How do I tell my Girlfriend her vagina smells?

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Most Helpful Girls

  • I don't mean to sound rude but she's being fucked up by not having her vaginal odor checked no guy should have to go through this embarrassment by letting their girlfriend know they smell down there, a very bad vaginal odor smell us females notice it immediately so the fact that she hasn't is weird, just let her know dude, I'd much prefer to have my boyfriend be honest if my vag smelled

    • I mean, we're both kinda hippyish

    • if your vagina smelt and you were my girlfriend I would tell about it. The same way if my penis smelt, I would appriciate if you said about my bad small on my penis.

    • you should tell her that to make it less embarrassing like what you said, babe if my penis smells let me know too (just like you let her know about her vaginal smell, like I said it'll make less embarrassing)

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  • Bad smell isn't always due to bad hygiene. Over cleaning can mess up the natural pH of the area and cause some natural bacteria to grow more and cause an odour. The area should only be washed with water or very mild soap to prevent this. The vagina cleans itself so using products causes more harm than good as it can bv or yeast infections.

  • Ask her if she thinks you smell bad down below and say something like "Man, I wish they made the male version of vagisil, I heard it works wonders". Maybe it will make her think about buying it for herself.
    I am slightly kidding and sort of serious about this.

    • I was wondering about that. we recently started discussing sex and was thinking maybe if I brought it up like "Btw, I'd were gonna do oral, I should probably keep it clean down there"

    • You could definitely try it out.

    • Or maybe have an agreement to have both of us keep clean?

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  • Take a shower with her before hand and clean each other in your private areas. Tell her you don't feel that bad that you stink, since she smells a little down there too. Like joking I mean

Most Helpful Guys

  • Look at it this way: if you try, and she washes the stank out, or if she gets mad and you get a new girlfriend... Either way you get non stinky pussy.

    Unless the new girlfriend has it... Then maybe you're giving them the cunt rot somehow. Get checked.

  • The first question is, do you have enough experience to know what it's supposed to smell like? If you do, then just tell her.

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  • You know, I've never been able to successfully tell a woman this. In the end, it was always just easier to find a new girlfriend.

    • Well man I'd suggest maybe trying to get them to change their general diet as what smells often is not the sweat that makes BO nasty. But the bacteria in the sweat so if you have this occur again maybe its time to get her to try a more vegetable diet. As stinky bacteria love sugars, amino acids two things that are in almost everything most women love to eat.

  • Just.. Say it... 😀😂😂😂😂

  • You should definitely talk to her. Cuz her vag might be infected or she might not be drinking eniugh water. As her boyfriend u should always take care of her so talk to her

  • this seemd fishy 🐠🐠🐟🐟

  • gift her some cleaning products