I'm Pro-Life Choice

I'm Pro-Life Choice

So many people have been debating this topic. I'm here to tell you that I'm pro-life choice. What is 'pro-life choice?', you ask. To put it simply, I will have to break it down.

1. When a man and woman engage in *cough, cough* certain activities I believe that they just made the choice that the risk of conception was worth their fun. I believe that when a woman makes the choice to take that risk with her partner that she is then morally responsable for the afterman. As is her partner.

2. The second point I'd like to make is this: A fetus' heart starts beating 18 days after conception. To put it simply, when you aport, after this piont, you're killing of something that has a beating heart. There is no way to justify that, in my opinion.

3. While the child is totally depentant on his/her mother, and it does do crazy things to her body, it is meant to be there. Where else would it go? Babies Cannot truly be delieved by storks so it must reside inside the mother's body, who, I might remind you, engaged in *cough, cough* activities with full knowledge that this was a risk.

4. While many people may not agree with me, if you take into consideration point number 2 I presented and add that to what I'm about to tell you, you'll see it from my point of view. A woman may have rights to her own body, but what about the unborn's right to life? We morn the passing of those young stars who die by thier own hands, of their own foolishness, but we completely ignore those who are being killed daily for no reason except they're tresspassing in a woman's body (where they are supossed to be).

So, being pro-life choice means that I am making the choice to life. I make the choice to live everyday and unborns should be allowed this same basic human right until they're old enough to choose for themselves if they want to live or not.

*Disclaimer* I'm not saying there are not good reasons to abort. Too many medical issues, cases of rape, and extreme things like that, but simply doing it because you're too lazy, busy, poor, or young to start a family is not a good reason in my eye's. If you engaged in *cough, cough* the act then grow up and take on the responsiblitly of your action's.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • Here's my take on abortion.

    If it's made illegal, women will go back to backyard abortions and the fatality rate for abortions will shoot right back up.
    I much prefer the death of an unwanted, unborn baby, then the life of an unwanted, suicidal teen. I know how it feels to be unwanted. It's a horrible feeling and while I may never have gotten to the point of being suicidal, I have friends who have.
    There are way too many people in the world. So while I'm sad about all the wars and shit, all the women who can't get pregnant, and all that. I am rooting for the women who decide not to aid the overpopulation of the world. Seriously, I know some women who should learn what contraception is. Eight kids? Seriously? You're aware they all have abandonment issues because you can't give them all the attention they need right? No offense, but stupid people.

    Being too young is a good enough reason. There are more medical issues involved for both mum and baby if the mother is too young. Not to mention the mental issues to go along.

    I'm pro-choice. A baby isn't a baby until it's brain is working along with it's heart. I don't care if it has blood pumping. There are stupid, whatever they're called that cause cancer that have blood pumping and everyone is more than happy to cut those out. Maybe not cancer but they can kill you somehow. My mind's gone blank on what they are.

    Question. You seem to prefer an unwanted baby to be born yeah? What about when those unwanted babies are born into abusive homes? Taken into foster care? Put in orphanages that don't have the facility's to give every child the care, love and attention they need?

    Sorry, but as horrid as some people see abortion, the birth of an unwanted baby that is only going to go through life feeling unwanted and worthless is just barbaric to me. Whether or not it has the capacity to feel any other way is irrelevant. It's very hard to feel like anyone can accept you, when the people who made you, the people who should love you no matter what, don't even want you.

    You don't know how glad I am that my older brother doesn't know how our dad tried to get Mum to abort him.

    • If you believe souls choose their situation so that their soul may grow and learn greater lessons... If you believe that greater people come out stronger from rough up bringings... If you believe that the strong people are the ones who have to fight... If you believe that people can't plan everything perfectly... If you believe that one tiny life can save anothers just as easily as it could kill one... If you believe that you can't control anyone else but yourself... What true reasoning/excuse is there to kill such a bright and possible opportunity such as a little human being? I'm not saying that you are wrong, I am just saying that the positives in life don't always start out that way. People who are for abortion are not stupid, but I fear that ignorance has blinded them. There definitely has to be a balance of light and dark, so i am not one to tell you which one you choose. I just hope you know that it is a choice. What is yours?

Most Helpful Guy

  • Really can't be fucked getting too much into this, but I remember a documentary I watched ages ago that explained by allowing abortion the quality of life of kids improved because parents that weren't ready had the choice to better prepare for the massive burden that raising children is later on. Less criminals, less homelessness, more healthy useful members of society.

    So while you may think you have the moral high ground, you're essentially arguing quantity over quality of Human life and the planet is already over-populated and there's already enough suffering with crime and poverty. Sure you can call it murder or whatever, but sometimes, death is mercy. But you're probably too entrenched in your first world bubble to understand that. I urge you to go to Africa, visit the starving, diseased, teenage mothers and their equally underprivileged children. Go see what quantity over quality of life is really like.

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  • If you believe souls choose their situation so that their soul may grow and learn greater lessons...
    If you believe that greater people come out stronger from rough up bringings...
    If you believe that the strong people are the ones who have to fight...
    If you believe that people can't plan everything perfectly...
    If you believe that one tiny life can save anothers just as easily as it could kill one...
    If you believe that you can't control anyone else but yourself...
    What true reasoning/excuse is there to kill such a bright and possible opportunity such as a little human being?

    I'm not saying that you are wrong, I am just saying that the positives in life don't always start out that way.
    People who are for abortion are not stupid, but I fear that ignorance has blinded them. There definitely has to be a balance of light and dark, so i am not one to tell you which one you choose. I just hope you know that it is a choice. What is yours?
    Pro-choice vs Pro-life?
    We already have the choice to abortion, the real choice is based on what you think of life.

    • "People who are for abortion are not stupid, but I fear that ignorance has blinded them." I don't know if I'm blinded by ignorance but when I see no compatibility for newborns (which is commonly the case) then there is nothing left but to abort to spare the pain.

    • "Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have - life itself." -Walter Anderson @Unit1 I am not saying that people who choose abortion is necessarily wrong, but I know that choosing life is better. The choices you make are your character.

    • "I am not saying that people who choose abortion is necessarily wrong, but I know that choosing life is better." Errr... Let's just take an example Is it better for a newborn child to be known born incompatible without it's necessary needs for a normal life when it's future awaits starving, abuse, constant desire of wishes and things the child never gets and a waste of time while being powerless of making changes on it's own for 18 years if not longer, risking the chances of getting a drug junkie and a future criminal (not to mention it's parents pretty much abandoned it and has no chance of a successful life anymore because it's education is highly likely to become limited or undesired in heart) OR to abort such events to happen in the first place? I'm asking this because the chances for such things outweights the chances to not become one. "The choices you make are your character." - Pretty much true, it does display! I think you can read mine.

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  • 1. Yes I agree with this, but no contraceptive is 100% safe so a pregnancy can always happen.

    2. To me a beating heart does not equal life, would you consider someone in a vegetative state 'alive?' Alive is when your brain is developed in such a degree to where it can perform the same functions as fully developed brains. The foetus' brain doesn't develop to this degree until later in gestation and this is where the cutoff point is for abortion in many countries. Source: I am a neuroscientist.

    3. Says whom? Just because we're biologically capable of reproducing doesn't mean that a foetus is supposed to stay in the womb. I personally think that a foetus is better of being aborted than being born unwanted since there's nothing more harmful than not being loved and wanted. Also talking about how things are 'supposed to go,' one in 8 women have a natural miscarriage during the first 8 weeks of their pregnancy so using your line or reasoning you can also argue that abortions are thus natural.

    4. No we shouldn't think about the unborn foetus' rights to life since they're not alive during the period in which abortion is possible (point 2). We should however think about the rights to life of the born child, and every child deserves to be born feeling loved and secure which is not the case when they're born unwanted (see point 3).

    • 2. I understand where you;'re coming from, but I politely disagree. 3. Abortion is purposely having a miscarriage (Pills.) Or, having it sucks from you. If you have to have something make you miscarry the fetus then it's not natural. 4. Once born, they do have the opportunity to feel loved. Most just choose to wallow in what they've always known.

  • I agree and even though I don't want children, I would personally never have an abortion but I think other women should have the right to do what they choose to do, it's not up to me to point fingers or judge if their reasons are good enough for me.

    Abortion is difficult, I don't think the majority of women who aren't in a bad situation, physically, emotionally or financially would choose it just for the fun of it, so I don't see the point in making something that is already going to be difficult for them, even harder, just because I don't agree with it.

  • <----Pro-Choice

    Only people who don't use any measures of protection should face the responsibility of their actions. Abortion for birth control is stupid and anyone who believes that's a good thing is wrong. It's a last resort.

    Now if both used condoms, birth control, and every other way of protection. Plus doing it all 100% correctly. Then some how they still end up knocked up. I don't believe they should be stuck with something. That they did take the measures of avoiding.

    Taking anyone's right to abort is taking away their freedom as well. I know the baby has the right to live. So there is no win win situation it's either one or the other.

    Sometimes aborting is for the sake of the child so they don't have to go through a horrible life and parents that never wanted them in the first place. Adoption isn't that great because look at how many kids that are stuck in orphanage. Just because nobody else has tried to take them in at all. So they are stuck wondering "why doesn't anyone want me? What have i done wrong?"

    (side note) In nature it's all about pro-life so different species can carry on. Yet mothers will kill their own babies and fathers will to. Just so they can create more life.

  • Pro choice over here.

  • I have pretty much precisely the same views. Good take.

  • i think people should always have the option to abort. i think its stupid to use it as a form of birth control tho. if abortion at a clinic wasn't an option women would find other ways to get rid of the baby before they're even born so if we're going to do it might as well do it in a safe way. if a teen does do something stupid and gets pregnant they should look at their options. i would personally lean towards abortion but still. being too poor is a reason to abort. i wouldn't want my poor baby to die of starvation. rape is also a good reason.

    • Nobody starves in the western world.

    • That's a very ignorant comment to make, there is poverty everywhere, even in the western world. Look at the stats, this is proven scientifically and numbers do not lie.

    • @dudeman do you know EVERYBODY in the western world? no.

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  • If someone gets raped, and financially can't handle a child, or has a medical issue then they don't have to have it.

    • Agree with that. I used to be pro-life but I recently converted to pro-choice. I know I couldn't handle it at this time and don't ever want kids anyway, so I'd just terminate the pregnancy as soon as possible. I mean think about it. 9 months of medical complications, embarrassment, and stress.

    • @onyx277 yeah :/ by no means is it easy but in the long run, not worth it.

    • Exactly.. I used to always say I would have it and give it up for adoption afterwards, but if I actually GOT pregnant, I probably wouldn't want to wait that long.

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  • That's fine. Everyone has a choice

  • I agree, the parents choices ended at conception. Their rights do not truimp the unborns right to life.

  • I'm pro choice. 100%.

    By the way, this question seems a real obsession on this site: https://www.girlsaskguys.com/search?q=abortion

    • Yeah, I saw one question about a week ago and set to writing my mytake right away.

  • Life begins at conception this is science fact and not up for debate. If you have an abortion you are a bad person.

    • Yeah if they get raped or might die from having a child and do it they are horrible : uh-huh.

    • 97% of abortions are done as birth control. Dont be dense dont argue with the exceptions.

    • Sure, because paying up to 3500$ is your average contraception method.

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  • Yeah, I'm kind of on both sides of the argument too.

  • This is great.

  • Its pointless debating this, its been legal in the U. S. for over 40 years now and that's not going to change.

    I agree its irresponsible to use it as a form of birth control.

    But its not going away regardless.

    • It will be illegal in twenty years as society progresses.

    • Highly doubtful, society is becoming more and liberal with each decade.

    • Have you been ignoring what's going on in Texas?

  • Disagree, in my opinion unless the child is made into a complete human, one that can survive without being inside the Mother, then i don't think i can call it a human, and aborting it should always be an option.

  • A fetus is not alive. It has no brain and is completely incapable of surviving outside the mother. It's more like a parasitic organ rather than a human being.

    • Refer to point three, please.

    • Still doesn't prevent it from being a parasitic organ.

    • The point was that a parasite is something that doesn't belong there. Where else can babies grow naturally?

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  • I'm Pro Choice more. I agree with your disclaimer, about rape and medical issues. I do think it is wrong to just have an abortion because they are too lazy to take care of it. I understand pregnancy can be difficult on a person for 9 months, but if the couple was aware that pregnancy was a possibility, and had means to protection but just didn't use any... that is reckless and ignorant. I would rather put the baby up for adoption, of course.

    But at the same time, if they start putting laws on this, and say something like "Only can have in circumstances of rape or medical issues", who's to say those lazy type of people won't lie and say they were raped so they can have an abortion? That would be wrong of course, they might put more laws down. That would negatively effect the women who were raped and needed to in that situation.

    So I would rather have it Pro Choice, and let the woman decide, since it is her body. In an ideal world, people would act respectful and like adults, especially when they do the deed. But that isn't the case, sadly.

  • Probably shouldn't talk about abortion on a place like this. Trolling

  • People like you is the reason why there are so many kids abandoned in orphanages, or being neglected by their unprepared parents.

    • That, again, is not my 'fault'. I did not engage in the act without the proper means to support a child.

    • I don't know, I fear its worse to bring an unloved/unwanted child into the world who could face abuse, neglect and grow into a disturbed adult, or just become another useless member of society that leaches off of our social welfare system. The state, religions, and people should stay out of the decision making process of what people do with their bodies. I think everyone is entitled to their own opinions and views on the issue, but I don't think its right for people to tell those who are contemplating the procedure what they should do WITH THEIR bodies, after all the person who makes the decision lives with that choice? so how does this impact you? IT DOES NOT.

    • My mytake is about how people should not abort because of stupid things (Like they're too lazy, too young, or too poor) It's not morally right. Also, I never told anyone how to how to live. I'm only a light in the raging sea. I simply pointed out what I believe about abortion and gave supporting evidence. I'm not going to point a gun at anyone's head to prevent them from aborting. Also, I believe it's not your body. Your body is a gift from God. So your final point is lost on me.

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