I sent dirty pictures to a guy and he threatened to post them online?

So I sent BIKINI pictures to a guy, like bra and underwear. But he has like 7 of them and is threatening to post them online.. We are both under 18. Could he get in any legal trouble for this if I told the cops?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Probably not. Neither of you are adults, and he could argue that you gave him the pictures. Courts have dealt with this issue a lot, and they usually decide in favor of the person who posts the pictures. It seems unfair, but YOU have a responsibility to keep private what should be private. You can't give away pictures of yourself and expect them to be handled the way you want.

    If they are only bikini pictures, I wouldn't worry. If he posts them, blow it off, and he will look like the jerk, not you. But this should be a valuable lesson to you. NEVER, EVER, EVER send someone pictures of yourself that would be embarrassing if they got out. You may think that "trust" and "love" is there, but I assure you, at your age, those things aren't as solid as you may think. Maturity is missing from the equation, by both people.

    Furthermore, I hire a LOT of recent college grads in my firm. Every summer I sift through literally 100s of applications. I can promise you that I look at *every* single person's online profile, as far as I can find it. I have confronted many applicants with embarrassing content I found about them during the course of my work. They usually do NOT get hired by me.

    • I don't have FaceBook, Twitter, ect. The only Social Media site I'm on is Instagram and I think Google+. If HE posts something on his Facebook, Instagram with my name, would YOU be able to find it when trying to hire me?

    • Possibly. If he tags your face in the picture with your name, Google can index it and it would come up when I search on your name. Again, bikini shots are no big deal. You're allowed to go the beach, aren't you? I would be more concerned with a picture of you, fully clothed, sucking beer out of someone's belly button (I actually saw this once), than a tasteful picture of you in a bathing suit.

    • But some of them aren't bikini but just bra and underwear...

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  • If you're really worried, get your parents involved. Get an adult you trust involved. Be it an older sibling even. If it's that bad, who cares about shame or the punishment you might get from your parents. You have the capacity of creating a sh*t storm for him, maybe threaten him with child p*rn charges and that alone is enough to f*** him up for life socially/job wise/etc...

    So if it's something you regret, you don't want to be public, you fear for your personal safety or private life... talk to your parents, get police involved and protect yourself from psychopaths like this.

    This is a life lesson, live with it or deal with it as best you can, with or without the law.

    • Thank you! This is perfect.

    • But should I wait to see if he's going to do it?

    • This is not child p*rn. This is not psychopathic behavior. Words have meanings, and shouldn't be tossed around indiscriminately.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • even though her isn't adult he can still get in trouble for posting them on the internet because you are , unfortunately you can also get into trouble for sending the pic. several teens has been charged with child p*rnography for taking, sending, or receiving semi-nude pictures of minors. if he post them to thin internet he can definitely get in trouble. in the future I suggest you don't send nude pics to avoid these type of situations. link

  • Hhaha if they were naked he could get charged with distributing child p*rnography. He's threatening you to try and get a reaction, don't react and he'll forget about it hopefully. You're semi clothed so just contact the site if he posts them. If he goes to your school or something it could probably be considered bullying or something but I don't know. Just wear one of those red "A"s on your shirt and own it. hhaha

    • Hahah good idea. Thanks. (: I told him I would "kill" myself if he did that. And he said I was mentally ill. So I think I kinda scared him with that.

    • Bahahah I never would have thought of that! Suicide is not something to joke about but hey! if it gets the a**hole off your back then why the heck not!

    • Hahah right. I told him I'm clinically depressed and borderline suicidal. Its not something to joke about but I think it might've worked. I think he let it go. I don't really care what he thinks at this point.

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  • It's legal to post that sort of thing online, even when under aged. Ever heard of Angie Varona?

    I would stop talking to him, never send compromising photos again and wait and see where he posts it and hope you can get in contact with site admin to take it down,

    • I just Googled her. Did she not post those pictures of herself?

    • She posted them on a private photobucket account only her boyfriend had access to, someone hacked it and leaked all of them onto the internet. She was 14 in all of those photos but the police couldn't do anything because there was no nudity :(

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  • Your stupidity doesn't deserve empathy. I mean they have god damn PSA's about this sh*t and girls still send pics to guy, then act surprised when he shows it to his friends or posts it online.

    • You're right.

  • no not really, depending on the age of consent where you are which usually is 16, but don't worry to much, if you show him your not fussed, he probably won't do it, but as your in a bikini which is often seen as normal wear for girls, nothing naughty about it, just remember to never do something like that again to any guy no matter what they say, but call his bluff, I think he won't have the balls to do it,x

    • What if I'm not 16 yet? Is it illegal if I'm 15?

    • no because the picture does not reveal anything,x

    • If you're 15, then you can be done for creating and transmitting p*rnographic pictures of an underage girl. As retarded as that sounds, that's the law in many places now.

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  • why would he do that?

    do you know?

    • Yeah I asked and he said "Idk I just don't like you."

    • in that case, he most likely won't post them, but don't tempt him.. ^-^ he's just liking the idea of being "in control" I'm pretty sure that's it.. ^-^

  • Since they are bikini pics I highly doubt it. Even in bra and underwear that is perfectly legal. He didn't take the pictures himself and they were taken with consent so there is no illegal activity there either.

    • But I'm under 18 and he didn't have my consent to post them..

    • Consent only goes as far as originally taking the picture. That is like sending in your pics to an advertisement agency and they use it for some STD awareness. You gave them consent to use your picture but you didn't fathom them using it for that. You sent him pics trusting he wouldn't do anything foolish with them. Once it is out there you don't really have much control. He could claim that he was hacked and someone stole the pics. Or that he was showing off what his girl looks like.

  • If you are clothed,perhaps it is best to ignore it.

    If he posts them somewhere, you can contact the site operator (like Facebook) and seek to have them removed.

    If you want to do something about it now, tell him that he doesn't have permission to do anything with your photos, and you are considering talking to your and his parents about the best way to handle this.

    • Yeah, that could work. Thanks.