How do you keep your pubic hair?

This one is for the guys & the girls so how you like YOUR pubic hair to be & if you want you can explain why you like it that way.
Vote A
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Trimmed with a design
Vote D
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Girl Guy
+1 y
Oh yeah! BTW, I'm bare. I like the smoother feel of being bare. I also can see everything clearly & it feels cleaner especially during my periods.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I shave mine bare around all the important bits, and keep a smallish patch of hair up top. I like the feeling of being smooth and the sensitivity, but after shaving everything for years, I also decided a few months ago that I like having a little bit of hair too, because it feels more womanly to me. Not that I look like a little girl or that I think an adult woman choosing to go totally bare looks prepubescent, but pubic hair is a sign of sexual maturity, so I just found that I'd rather keep some, for myself. =] Plus it feels like the best of both worlds, lol, and seems like a good compromise either way if I'm with a guy who prefers a girl's pubes shaved OR unshaved.

    • Not my Down Arrow..I will give you an Up ...I like your answer...and Tangerine Tara usually gets my approval...<3<3<3=D

    • "Tangerine Tara!" That's great! And I agree, Tara usually gets my approval as well. When she first went orange, all I could think about was "Multipass!" ROFL.

  • I usually just trim, I have never gone bare though, I might sometime but I have heard that you shouldn't because its easier to get infections and stuff. Does anyone know if that's true? another reason why is because it always starts to grow back so fast and it seems hard to shave it off. If anyone had tips then that would be good.

  • Bare! Not a single hair. Never a hair. So unladylike and eww to have hair for a woman just my opinion.

Most Helpful Guys

  • I keep mine trimmed very low and do it every 2-3 weeks.

    I feel it is different for women though. I am not a fan of seeing ANY hair down there. A small landing strip is OK if the girl is not comfortable waxing or shaving down there. But for ladies for sure, the less hair the better.

    The smoother it is the more likely I am going to eat it.

  • I trim. If my girl wanted it shaved, I'd do that too.

    My preference for her is to be completely bare, but I also don't mind a patch of hair on top, as long as everything below is bare. I don't really care for the "landing strip", though; I'd prefer the inverted trapezoid.

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What Girls & Guys Said

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  • braided or styled with gel

  • Trimmed.

    It feels much more comfortable, looks better, and just feels cleaner.

  • Trimmed - cut the shrubs makes the tree look taller.

  • I have never trimmed in my life...but..I would do as my mate asked matter how weird it might make me feel...and I would expect my mate to have hair...after all...they always have..would be way too weird for me to have a bare partner..and if she asked me to guess I would... just try not to look at myself very often..O:O

  • Natural, Id do something with it if my partner asks.