I got a tubal ligation at 18. Stop telling me I will regret it for the rest of my life!

I got a tubal ligation at 18. Stop telling me I will regret it for the rest of my life.

As the title says, I got my "tubes tied" at 18. I know, most doctors won't give you the okay until at least your first child, but I have a special situation. I have a heart condition called FAA, or familial aortic aneurysms, which will cause a rupture if I were to take on the stress of carrying a child.

I've never had a "maternal instinct" before this, and I still don't. I know people who have known they wanted kids when they were in middle school. A guy I knew found out he was infertile and is still super upset. When I found out I couldn't have kids, I shrugged and said okay. My cardiologist said "I'm sorry." And that's where it all started.

Ever since, when I tell people I can't have children, they say the same thing. I nicely respond in an upbeat voice with "It's perfectly fine. I've never wanted kids and at 17/19, I still don't." Then they respond with "You say that now, but you'll change your mind later." I was content with it and I could handle those conversations pretty well, after all I'd been telling people who have asked since I was 15.

However, when I was 18 I decided to get tubal ligation, with full support from my parents and long term boyfriend. Why even put myself at risk? Ever since then, people will have the same conversation with me, but now they will add in the phrase "You're going to regret it later."

Why is it, in the 21st century where most people don't even get married till they are 30, is it still thought that every person will want/have kids? Why can't those of us who don't want kids can't just be left alone when it comes to it. Everybody uses the "biological clock" as an excuse, but we have found so many ways to cheat biology that it's probably not even valid to use that excuse anymore. In a world that is becoming more and more diverse, with less and less people conforming to the standards of year's past, why am I, and many other people, told that we will regret or not be happy with our choices not to have children. People, kids are great if you want them, and if you have kids, congratulations to you. Really. However, please don't tell those of us who can't or don't want them how much we will regret not having them. We have heard it so many times, and the more we hear it, the less we believe it. Let us live with our spouses or boyfriends or animals or roommates or whoever keeps us happy in peace. You don't need a child to be happy, especially in this day and age.

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22 28
  • Look up Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

  • Nobody cares.

  • It was reasonable due to health concerns.

    AAA's are ticking time bombs. We deal with a few on rare occasions in EMS and you can bleed out within seconds.

  • Yes the health issue makes perfect sense. When I first read the title I was going to ask how the whole process was with your doctor etc (because I know most won't do this procedure so young for a person w/o children). Then the chronic health issue, makes perfect sense. I'm glad you are at peace with the ability to have kids! Keep on keeping on. Be well.

  • That is one thing I cannot stand about society. If you don't go with the flow of getting married, having kids, then getting divorced 50% of the time you are almost spoken to in a condescending manner when marriage or children come up. The amount of times my own father has tried to tell me I will change my mind about having children later has probably reached triple digits and I am 22.

  • Well in your situation where bearing a child will kill you you can't really argue that you're gonna regret it though.

  • I don't understand how can you possibly hear that all the time unless you don't waste an opportunity of informing people about it and not being totally honest with them. Only psychos would tell you you will regret it later in life after you had just told them a pregnancy could kill you...

    You're not the first to write a MyTake on this subject recently either.
    I can tell you I don't care and can only guess most people feel the same. There's a lot going on with everyone. It is what it is.

  • If people know about your heart problems and still say that to you, that's disgustingly insensitive. It's not that different to telling somebody who had breast cancer and her breasts removed that she'll regret not having breasts for the rest of her life.