You are now ready to go get laid with the hottest girls in town. But you need that last extra push for your confidence because your sense of manliness is derived from your dick size am i right? (sarcasm)
Look at this totally not obviously photoshopped image by me to illustrate the fat right above the dick. That fat makes your penis look like a hobbit, shit you probably dont shave so its even a hairy hobbit.
What Girls & Guys Said
1 1Awesome take mate... I wanted to post because i found it interesting that in 13 fricking days, not ONE GUY wrote something down... i find that intriguing... whats the assumption here? that if they say its an awesome take, they have a small penis and were looking for help... OMG... fellas... really?
For any guy that reads this take after I post it, not only do his exercises work and are true but people with supposedly "big" penises HAVE to do these or else they can't... whatever.
anyone can do these exercises man. i think that if women can do kegels then men can do exercises too. and besides, strengthening the pelvic floor increases stamina too. this is what women want from a guy since if he can't last long enough to make them orgasm how is the sex gonna be fun?
but these guys though lol... they make me laugh... no guy posted in 2 weeks...
i thought this mytake would be a success since every guy on here asks questions if his penis is big enough, so i thought that people would like this but it seems not.
I would think so... but like i said, i guess they think that posting will mean they have a small penis and need the Take... thats what is making me laugh and made me post. According to stereotype, i can't be put in that category... it tickled me a lot last night.
they are just insecure man.
Yeah, I agree that stomach fat can make your dick look "smaller", but do these penis curls really work though?
===> real solution here, as said by anonman, all you have to do is be able to move your body the "right" way, have endurance and strength.
well i haven't tested them out yet but they are supposed to work like kegel exercises from what i read on the internet.