I have issues with porn.

As in, I hate it. Actually, I know the problem's within me, not porn. I hate my body, actually. I feel ugly. And every time I see attractive women with big breasts, I feel ugly, 'cos I have small breasts. I have wide hips and a small waist, but I look cartoonish. I also have huge thighs, I need to tone up 'cos I look flabby, though I'm at a healthy BMI. I have stretch marks, too. And small breasts. How I HATE my small breasts. I discovered my boyfriend had been watching porn. He always told me he loved me and my body, and that he likes to watch amateur. I'm ok with amateur. But I discovered that he's been watching mainstream stuff lately. Huge breasts, toned bodies, blondes (I'm a brunette). Also, he knows I have self image issues, and once, while discussing them, he told me he likes bigger breasts than mine but that he loves me and my body regardless. He's constantly complimenting me too, so I know this is all in my head. It still hurts. I repeat to myself all the time "all guys do it, it's just fantasy, it means nothing, he still thinks I'm attractive, I'm being a fool". But it doesn't work. How can I compare to images of perfection for crying out loud! I know he loves me and me alone, but I also want to be his fantasy! Not to feel that some perfect looking porn star is taking that away from me, that he masturbates to her and would be 1000x times more aroused if I had that body type when having sex with me. I don't want him to stop looking though, nor do I want to talk about this because he'll feel bad about himself, he'll feel guilty, and this is my problem anyway. What can I do? I hate my body and wished it was different, so he'd get turned on by what he likes the most. Then, I believe, I wouldn't mind him watching mainstream, as I'd know I have the body that he's the most attracted to. Right now I feel he's just settling for me, because he obviously must believe these porn stars have better bodies, otherwise he'd masturbate to normal looking women, who look like me (this is why I don't mind amateur).
+1 y
I've noticed that in these kind of questions guys always say that porn stars aren't that hot. But among buddies, they're all the rage! Or in mags like Maxim and such. What's the truth guys? Are you trying to spare my feelings?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Wow! I never heard a girls talk this way before. I say this because you probably said what most girls think that know their boyfriends watch porn but don't openly admit it like you just have. Even though I've looked at porn several times and find the girls usually perfect in how they look physically, I've never really enjoyed it nor spent much time looking at the illusion, and certainly not getting off on it. I really do think that a guy who watched porn on a continued basis will eventually see porn as a good thing when in fact it's a very bad. We were never designed to be doing all those sexual acts with random people for excitement, fun and entertainment and for getting off because when we do we become less and less interested in the real thing and what's the right thing to do. Also constantly seeing women being at the service of men for their enjoyment takes its toll on us. A person can't have his mind on that stuff on a regular basis without becoming more and more like what they watch. A man can get addicted to sex the same as he can to tobacco, acohol and drugs and expecially the last two can lead to a person's distruction.

    That being said, women do need to realize that porn stars are like plastic cards and barbie dolls. not the real thing. They're totally fake and if you knew what was going on inside their minds and emotions you'd feel sorry for them because they've lowered themselves to the botton rung on the ladder of life and most of them realize that but yet have allowed themselves to be treated like animals rather than human beings. You have a right to feel bad when you have a boyfriend that constantly watches stuff where women degrade themselves for men's wishful and sexual pleasure of the lowest level. Don't ever think you're not as good as them because you're much better, and after the luster of their attractiveness wears off they'll find it almost impossible to get their lives back together in any kind of constructive way. Men who continually watch and enjoy porn and allow themselves to be affected by it in a sexual way become pretty much like what they've been watching. at least in mind. Good luck. But do remember what he keeps telling you about what he thinks of YOU and remember than the physical features of a person tells less about who they are than what goes on inside them. When he looks at you he sees beauty. When he looks at them he sees and feels something that's not right and what's not right.

    • There you are again, writing stuff that doesn't sound like a guy at all. Are you really male? If so, I just don't get you. You seem to not understand things about guys that even I understand.

    • Gravygirl! why are you so mixed up about guys? something straignt. ALL guys are NOT into porn like it's the thing every guy should be doing. maybe the guys that are your type are. is that it? like to you those are the great majority and the way to go. I'm trying to figure you out to. maybe you've not been lucky to find a guy that thinks more of you than they do of porn girls. I've seen all that crap and I don't like it and don't buy it. isn't that ok? stop stereotyping guys. are you one?

    • Gravygirl, I knew a guy like him once. he was one of those holy roller fanatics. The neighbors all called him the preacher. He was 15 when I knew him. I suspect it is a sort of brainwashing. They are indoctrinated at a very young age with this stuff and never experience normal life. I don't know if this a guy or not, but I just wanted you to know it could be.

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  • In response to your update: it differs from guy to guy. Maybe some guys think pornstars are hot and wish their girls looked like that and they are probably superficial jerks or they're just young and naive. Personally I think they look too fake. It would be like having sex with a barbie doll, all plastic, no woman. Age is also a factor. Lots of younger guys who haven't had experience with many real girls judge by pornstar standards because the majority of women they've seen in sexual situations have been pornstars, thus why you see that kind of crap in Maxim. Seriously, don't judge what guys want by what's in Maxim or Playboy. I'm not saying these women are ugly, cause they're not, they spend hundreds of dollars not to be, but theirs is an artificial, man-made beauty, which in real life looks too fake to be truly attractive at more than just the superficial, physical layer.

    I would say that most guys do not actually want that in a girlfriend, because seriously, who wants to date a skank who has had sex with dozens of guys? Your boyfriend definitely sounds like he's not one of those superficial jerks looking for a skank who looks like a pornstar. By saying that he is settling for you and would prefer you had a pornstar body is demeaning any feelings he might have for you down to the purely physical level.

    So to sum it up, sure pornstars are good looking to a degree, it's their job to be, but it's all so fake and artificial, only attractive at the purely basic, instinctual, animal level of attraction, nothing more. So certainly some are hot, but no, they're not THAT hot, and you have no reason to be jealous or envious of them. Real women are far more attractive than the fake shit you see on a screen.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Guys would like to watch girls perform sexual acts that their girlfriends may complain about doing. If you did the stuff that porn stars do you would be a slut. Guys want to screw the sluts and have them perform sexual acts, but they are not trying to wife them.

    Your insecurities are getting the best of you, just stop it already before he gets tired of telling you how much he wants you instead of the porn girls. Let's just all be honest here, I know my X-boyfriend who loved porn would want to do her, but would not be able to compensate for all of the other men that had the porn girl before him. He had the goods, but would be intimidated no less.

    The models in the magazines, the porn stars can be airbrushed and edited. Everyone should jazz it up and step up their game, no matter whether they are having sex or not. Don't look good for your partner or do things that make you feel bad about yourself for your partner, do it ,whatever it is for yourself. Get some self esteem, and love who you are. If you are not pleasing your man sexually, find out why. The truth is that maybe your insecurites are intefering more than your body or beauty. Yeah guys are visual.

    My guy friends don't always go for the girls that look good, or have nice bodies. You should see the hotties that throw themselves at my friends, usually they deal with girls with modest body types and they talk about the great sex and the things the girl did. The hot porn star girls are disappointments because they've been run through. Your boyfriend likes you for all of the things he doesn't like in the porn stars.

    You can't compete with them and why would you want to? Now I'm not a porn star or anything like that, but guys do pursue me a lot and it wears me out sometimes, because I never know if the guy is chasing me because I am a good person or just trying to chase my ass, face or other body parts. At least you know that he really cares about you. Work on your self esteem, you are so much more than a body part or a sex act. All women should know this okay? Good luck

    And if you are a guy reading this, if you really like a girl let her know why and that she's not just a body part.

  • Honestly, no, most of us women can't compare to porn stars. That's because their bodies are their careers, literally. They know that and they make sure to keep themselves in a certain condition all the time. But you know what? They don't look like that without make-up and airbrushing. Then, they look like normal people. Just like you to a point.

    We can't be every guy's wet dream, so there is no point in trying or getting upset about it. He is with you because he likes you, not just for your body but for your personality too. If he wasn't attracted to you, he wouldn't be with you. He can't be settling, either, because unless he's really well hung and very hot, he's probably never going to have a porn star in bed. And he knows that. Fantasies are fantasies, we all have them. I'm sure Brad Pitt is much hotter than your guy, but I doubt he worries that you would go for Brad Pitt over him because the chance will never be there. Especially with Jolie in the equation. Few women can live up to that! ;)

    Don't continue to focus on what you hate about your body, because there is always more we don't like. Instead, focuse on what you like about your body. And if that doesn't work, remember that insecurity like this causes issues in your relationship, sexually and emotionally. A partner's insecuritires are one of the highest reasons people give when stating why they left someone. Because your partner accepts you how you are, so you should as well.

    • Well, he is the most attractive to me. I don't fantasise about other guys, not like he does with porn. I mean when I masturbate I remember things we've done or that I'd like to do with him, but I never use porn or other guys' pictures.

  • I have a small C cup (more like a B cup really...), a tiny waist and a wide set of hips with "saddle bags" and a big ass, I was born a blonde but my hair is more of a brown color now (genetic in my family, and lack of sunlight, I'm paler than a sheet of paper) and I didn't think I was all that attractive too.


    My partner and I aren't really "super porn star attractive" people, but we watch porn, I think that it's kind of hot to watch him masturbate because the entire time he's doing it, he'll turn and stare right into my eyes then go right back to the screen for a few seconds, then back to me. Sometimes I even do it for him, and he does it for me.

    I know when he watches it, and he knows when I watch it, we're both looking at it like, "I want to do that to him(her)/me". For us, it's more of an aid in our sex lives and NOT "oooh I want to f*** the guy/girl in that movie, I wish he/she was more like that star".

    I say watch amateur porn with the bf, if that's more comfortable for you. I know that the amateur porn is 10X better than the "hottie stars" one's (the difference, amateur is real and "hottie" is FAKE).

    The way I see it with the "hottie" stars, they're beautiful women, but what are they gonna fall back on when their beauty goes? No one wants to watch a 90 year old Jenna Jameson right?

  • Guys have a much higher sex drive then we do and they are way more visual. Unless you're being sexually neglected, that's all that's going on here. Mainstream porn gets popular because it's done better and it's easier for guys to get off to it. That's all. I understand the feeling of not being your guy's total ideal girl is lousy, but you need to look past just the physical. In relationships, guys go for the whole package, everything about a girl, and your everything is the everything he wants.

    • How is it easier for them to get off to it? Why?

    • It's done better. It's got cuter girls, better storylines, higher quality film, and the advantages of having a pro editor. It wouldn't be mainstream if they weren't doing something right, you know?

    • So they get off easier to it because they have hot girls. It wouldn't be mainstream if it had imperfect girls like me, right?

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  • Your issues aren't with porn, nor are they with your body.

    First of all, what a guy jerks off to, and what a guy would like to have sex with, are rarely the same thing. Guys jerk off to eye-candy. In fact, it doesn't even need to be the perfect eye-candy. Maybe one day he's feeling like boobs, so he'll look at a fat ugly girl with huge boobs.. maybe the next day he's feeling like skinny and thin, so he'll look at a girl with nothing, but that's skinny and thin.. maybe one day he's feeling like blonde bimbo.. the next day he's feeling exotic european tan brunette.. one day he's feeling handjobs and wants the girl to be either innocent or aggressive.. the next day he's feeling blowjobs and wants to see nice eyes and lips.. the list goes on.. and I would just think of it like PMS for guys

    but the girl he wants to have sex with.. is a completely different girl.. and what's important to realize.. is that it has very little to do with her body or how she looks..

    some food for thought:

    if a guy wanted to have sex with a porn star or maxim model.. he would pay $150-200 and do exactly that for an hour.. and then leave.. not having to talk to her.. care about her.. worry about her.. deal with her problems.. etc

    if that's what the guy wanted to do.. believe me.. he would do it.. it's cheaper, more time efficient, less stress, and better eye-candy.. not to mention the girl is a professional.. so she would know what she's doing.. enough to blow his mind away and make it worth it.. giving him the best sex he's ever had

    so why is he with s/o like you?

    b/c contrary to what you've been lead to believe about guys.. or convinced yourself about guys.. sex is not just sex.. sex is never just sex.. if it was.. it would be meaningless.. and we'd be better off ignoring you and just jerking off..

    what makes sex enjoyable is "WHO" you're having sex with.. not "HOW" they look.. it's the emotions you feel towards that person that make sex more enjoyable.. yes, someone who looks good makes a guy FEEL more attracted to her.. and because he FEELS that way towards her.. sex with her is better.. but that is just ONE example.. that you've put all this focus on.. someone who is sexy (which has NOTHING to do with looks) makes him also feel attracted.. which makes sex better.. someone who he feels connected to.. close to.. cares for.. wants to take care of.. who he loves.. is someone he wants to express those feelings for.. in the form of sex.. and that makes sex better.. someone who wants to please him and make him happy.. is very attractive and sexy.. and makes sex better

    so your issue is not with porn.. or with your body.. your issue is with misguided focus.. you've somehow convinced yourself that looks or your body is the only thing that matters to a guy.. or that it even matters that much.. let me tell you something.. the best sex a man has.. is with his wife.. after 25 years of marriage.. and it's NOT because of the way she looks..

  • Wow. you are vastly overthinking this. A guy watching porn has nothing to do with wishing his girlfriend was like that and it's not really a fantasy either, at least not usually. It's not like guys seek out porn to fulfill fantasies, maybe some do, but in general, guys just have a biological desire to get off more frequently than women do at least from what I've seen. So when a guy gets aroused and his girlfriend isn't around to help relieve the tension or what not they resort to masturbation. Porn comes in because guys are very visual. Thus they look for something to help them get off.

    As for mainstream vs. amature porn. that' probably just a matter of accessibility. Amature porn is harder to come by and will tend to be shitty quality since, as amature filmmakers, they'd have no idea how to focus, or what makes good lighting, or how to get a decent shot, so you'd end up with dark, half out of focus images of the back of some girls head or something (okay so that's exaggerated, but you get what I mean).

    So he likes mainstream porn. big deal. That doesn't mean he is settling for you. I'll let you in on a little secret. Guys don't want to be with pornstars. They don't respect pornstars, they exist not as people but objects. He's with you, you say he compliments you all the time, he obviously finds you attractive and wants to be with you.

    Stop judging yourself by mainstream pornstar looks, cause honestly, they're not that attractive. Big breasts are overrated, and often ugly when they're too big and fake like pornstars tend to be. you say "Right now I feel like he's just settling for me, because obviously must believe these porn stars have better bodies". I've never heard a more ridiculous statement. What? You think he really wants a pornstar but is just taking what he can get? That would seem rather insulting if this guy truly likes you.

    There is a lot more to attraction than just physical sex apeal. If I were to go out and get laid by a pornstar with a perfect body it still wouldn't compare in the least to the feeling of having sex with my fiancee who may not have the most perfect breasts, or the skinniest little waist, or any of that idealized crap in pornos, but I still find to be the most attractive woman in the world. The pornstar would be boring, mechanical sex with no feeling. But when you love someone, you see them in a different light, and they become the most beautiful thing in the world to you, and nothing else could be better.

    So in summation: your boyfriend watching mainstream porn doesn't mean he wishes you had that body. It means he didn't have you there at the time to help relieve his arousal. Guys don't look for certain types of girls to look at with bodies that are they wish their gf's had. If it really bothers you, give him some x rated pictures/video of yourself. I guarantee he'll like it and then you can see that it's not that he's looking for "perfect" women to masturbate to.

    • Um...i love you?

    • Um... what? lol

    • Haha, I second that. I think I love you too!

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  • I've watched tons of porn in the past, couldn't point a porn star out in a line up though.

    ALL (yes I do mean ALL) guys look at porn.

    It wouldn't matter if you was Britney Spears in her prime lookalike sat on a bed everynight with the Olsen twins (in their prime) and Christina Aguilera thrown in for extras they would still look at porn.

    It sound's like your problem isn't with porn stars but with yourself, you have low self esteem and could do with some form of confidence boost.

    No matter what we say we can't fix that for you, it may take a few sessions of counselling to find out why you have low self esteem and can't snap out of comparing yourself to the absolutely abysmal mess of fake porn stars that in reality would be a nightmare to get into bed as they feel nothing, have no self respect are shallow, self obsessed and usually pretty messed up drug addicts.

    I can't speak for all guys but I would much rather have a natural girl who is caring, loving, faithful, clean, respectful of me and herself and much much much more important than anything the subconscious thing guys aim for even if they don't know it.

    ...A good responsible role model mother for the potential children...

    Guys don't know that because it's buried deep in and only when they look for a mate instead of lust will that be apparent to them.

    You are much more important to the future of a guy looking love than a porn star is to a guy wanting lust there and then.

  • The problem is porn, it is not just you. Your experience is one of the big problems porn causes--it causes or exacerbates female insecurities, and also builds unrealistic male expectations.

    He should feel guilty because it is damaging your relationship. The problem really is not you nor is it unique to you. Men will say that it is just your insecurities, but it is a real problem and many, many men have porn addicition problems and it damages many, many relationships.

    Porn isn't real life. You are. You and he need to recognize that real life is more important than indulging a fantasy if that fantasy affects one of you negatively in real life.

  • Consider the implications, if every living thing was different than every other living thing, then diversity becomes life's one irreducible fact. Only are differences our real" Alfred Kinsey

    Everyone's similarities are never noticed. We all have two eyes, ears, a mouth, so those things are never considered when looking at what is beautiful or ugly. However, it's all the things that are different about ourselves that are. Like with scientific study, everything is reduced to it's simplest forms (ie removes things that is common).

    My point is this. Your only worry is that what you look like is different from what they look like. Not that it's worse in any practical sense, just that it's different. Guys are looking at porn stars with sexual intent. So in reality, the only thing you're missing out on is that guys might not look at you with purely sexual intent. If you wanted a guy to see you as something else, you wouldn't have a problem with this. But, unfortunate as it sounds, you do.

    You problem is not with porn or your body. Because the state of porn itself is irrelevant, and your body functions just as it should (I assume), your problem is the fact that you're not instilling the thought of sex into the heads of every guy you meet. If you want to, then just stuff your bra and lick your lips more because any girl can easily instill the thought of sex into any guys head and they'll go for it if they are under the impression that it is available.

    If you really want to know why guys like porn, it's because when we watch porn, usually sometime during the occasion, we cum. It's mostly an associative thing. Porn makes orgasm, and guys like to have orgasms. It's the fundamental aspect of the male human condition. We'd do it any way it's available.