I'm scared of having a girlfriend?

I'm ready, I want one and there's a girl I like, but I'm scared. I have no idea how to talk to girls or how to be a good boyfriend. I'm so shy. I also realize that after a few months she would want something more, like fingering or bj's etc and I'm scared of that too.
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Most Helpful Girl

  • What makes you think girls will want to finger you after a few months? Not all girls are like that. What the good ones want is someone who they can can talk to like a good friend, someone who makes them laugh and smile, and someone who is able to have fun in life. Someone who will drag themselves to the mall with her even if he doesn't want to. Or will sit next to them and hold their hands at the movies.

    As far as talking to them goes, be funny, but don't try to hard. And we hate it when guys just listen. It makes the girl feel like all she is doing is talking on and on and on and on. If she says she is doing something, tell her, "That sounds fun.." Then ask her questions about it, but with every answer tell her something about yourself too.

    Shy is good, most don't like guys who are players and talk to everyone or high five everyone they walk past. But don't not do something just because you have some fear of it. Doing something you are scared of makes her like you more.

    Tell us how you feel. Don't hide your emotions. Find a way to make her happy. Say please, thank you, sorry, you're welcome. Look into her eyes when you talk to her. Thumb wrestle her, and actually try. Tell her she is beautiful even with no makeup on, sweatpants, and her hair is messed up. Then kiss her. But, do not do not do not have chapped lips. Gross. They invent chap stick for a reason. No it is not weird for a guy to wear some. Chapped lips are a huge turn off.

    I will leave the rest of it up to you and nature. Hope this helped some. WE DO NOT WANT TO GET DOWN AND DIRTY WITH YOU EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY. Oh yea, one more thing, text her, call her, say goodnight and good morning, be a good person. It is not stalkerish to call a girl every night to tell her good night or good morning. Tell her you miss her even for the weekend. We like that. And, mini golf is a lot of fun, instead of going out to a club.


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